Greater Sacramento & Davis Area Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


15th out of 242
01 January 2024 - 31 December 2024
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played within last 365 days
Ranking history

Matches statistics (22)
Overall performance in matches
73% Win rate
Win 16
Draw 0
Lose 6
+ 47
- 19
+/- 28
Tournament statistics (3)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 2
Top 8 1
Top 16 0
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Redbaron
Most lost 2x vs Galen The Wise
Most played 2x vs Wisp
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (23)
Result Score Date
Trey's Trashcan - SPOOKY SPECIAL - 10/29
Lose vs Transplant 0-3 2024-10-30
Win vs UCD | Arnando 3-0 2024-10-30
Win vs ny 3-0 2024-10-30
Win vs TCGBazaar | Baz 3-0 2024-10-30
Win vs FTHS | Sirjaxism 2-0 2024-10-30
Win vs Dewky 2-0 2024-10-30
Win vs Zale Lionheart 2-0 2024-10-30
Lose vs Juju_995 1-2 2024-10-30
The Trashman's Trashcan #36
Lose vs Dreyday | A Rogue Hotdog 0-3 2024-03-13
Win vs fap | battleshock 3-1 2024-03-13
Win vs Djentleman 2-1 2024-03-13
Lose vs Poopy Ass 0-2 2024-03-13
Win vs Jot the glock 2-0 2024-03-13
Fire & Ice II - Intergrade #19
Lose vs Wisp 1-3 2024-01-06
Win vs Redbaron 3-0 2024-01-06
Win vs Vibrant 3-0 2024-01-06
Win vs Door Knocker 3-0 2024-01-06
Lose vs Galen The Wise 0-3 2024-01-06
Win vs Redbaron 3-0 2024-01-06
Lose vs Galen The Wise 2-3 2024-01-06
Win vs Door Knocker 3-0 2024-01-06
Win vs Wisp 3-1 2024-01-06
Win vs Vibrant 3-0 2024-01-06
Show more
Tournaments history (3)
Name Rank Date
Trey's Trashcan - SPOOKY SPECIAL - 10/29 3 / 25 2024-10-30
The Trashman's Trashcan #36 5 / 28 2024-03-13
Fire & Ice II - Intergrade #19 3 / 6 2024-01-06