Smash Ultimate UK&IE 2018-19

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United Kingdom
5 962
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
73rd out of 5962
14 July 2019 - 14 January 2020
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (69)
Overall performance in matches
77% Win rate
Win 53
Draw 0
Lose 16
+ 154
- 72
+/- 82
Tournament statistics (11)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 5
Top 3 3
Top 8 2
Top 16 0
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 8x vs Nin
Most lost 3x vs Dudecaker
Most played 9x vs Nin
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Leprechaun
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 50% vs Barldon
Matches history (69)
Result Score Date
UoY Weekly 4.12.19
Win vs Nin 3-1 2019-12-05
Win vs Nin 3-0 2019-12-05
Win vs Scrob 3-2 2019-12-05
Win vs Leprechaun 3-0 2019-12-05
Win vs DJTurtle 2-0 2019-12-05
UoY Weekly 27.11.19
Lose vs Barldon 2-3 2019-11-27
Win vs Dudecaker 3-2 2019-11-27
Win vs Scrob 3-0 2019-11-27
Lose vs Barldon 2-3 2019-11-27
Win vs Just G 3-0 2019-11-27
Win vs MagicMantwon 2-0 2019-11-27
UoY Weekly 13.11.2019
Win vs José 3-0 2019-11-14
Win vs Dudecaker 3-1 2019-11-14
Win vs Barldon 3-1 2019-11-14
Win vs Leprechaun 3-1 2019-11-14
Win vs DJTurtle 2-0 2019-11-14
UoY Weekly 6.11.19
Lose vs Scrob 2-3 2019-11-06
Lose vs NudeCaker 2-3 2019-11-06
Win vs Stick 3-0 2019-11-06
Win vs DJTurtle 2-0 2019-11-06
UoY Weekly 30.10.19
Win vs José 3-1 2019-10-30
Win vs José 3-0 2019-10-30
Win vs Nin 3-1 2019-10-30
Lose vs José 0-3 2019-10-30
Win vs Nin 3-2 2019-10-30
Win vs Stick 3-0 2019-10-30
Win vs Hans 3-0 2019-10-30
UoY Weekly 23.10.19
Win vs Scrob 3-2 2019-10-23
Win vs Scrob 3-1 2019-10-23
Win vs Nin 3-2 2019-10-23
Win vs Leprechaun 2-0 2019-10-23
Win vs Stuffed 2-0 2019-10-23
UoY Weekly 16.10.19
Lose vs Nin 1-3 2019-10-16
Lose vs José 1-3 2019-10-16
Win vs Atlas (Mr CH1LL) 3-0 2019-10-16
Win vs Just G 2-0 2019-10-16
Win vs Elliot 2-0 2019-10-16
UoY Weekly 09.10.19
Win vs Dudecaker 3-2 2019-10-09
Win vs Dudecaker 3-2 2019-10-09
Win vs José 3-1 2019-10-09
Lose vs Dudecaker 0-3 2019-10-09
Win vs Nin 3-2 2019-10-09
Win vs Just G 2-1 2019-10-09
Win vs BOXMAN 2-0 2019-10-09
Win vs Dylans 2-0 2019-10-09
UoY Weekly 02.10.19
Lose vs Dudecaker 1-3 2019-10-02
Win vs Scrob 3-0 2019-10-02
Win vs Nin 3-1 2019-10-02
Lose vs Dudecaker 0-3 2019-10-02
Win vs Leprechaun 3-0 2019-10-02
Win vs Elliot 3-0 2019-10-02
Knock Out!! 4
Lose vs Lyto 0-3 2019-09-22
Win vs Matteus 3-0 2019-09-22
Win vs Barldon 3-0 2019-09-22
Win vs Dudecaker 3-0 2019-09-22
Lose vs B~Little 1-3 2019-09-22
Win vs Nin 3-0 2019-09-22
Win vs MrNarwhal 2-0 2019-09-22
Win vs MBI 2-1 2019-09-22
Lose vs Matteus 1-2 2019-09-22
Lose vs Devereux 0-2 2019-09-22
Win vs Cookie 2-0 2019-09-22
Win vs girugamish 2-0 2019-09-22
Manchester Conquest 4
Lose vs RIZE | RAMBOSS 0-2 2019-08-31
Win vs honey_o 2-0 2019-08-31
Win vs A Bowser 2-0 2019-08-31
Win vs Marz 2-0 2019-08-31
Lose vs RIZE | Zone 1-2 2019-08-31
Win vs Skittle 2-1 2019-08-31
Tournaments history (11)
Name Rank Date
UoY Weekly 4.12.19 1 / 19 2019-12-04
UoY Weekly 27.11.19 3 / 18 2019-11-27
UoY Weekly 13.11.2019 1 / 17 2019-11-13
UoY Weekly 6.11.19 5 / 19 2019-11-06
UoY Weekly 30.10.19 1 / 20 2019-10-30
UoY Weekly 23.10.19 1 / 25 2019-10-23
UoY Weekly 16.10.19 3 / 28 2019-10-16
UoY Weekly 09.10.19 1 / 34 2019-10-09
UoY Weekly 02.10.19 3 / 18 2019-10-02
Knock Out!! 4 4 / 32 2019-09-22
Manchester Conquest 4 25 / 128 2019-08-31