Smash Ultimate UK&IE 2018-19

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United Kingdom
5 962
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

SP | Ginge 

As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
443rd out of 5962
08 July 2019 - 08 December 2019
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (130)
Overall performance in matches
45% Win rate
Win 58
Draw 0
Lose 72
+ 152
- 184
+/- -32
Tournament statistics (31)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 7
Top 16 17
Top 32 4
Worst 3
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 4x vs Valkyrie
Most lost 5x vs Skittle
Most played 7x vs Treasure
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Valkyrie
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs SP | Plats
Matches history (130)
Result Score Date
MeltingPoint 27
Lose vs Nabster 0-2 2019-12-02
Lose vs Kiran 1-2 2019-12-02
MeltingPoint 26
Lose vs Winda 1-2 2019-11-25
Lose vs SP | Mr. Spuddles 0-2 2019-11-25
Win vs Red (YH) 2-1 2019-11-25
Win vs Dead Weight 2-0 2019-11-25
MeltingPoint 25
Lose vs Winda 0-2 2019-11-18
Win vs Mauzer 2-1 2019-11-18
Win vs TheOneRing 2-1 2019-11-18
Lose vs Treasure 0-2 2019-11-18
MeltingPoint 24
Lose vs SP | Plats 1-2 2019-11-11
Win vs Goron 2-0 2019-11-11
Lose vs Vulcan 0-2 2019-11-11
Win vs Valkyrie 2-1 2019-11-11
MeltingPoint 23
Lose vs Winda 1-2 2019-11-04
Win vs Megamalixer 2-0 2019-11-04
Lose vs FATB 0-2 2019-11-04
Win vs Mauzer 2-1 2019-11-04
Rite of the Rose III
Lose vs TaleOfTheToaster 0-2 2019-11-02
Win vs DIFTA | Charlie 2-0 2019-11-02
Lose vs PW | CurryGovernor 0-2 2019-11-02
Win vs Cabbages 2-0 2019-11-02
MeltingPoint 22
Lose vs SP | Plats 0-2 2019-10-28
Win vs Snarcolepsy 2-0 2019-10-28
Lose vs Zacerino 0-2 2019-10-28
Win vs Retr0 2-0 2019-10-28
MeltingPoint 21
Lose vs SP | Plats 0-2 2019-10-21
Win vs Aamir 2-1 2019-10-21
Lose vs Vulcan 0-2 2019-10-21
Win vs Valkyrie 2-1 2019-10-21
Boost Fire #40
Lose vs Treasure 1-3 2019-10-20
Win vs Blue Root 3-0 2019-10-20
Lose vs Big Z 0-3 2019-10-20
MeltingPoint 20
Lose vs Big Z 0-2 2019-10-14
Win vs Treasure 2-0 2019-10-14
Win vs Kiran 2-0 2019-10-14
Lose vs WippyM 0-2 2019-10-14
Win vs Vensuna 2-0 2019-10-14
Boost Fire #39
Lose vs General Scales 0-3 2019-10-13
Win vs Adders 3-0 2019-10-13
Win vs xPastaa 3-2 2019-10-13
Lose vs Violet 2-3 2019-10-13
MeltingPoint 19
Lose vs Fruityboy 0-2 2019-10-07
Win vs A Bowser 2-1 2019-10-07
Win vs Mauzer 2-0 2019-10-07
Lose vs General Scales 0-2 2019-10-07
Win vs Jonesy 2-0 2019-10-07
Manchester Conquest 5: MiniMo's Mega Adventure
Lose vs zegend 0-2 2019-10-05
Win vs Cabbages 2-1 2019-10-05
Lose vs AlexOD 1-2 2019-10-05
Lose vs SSM | Reol 0-2 2019-10-05
Lose vs BMW 0-2 2019-10-05
SmashDash XXIX: Magi's Ornithological Extraordinaire
Lose vs MaxD 1-2 2019-09-21
Lose vs Regenix 0-2 2019-09-21
Win vs OddSocks 2-1 2019-09-21
Win vs Pig!? 2-0 2019-09-21
Lose vs bacon cheese 1-2 2019-09-21
Lose vs Luthor 0-2 2019-09-21
Lose vs PW | SBF 0-2 2019-09-21
MeltingPoint 16
Lose vs xKYoshi 0-2 2019-09-16
Win vs Treasure 2-1 2019-09-16
Lose vs A Bowser 0-2 2019-09-16
Boost Fire #35
Lose vs SP | powergo 1-3 2019-09-15
Lose vs Skittle 0-3 2019-09-15
Win vs Serafall 3-0 2019-09-15
MeltingPoint 15
Lose vs honey_o 0-2 2019-09-09
Win vs Jim (YH) 2-1 2019-09-09
Win vs Dennis 2-0 2019-09-09
Lose vs Fruityboy 1-2 2019-09-09
Win vs PAC 2-0 2019-09-09
Brave New World 2
Lose vs HalfBaked 0-2 2019-09-08
Win vs 6Pool 2-1 2019-09-08
Lose vs Claw 0-2 2019-09-08
Lose vs Shush 0-2 2019-09-08
Win vs Pickle 2-1 2019-09-08
Lose vs Spam 0-2 2019-09-08
Lose vs Parsnip 0-2 2019-09-08
MeltingPoint 14
Lose vs A Bowser 0-2 2019-09-02
Win vs Valkyrie 2-0 2019-09-02
Win vs Winson 2-0 2019-09-02
Lose vs Circinus 0-2 2019-09-02
Manchester Conquest 4
Lose vs Luthor 1-2 2019-08-31
Lose vs Skittle 0-2 2019-08-31
Win vs Foulds 2-1 2019-08-31
Win vs Sholuna 2-0 2019-08-31
Lose vs TR | ZamasuZSS 0-2 2019-08-31
Win vs Alrightio 2-0 2019-08-31
Win vs JasonORANGE 2-0 2019-08-31
Lose vs EPIC BATTLER :3 0-2 2019-08-31
MeltingPoint 13
Lose vs Oogway 1-2 2019-08-26
Win vs TheOneRing 2-0 2019-08-26
Lose vs Big Z 0-2 2019-08-26
Boost Fire #32
Lose vs Violet 0-3 2019-08-25
Win vs Oogway 3-1 2019-08-25
Win vs SP | powergo 3-2 2019-08-25
Lose vs Skittle 0-3 2019-08-25
Win vs Caskade 3-0 2019-08-25
MeltingPoint 12
Lose vs xPastaa 0-2 2019-08-19
Lose vs Red (YH) 1-2 2019-08-19
MeltingPoint 11
Lose vs Skittle 1-2 2019-08-12
Win vs Treasure 2-1 2019-08-12
Lose vs Big Z 1-2 2019-08-12
Win vs Foulds 2-0 2019-08-12
Win vs Sparcs 2-0 2019-08-12
Boost Fire #31
Lose vs xPastaa 2-3 2019-08-11
Lose vs Treasure 2-3 2019-08-11
MeltingPoint 10
Lose vs Treasure 1-2 2019-08-05
Win vs Fakemim 2-1 2019-08-05
Lose vs PW | cousin boneless 1-2 2019-08-05
Win vs Vodka 2-1 2019-08-05
MeltingPoint 9
Lose vs SP | Rainer 0-2 2019-07-29
Win vs Valkyrie 2-0 2019-07-29
Win vs Thunder2150 2-0 2019-07-29
Lose vs SP | powergo 0-2 2019-07-29
Boost Fire 28.7.19
Lose vs Violet 2-3 2019-07-28
Win vs Oogway 3-2 2019-07-28
Lose vs Skittle 0-3 2019-07-28
MeltingPoint 8
Lose vs xPastaa 1-2 2019-07-22
Win vs Schmoo 2-1 2019-07-22
Lose vs TR | Degalla 0-2 2019-07-22
Win vs Jonesy 2-0 2019-07-22
MeltingPoint 7
Lose vs Hexisbex 1-2 2019-07-15
Win vs Vampyrbat 2-1 2019-07-15
Win vs Mullac 2-0 2019-07-15
Lose vs Toast 0-2 2019-07-15
Win vs Blue Root 2-1 2019-07-15
MeltingPoint 6
Win vs TheRedFlash 2-0 2019-07-08
Lose vs SP | Rainer 0-2 2019-07-08
Lose vs Circinus 1-2 2019-07-08
Win vs Simon 2-0 2019-07-08
Tournaments history (31)
Name Rank Date
MeltingPoint 27 17 / 23 2019-12-02
MeltingPoint 26 9 / 25 2019-11-25
MeltingPoint 25 9 / 23 2019-11-18
MeltingPoint 24 13 / 30 2019-11-11
MeltingPoint 23 13 / 27 2019-11-04
Rite of the Rose III 49 / 128 2019-11-02
MeltingPoint 22 13 / 28 2019-10-28
MeltingPoint 21 13 / 32 2019-10-21
Boost Fire #40 7 / 9 2019-10-20
MeltingPoint 20 9 / 29 2019-10-14
Boost Fire #39 5 / 13 2019-10-13
MeltingPoint 19 9 / 27 2019-10-07
Manchester Conquest 5: MiniMo's Mega Adventure 65 / 103 2019-10-05
SmashDash XXIX: Magi's Ornithological Extraordinaire 25 / 50 2019-09-21
MeltingPoint 16 13 / 21 2019-09-16
Boost Fire #35 9 / 12 2019-09-15
MeltingPoint 15 9 / 23 2019-09-09
Brave New World 2 25 / 45 2019-09-08
MeltingPoint 14 9 / 23 2019-09-02
Manchester Conquest 4 49 / 128 2019-08-31
MeltingPoint 13 13 / 19 2019-08-26
Boost Fire #32 5 / 13 2019-08-25
MeltingPoint 12 17 / 24 2019-08-19
MeltingPoint 11 7 / 24 2019-08-13
Boost Fire #31 9 / 12 2019-08-11
MeltingPoint 10 13 / 24 2019-08-06
MeltingPoint 9 7 / 17 2019-07-29
Boost Fire 28.7.19 5 / 10 2019-07-28
MeltingPoint 8 13 / 24 2019-07-22
MeltingPoint 7 9 / 29 2019-07-15
MeltingPoint 6 6 / 14 2019-07-08