Smash Xalapa Post-Pandemia

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
14th out of 307
01 July 2024 - 30 September 2024
Activity requirement
Requires 4 tournaments played within last 3 months
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (31)
Overall performance in matches
42% Win rate
Win 13
Draw 0
Lose 18
+ 41
- 51
+/- -10
Tournament statistics (7)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 2
Top 16 5
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 2x vs Pato
Most lost 3x vs Bray1989
Most played 4x vs Bray1989
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 25% vs Bray1989
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Istva
Matches history (31)
Result Score Date
Sigad Weekly #39
Lose vs VC | Black Memis 0-3 2024-09-27
Win vs Pato 2-1 2024-09-27
Lose vs Istva 0-3 2024-09-27
Win vs Bray1989 3-2 2024-09-27
Sigad Weekly #37
Lose vs 4T | ToTis 0-3 2024-09-13
Lose vs Burgo 0-3 2024-09-13
Win vs PX | SGD | Edo 3-0 2024-09-13
Torneo Wing's Palace #2 by Sigad
Lose vs Istva 1-3 2024-09-02
Win vs LyT 2-0 2024-09-02
Lose vs AC | SAYGEX | Lalets 0-2 2024-09-02
Lose vs Burgo 0-2 2024-09-02
Win vs Lag 2-0 2024-09-02
Win vs Zheon 2-1 2024-09-02
Win vs Posho 2-0 2024-09-02
Sigad Weekly #34
Lose vs Istva 1-2 2024-08-23
Win vs Pato 2-0 2024-08-23
Lose vs Bray1989 0-2 2024-08-23
Lose vs Burgo 1-2 2024-08-23
Win vs Li0 2-0 2024-08-23
Lose vs Ro 0-2 2024-08-23
Lose vs El_Zuru 1-2 2024-08-23
Sigad Weekly #32
Lose vs VH | Luu 0-3 2024-08-09
Win vs FGz N0V4 3-0 2024-08-09
Lose vs Bray1989 0-3 2024-08-09
Sigad Weekly #30
Lose vs Bray1989 0-3 2024-07-26
Win vs Boggy 3-0 2024-07-26
Lose vs 4T | ToTis 2-3 2024-07-26
Sigad Weekly #27
Lose vs Dinwiz 2-3 2024-07-05
Win vs Drilos 3-0 2024-07-05
Win vs Monse 3-0 2024-07-05
Lose vs [No Name] 1-3 2024-07-05
Tournaments history (7)
Name Rank Date
Sigad Weekly #39 7 / 19 2024-09-26
Sigad Weekly #37 9 / 20 2024-09-12
Torneo Wing's Palace #2 by Sigad 7 / 20 2024-09-01
Sigad Weekly #34 9 / 14 2024-08-22
Sigad Weekly #32 9 / 17 2024-08-08
Sigad Weekly #30 9 / 17 2024-07-25
Sigad Weekly #27 9 / 20 2024-07-04