Smash Ultimate UK&IE 2018-19

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United Kingdom
5 962
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
999th out of 5962
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (46)
Overall performance in matches
37% Win rate
Win 17
Draw 0
Lose 29
+ 45
- 70
+/- -25
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 2
Top 16 2
Top 32 4
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won No data
Most lost No data
Most played No data
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (46)
Result Score Date
Liverpool Smash I
Lose vs K Dog 0-2 2019-11-23
Lose vs @HelloImJeck 1-2 2019-11-23
Win vs frfx | Lutwo (JOYCON BOYZ) 2-0 2019-11-23
Win vs KW | AKA 2-0 2019-11-23
Lose vs Lemur 0-2 2019-11-23
Lose vs ThiccoMode 0-2 2019-11-23
Lose vs SSM | Reol 0-2 2019-11-23
Win vs Pixel 2-1 2019-11-23
Lose vs General Scales 0-2 2019-11-23
Manchester Conquest 4
Lose vs SP | powergo 0-2 2019-08-31
Lose vs PW | cousin boneless 0-2 2019-08-31
SmUshy Peas
Lose vs Three Eyed Cowboy 0-2 2019-07-20
Win vs Sweet Goblin 2-1 2019-07-20
Lose vs Con-air 0-2 2019-07-20
Win vs uGotThat 2-1 2019-07-20
Win vs JIM | SlippinJimi 2-0 2019-07-20
Lose vs JustNathan 1-2 2019-07-20
Lose vs DeckTheHallz 0-2 2019-07-20
Win vs Milkshake_Tiger 2-0 2019-07-20
Win vs ToruTheTitan 2-0 2019-07-20
Chester Smash II
Lose vs Three Eyed Cowboy 0-2 2019-06-15
Win vs The Harpoon 2-0 2019-06-15
Lose vs Awoo 0-2 2019-06-15
Win vs Tommy S 2-0 2019-06-15
Lose vs Weak juice 0-2 2019-06-15
Chester Smash I
Lose vs Weak juice 1-2 2019-05-18
Win vs Foxtrot 2-0 2019-05-18
Lose vs Awoo 0-2 2019-05-18
Win vs Finish 2-0 2019-05-18
Lose vs EPIC BATTLER :3 0-2 2019-05-18
Liverpool Weekly 23.1.19
Lose vs Regenix 0-2 2019-01-26
Lose vs Captain Crung 0-2 2019-01-26
Liverpool Weekly 9.1.19
Lose vs Weak juice 2-3 2019-01-10
Lose vs Skarfelt 0-3 2019-01-10
Win vs T3 3-2 2019-01-10
Liverpool Weekly 20.12.18
Lose vs Three Eyed Cowboy 0-3 2018-12-20
Lose vs Hawkberry_Crunch 0-3 2018-12-20
Lose vs Omelette 1-3 2018-12-20
Win vs OtmShank 3-0 2018-12-20
Win vs Weedlmao 3-0 2018-12-20
Lose vs GOAT LORD 1-3 2018-12-20
SmUshy Peas the Prologue
Lose vs Hawkberry_Crunch 0-2 2018-12-07
Lose vs Three Eyed Cowboy 0-2 2018-12-07
Win vs The Don 2-1 2018-12-07
Win vs Cazmik 2-0 2018-12-07
Lose vs Hawkberry_Crunch 1-2 2018-12-07
Tournaments history (10)
Name Rank Date
Liverpool Smash I 33 / 64 2019-11-23
Manchester Conquest 4 97 / 128 2019-08-31
SmUshy Peas 17 / 52 2019-07-20
Chester Smash III 25 / 32 2019-07-13
Chester Smash II 17 / 31 2019-06-15
Chester Smash I 13 / 30 2019-05-18
Liverpool Weekly 23.1.19 17 / 27 2019-01-23
Liverpool Weekly 9.1.19 9 / 16 2019-01-09
Liverpool Weekly 20.12.18 5 / 7 2018-12-20
SmUshy Peas the Prologue 7 / 16 2018-12-07