Smash Norge - Rivals 2

Rivals of Aether II

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


12th out of 223
23 October 2024 - Today
Ranking history

Matches statistics (35)
Overall performance in matches
63% Win rate
Win 22
Draw 0
Lose 13
+ 67
- 51
+/- 16
Tournament statistics (7)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 5
Top 8 1
Top 16 0
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 7x vs Nucleth
Most lost 6x vs Ove
Most played 8x vs Nucleth
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 88% vs Nucleth
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Ove
Matches history (35)
Result Score Date
Shingling Sesh #3 Ho Ho Ho, nærme Julaften
Lose vs Dovii 2-3 2024-12-22
Win vs Nucleth 3-1 2024-12-22
Win vs Zeke 3-0 2024-12-22
Lose vs Ove 2-3 2024-12-22
Win vs KingPuff 3-1 2024-12-22
Win vs Cocoa 3-1 2024-12-22
Lose vs Nucleth 0-3 2024-12-22
MetroSmash #14 - Winter 2024
Win vs Nucleth 3-0 2024-12-13
Win vs Nucleth 3-2 2024-12-13
Win vs Shing 3-0 2024-12-13
Win vs Wylchelm 2-0 2024-12-13
RogaSmash #306
Lose vs Ove 0-3 2024-12-06
Win vs Oli 3-0 2024-12-06
Lose vs Ove 1-3 2024-12-06
Win vs Nucleth 3-1 2024-12-06
Win vs Storkreps 2-0 2024-12-06
RogaSmash #305
Lose vs Ove 0-3 2024-11-29
Win vs Nucleth 3-2 2024-11-29
Lose vs Ove 0-3 2024-11-29
Win vs Nucleth 3-2 2024-11-29
Win vs Kaber 2-0 2024-11-29
RogaSmash #304
Lose vs Ove 0-3 2024-11-15
Win vs Cocoa 3-1 2024-11-15
Win vs Northard 3-0 2024-11-15
Win vs Nucleth 3-1 2024-11-15
Lose vs Cocoa 2-3 2024-11-15
Win vs 1deegre to the left 2-0 2024-11-15
RogaSmash #303
Lose vs Cocoa 0-3 2024-11-08
Win vs Scarlet 3-0 2024-11-08
Lose vs Cocoa 0-3 2024-11-08
Win vs Scarlet 3-0 2024-11-08
SameLAN 2: Scholar of the First Brult
Lose vs JohsyJam 0-3 2024-10-26
Lose vs voff3 0-3 2024-10-26
Win vs Lys 2-0 2024-10-26
Win vs 5563~ 2-0 2024-10-26
Tournaments history (7)
Name Rank Date
Shingling Sesh #3 Ho Ho Ho, nærme Julaften 3 / 8 2024-12-22
MetroSmash #14 - Winter 2024 1 / 10 2024-12-14
RogaSmash #306 2 / 8 2024-12-06
RogaSmash #305 2 / 10 2024-11-29
RogaSmash #304 2 / 11 2024-11-15
RogaSmash #303 2 / 7 2024-11-08
SameLAN 2: Scholar of the First Brult 5 / 18 2024-10-27