Smash Norge - SSBM

Super Smash Bros. Melee

1 072
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


99th out of 1072
01 August 2024 - 31 July 2025
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (23)
Overall performance in matches
30% Win rate
Win 7
Draw 0
Lose 16
+ 20
- 43
+/- -23
Tournament statistics (7)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 2
Top 8 1
Top 16 3
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs Lekker | Rekerensker46
Most lost 3x vs MM720
Most played 3x vs MM720
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs MM720
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs MM720
Matches history (24)
Result Score Date
RogaSmash #310
Lose vs Shing 1-3 2025-01-17
Win vs Lekker | Crumb 3-0 2025-01-17
Lose vs MM720 0-3 2025-01-17
Win vs PigglyJeff 3-2 2025-01-17
RogaSmash #309
Lose vs MM720 0-3 2025-01-10
Lose vs MM720 0-3 2025-01-10
Win vs Oli 2-0 2025-01-10
MetroSmash #14 - Winter 2024
Lose vs Stave 0-3 2024-12-14
Lose vs smartpant 0-2 2024-12-14
SameLAN 2: Scholar of the First Brult
Win vs Lys 2-1 2024-10-26
Win vs hVardio 2-1 2024-10-26
Lose vs Husbrann 0-2 2024-10-26
Lose vs Haettis 1-2 2024-10-26
Lose vs Oldiz 0-2 2024-10-26
Lose vs David 0-2 2024-10-26
Lose vs Nobody 0-2 2024-10-26
SameLAN 2: Scholar of the First Brult
Lose vs Theru2 1-2 2024-10-26
Lose vs 0skoH 0-2 2024-10-26
School of Smash UiO #91
Lose vs Kuzuha 1-3 2024-10-02
Lose vs Skaug 0-3 2024-10-02
RogaSmash #300
Lose vs widley 0-2 2024-09-28
Win vs 1deegre to the left 2-0 2024-09-28
Lose vs DJ Klaus 0-2 2024-09-28
Win vs Lekker | Rekerensker46 2-0 2024-09-28
Tournaments history (7)
Name Rank Date
RogaSmash #310 3 / 5 2025-01-17
RogaSmash #309 2 / 6 2025-01-10
MetroSmash #14 - Winter 2024 7 / 14 2024-12-14
SameLAN 2: Scholar of the First Brult 13 / 16 2024-10-27
SameLAN 2: Scholar of the First Brult 21 / 40 2024-10-27
School of Smash UiO #91 13 / 13 2024-10-02
RogaSmash #300 13 / 23 2024-09-28