STL Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
3 192
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


69th out of 3192
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023
Activity requirement
Requires 4 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (34)
Overall performance in matches
53% Win rate
Win 18
Draw 0
Lose 16
+ 39
- 35
+/- 4
Tournament statistics (8)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 1
Top 16 6
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Native
Most lost 2x vs WACK
Most played 3x vs Native
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Native
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Native
Matches history (34)
Result Score Date
SLU Esports Fall Welcome Fair (FREE ENTRY)
Lose vs TB 0-2 2023-09-02
Win vs rondodongo 2-0 2023-09-02
Win vs Zesta 2-0 2023-09-02
Win vs CBC | Mr.M 2-0 2023-09-02
Lose vs OTDano -1-1 2023-09-02
Win vs LLENN 2-0 2023-09-02
SLSC Sunny Side Of Smash - HD
Lose vs Vollrath 1-2 2023-06-10
Lose vs Neverbloom 0-2 2023-06-10
Maryville After Dark #6 (250 POT BONUS)
Lose vs Morly! 0-2 2023-04-08
Win vs J3t 2-0 2023-04-08
Lose vs Colorondo8 0-2 2023-04-08
Win vs Mr. Hampter 2-0 2023-04-08
Localhost STL Presents: 0 Frame Delay #96
Lose vs Weef 0-2 2023-03-13
Win vs BlackAnbu 2-0 2023-03-13
Lose vs HeyItsRiamsu 0-2 2023-03-13
Win vs Itsamejoshio 2-0 2023-03-13
Lose vs WACK 0-2 2023-02-20
Win vs Native 2-1 2023-02-20
Win vs Titan 2-0 2023-02-20
Lose vs Bkid 0-2 2023-02-20
Win vs Frosthnd 2-0 2023-02-20
Lose vs WK9 1-2 2023-02-06
Win vs Asta 2-0 2023-02-06
Lose vs WACK 0-2 2023-02-06
Win vs Native 2-1 2023-02-06
Lose vs classic thorne 1-2 2023-01-30
Lose vs Zorro 0-2 2023-01-30
Win vs Native 2-0 2023-01-30
Win vs Cellozard 2-0 2023-01-30
Lose vs HeyItsRiamsu 0-2 2023-01-23
Win vs Vollrath 2-1 2023-01-23
Lose vs CursedTeigu 1-2 2023-01-23
Win vs Echo 2-1 2023-01-23
Win vs BPeps 2-0 2023-01-23
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