6 311
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


137th out of 6311
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 1 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (25)
Overall performance in matches
48% Win rate
Win 12
Draw 0
Lose 13
+ 48
- 48
+/- 0
Tournament statistics (19)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 0
Top 8 2
Top 16 6
Top 32 8
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs dimonkeme
Most lost 1x vs Pogoclick
Most played 1x vs dimonkeme
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (39)
Result Score Date
SMST 59 50K-100K 1v1
Lose vs Pogoclick 1-3 2024-09-14
SMST 58 50K-100K 1v1
Lose vs vive 1-3 2024-08-10
SMST 56 50K-100K 1v1
Win vs RapaTachos 0--1 2024-06-15
Lose vs jacj -1-0 2024-06-15
Lose vs Impossible7331 -1-0 2024-06-15
Lose vs MikoMax -1-0 2024-06-15
SMST 55 50K-100K 1v1
Lose vs metalvampir 0-3 2024-05-11
SMST 54 50K-100K
Lose vs My Angel Seele 0-3 2024-04-13
SMST 53 50K-100K 1v1
Lose vs Voreios 0-3 2024-03-16
SMST 52 50K-100K
Lose vs Emberqu 2-3 2024-02-10
Win vs Tallo 3-0 2024-02-10
SMST 52 100K+
Win vs doverOK 4-1 2024-02-03
Win vs GSGZAC 4-1 2024-02-03
Win vs pauchu0306 3-2 2024-02-03
Win vs MrW0ong 3-2 2024-02-03
Win vs Kirty 3-1 2024-02-03
SMST 51 100K+
Lose vs G4Dropped -1-0 2024-01-13
SMST 50 100K+
Lose vs Mavosiik 2-3 2023-11-04
Win vs The Savant 0--1 2023-11-04
Win vs I Miss GawrGura 3-0 2023-11-04
SMST 49 100K+
Lose vs [-Gabys-] 0-3 2023-10-07
Win vs Kiko99 3-0 2023-10-07
Win vs TOPXVLAD 3-1 2023-10-07
SMST 48 100K+
Lose vs IkkoSt -1-0 2023-09-02
SMST 47 100K+ 1v1
Lose vs UTSGhost 1-3 2023-08-05
Win vs Says1ng 0--1 2023-08-05
SMST 46 100K+
Lose vs MathWiz1729 1-3 2023-07-01
Win vs BATGUIO 3-0 2023-07-01
Win vs Nikita1303 3-0 2023-07-01
SMST 45 100K+
Lose vs LiseQi 0-3 2023-06-03
SMST 44 100K+
Lose vs phubet1419 -1-0 2023-05-06
SMST 42 100K+
Lose vs soramymommy 1-3 2023-03-04
Win vs ueno_ 0--1 2023-03-04
SMST 41 100K+
Lose vs Plossko -1-0 2023-02-04
Win vs seriker 0--1 2023-02-04
Win vs Abexx 0--1 2023-02-04
SMST 40 100K+
Lose vs Aergia_ 1-3 2023-01-07
Win vs Oh_ohskar 0--1 2023-01-07
Win vs dimonkeme 3-1 2023-01-07
Tournaments history (19)
Name Rank Date
SMST 59 50K-100K 1v1 17 / 29 2024-09-14
SMST 58 50K-100K 1v1 9 / 18 2024-08-10
SMST 56 50K-100K 1v1 17 / 22 2024-06-15
SMST 55 50K-100K 1v1 17 / 38 2024-05-11
SMST 54 50K-100K 9 / 23 2024-04-13
SMST 53 50K-100K 1v1 9 / 22 2024-03-16
SMST 52 50K-100K 5 / 19 2024-02-10
SMST 52 100K+ 1 / 52 2024-02-03
SMST 51 100K+ 33 / 78 2024-01-13
SMST 50 100K+ 9 / 75 2023-11-04
SMST 49 100K+ 9 / 74 2023-10-07
SMST 48 100K+ 17 / 44 2023-09-02
SMST 47 100K+ 1v1 17 / 61 2023-08-05
SMST 46 100K+ 5 / 49 2023-07-01
SMST 45 100K+ 17 / 46 2023-06-03
SMST 44 100K+ 33 / 63 2023-05-06
SMST 42 100K+ 17 / 71 2023-03-04
SMST 41 100K+ 9 / 69 2023-02-04
SMST 40 100K+ 17 / 97 2023-01-07