Sheffield Smash 4

Super Smash Bros. Wii U

United Kingdom
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


13th out of 166
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (38)
Overall performance in matches
66% Win rate
Win 25
Draw 0
Lose 13
+ 55
- 44
+/- 11
Tournament statistics (6)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 3
Top 16 2
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs General Scales
Most lost 3x vs Mr. Spuddles
Most played 3x vs Mr. Spuddles
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Mr. Spuddles
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Mr. Spuddles
Matches history (38)
Result Score Date
SmashPoint IX
Lose vs Vexieal 0-3 2018-05-12
Lose vs Parsnip 2-3 2018-05-12
Lose vs FROG 0-2 2018-05-12
Win vs Ginge 2-0 2018-05-12
Win vs JAM 2-0 2018-05-12
Super SmashPoint 2
Lose vs Momo Ari 2-3 2018-02-10
Lose vs CurryGovernor 1-3 2018-02-10
Win vs DAT | G-P 2-0 2018-02-10
Win vs Anaky 2-1 2018-02-10
Win vs HCG | AlphaKennyV2 2-0 2018-02-10
Win vs Ginge 2-0 2018-02-10
Win vs CactuS 2-0 2018-02-10
Win vs Honesty 2-0 2018-02-10
Win vs Skittle 2-0 2018-02-10
Win vs Spam 2-1 2018-02-10
Lose vs Wefferino 0-2 2018-02-10
SmashPoint VII
Lose vs Mr. Spuddles 0-3 2017-10-01
Lose vs CurryGovernor 1-3 2017-10-01
Win vs Parsnip 2-1 2017-10-01
Win vs Fruityboy 2-0 2017-10-01
Win vs Tracer 2-0 2017-10-01
Win vs Vexieal 2-0 2017-10-01
Win vs Jasper 2-0 2017-10-01
SmashPoint V
Lose vs Spam 0-3 2017-04-29
Lose vs MartynMW 0-3 2017-04-29
Win vs Magi 2-1 2017-04-29
Win vs General Scales 2-0 2017-04-29
Win vs Fates 2-1 2017-04-29
Super SmashPoint I Pro
Lose vs Mr. Spuddles 0-3 2017-04-30
Win vs General Scales 3-0 2017-04-30
Win vs FATBEN 3-2 2017-04-30
Win vs Fruityboy 3-2 2017-04-30
Lose vs Mr. Spuddles 0-3 2017-04-30
Super SmashPoint I Pool 8
Win vs Gordo 1-0 2017-05-08
Win vs conkers943 1-0 2017-05-08
Lose vs Vulcan 0-1 2017-05-08
Win vs sambler 1-0 2017-05-08
Win vs kizzfox 1-0 2017-05-08
Tournaments history (6)
Name Rank Date
SmashPoint IX 13 / 33 2018-05-12
Super SmashPoint 2 9 / 64 2018-02-10
SmashPoint VII 5 / 33 2017-10-01
SmashPoint V 5 / 32 2017-04-29
Super SmashPoint I Pro 5 / 16 2017-03-27
Super SmashPoint I Pool 8 2 / 6 2017-03-26