South Jersey Bird Gang Land

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


60th out of 740
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (58)
Overall performance in matches
55% Win rate
Win 32
Draw 0
Lose 26
+ 43
- 35
+/- 8
Tournament statistics (13)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 3
Top 8 8
Top 16 2
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 4x vs Orbrun
Most lost 5x vs Failsafe
Most played 6x vs Failsafe
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Orbrun
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs MyQuestForPower
Matches history (58)
Result Score Date
Fair Game 51: Melee
Lose vs BongoTronic© Weedbot 1-3 2017-07-22
Lose vs Greasy / Error 2-3 2017-07-22
Win vs EpicFlyingTaco 2-0 2017-07-22
Fair Game XXV: Melee
Lose vs BX2 0-1 2016-10-22
Lose vs Ethnic / magnet 0-1 2016-10-22
Win vs Mr. Lonely 1-0 2016-10-22
Fair Game XXIV - Melee
Lose vs Oatmeal 0-1 2016-10-15
Win vs SYE | The Real Mr. M 1-0 2016-10-15
Lose vs Dogger 0-1 2016-10-15
Win vs Guap$ 1-0 2016-10-15
Fair Game XXII: Melee
Lose vs Guap$ 0-1 2016-09-17
Win vs Miffee 1-0 2016-09-17
Lose vs Zodiac 0-1 2016-09-17
Win vs Guap$ 1-0 2016-09-17
Fair Game XVIII: Melee
Lose vs Rest in Peace (Also Foshizzlen) 0-1 2016-08-20
Win vs Walrus 1-0 2016-08-20
Win vs SYE | The Real Mr. M 1-0 2016-08-20
Win vs counter sb 1-0 2016-08-20
Lose vs Cory 0-1 2016-08-20
Win vs Soda 1-0 2016-08-20
Fair Game XV: Melee
Lose vs OcS | Kairi Conti 1-2 2016-07-30
Win vs Sporsinick 2-0 2016-07-30
Win vs SYE | The Real Mr. M 2-0 2016-07-30
Win vs Earthboundy 2-1 2016-07-30
Lose vs Dair 0-2 2016-07-30
Win vs Nexus 2-0 2016-07-30
Fair Game IX: Melee
Lose vs Oatmeal 0-1 2016-05-22
Win vs counter sb 1-0 2016-05-22
Win vs Nexus 1-0 2016-05-22
Lose vs Vex 0-1 2016-05-22
Win vs pidgeot 1-0 2016-05-22
F-air Game V: Melee
Lose vs Failsafe 0-1 2016-04-16
Lose vs BigMoron 0-1 2016-04-16
Win vs Guap$ 1-0 2016-04-16
Win vs Garb 1-0 2016-04-16
Win vs Pabst 1-0 2016-04-16
F-air Game III: Melee
Lose vs dog 0-1 2016-04-02
Lose vs Failsafe 0-1 2016-04-02
Win vs Gew 1-0 2016-04-02
JS Reset: Melee Singles
Lose vs Griggle 0-1 2016-03-08
Lose vs Zodiac 0-1 2016-03-08
Win vs s780 1-0 2016-03-08
Win vs Dio 1-0 2016-03-08
Win vs Jmanji 1-0 2016-03-08
Just Smashing XX - Melee
Lose vs Failsafe 0-1 2015-08-08
Win vs Moosh 1-0 2015-08-08
Win vs Orbrun 1-0 2015-08-08
Lose vs MyQuestForPower 0-1 2015-08-08
Win vs Moosh 1-0 2015-08-08
Just Smashing XVIII - Melee
Lose vs Failsafe 0-1 2015-07-27
Win vs Failsafe 1-0 2015-07-27
Win vs Orbrun 1-0 2015-07-27
Lose vs Failsafe 0-1 2015-07-27
Win vs Orbrun 1-0 2015-07-25
Win vs Charles 1-0 2015-07-25
Just Smashing XIV - Melee
Lose vs MyQuestForPower 1-2 2015-06-21
Win vs Orbrun 2-0 2015-06-21
Lose vs MyQuestForPower 0-2 2015-06-21
Tournaments history (13)
Name Rank Date
Fair Game 51: Melee 7 / 7 2017-07-22
Fair Game XXV: Melee 9 / 17 2016-10-22
Fair Game XXIV - Melee 7 / 16 2016-10-15
Fair Game XXII: Melee 4 / 12 2016-09-17
Fair Game XVIII: Melee 7 / 27 2016-08-20
Fair Game XV: Melee 7 / 32 2016-07-30
Fair Game IX: Melee 9 / 26 2016-05-22
F-air Game V: Melee 3 / 18 2016-04-16
F-air Game III: Melee 5 / 11 2016-04-03
JS Reset: Melee Singles 5 / 32 2016-03-08
Just Smashing XX - Melee 3 / 7 2015-08-08
Just Smashing XVIII - Melee 2 / 7 2015-07-27
Just Smashing XIV - Melee 4 / 6 2015-06-21