NoCo Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


24th out of 855
01 April 2023 - 01 July 2023
Activity requirement
Requires 9 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (67)
Overall performance in matches
43% Win rate
Win 29
Draw 0
Lose 38
+ 88
- 101
+/- -13
Tournament statistics (18)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 0
Top 8 4
Top 16 8
Top 32 5
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 4x vs Stoph
Most lost 3x vs David
Most played 4x vs David
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Stoph
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs AciD
Matches history (67)
Result Score Date
Contender Foco Smash Mid-Weekly #14
Lose vs Giden 1-3 2023-06-29
Win vs BMG | radnarly 3-0 2023-06-29
Lose vs David 1-3 2023-06-29
Rooftop Returns 3
Lose vs rYN 1-2 2023-06-25
Win vs Memecraft 2-0 2023-06-25
Lose vs Shoe 0-2 2023-06-25
Win vs nUwUb 2-0 2023-06-25
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #34
Lose vs Apothos 0-2 2023-06-18
Lose vs Chronos 0-2 2023-06-18
Win vs Stoph 2-1 2023-06-18
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #286
Lose vs Space 0-2 2023-06-16
Lose vs Olive 0-2 2023-06-16
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #33
Lose vs MMG | ObliviønIX 0-3 2023-06-11
Lose vs Feller 0-3 2023-06-11
Win vs .wav | Scorch 2-1 2023-06-11
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #285
Lose vs David 0-2 2023-06-09
Lose vs Shoe 0-2 2023-06-09
Win vs AnimeTiddies 2-1 2023-06-09
Contender Foco Smash Mid-Weekly #12
Lose vs Giden 1-2 2023-06-01
Lose vs AciD 0-2 2023-06-01
Win vs Kate 2-0 2023-06-01
Rooftop Returns 2
Lose vs SHC | WolfLinkX 0-2 2023-05-28
Win vs Space 2-1 2023-05-28
Lose vs Scorch 1-2 2023-05-28
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #31
Lose vs Feller 0-3 2023-05-21
Lose vs Space 2-3 2023-05-21
Lose vs ICYoyo 1-3 2023-05-21
Win vs RoboCop 3-2 2023-05-21
Lose vs Giden 1-3 2023-05-21
Win vs Ase 3-0 2023-05-21
Lose vs AciD 2-3 2023-05-21
Lose vs David 2-3 2023-05-21
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #282
Lose vs Puppy 1-2 2023-05-19
Win vs David 2-0 2023-05-19
Win vs Hina 2-0 2023-05-19
Win vs Ant 2-0 2023-05-19
Lose vs AciD 0-2 2023-05-19
Win vs Stoph 2-0 2023-05-19
Greeley Weekly #136 MOM
Lose vs &&& | Namki 0-3 2023-05-17
Win vs Tempest 3-2 2023-05-17
Win vs Space 2-0 2023-05-17
Lose vs Miloquinn 0-2 2023-05-17
Win vs ElfmanShaggy 2-1 2023-05-17
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #30
Win vs SB | Strawberry 3-0 2023-05-14
Win vs Ase 3-1 2023-05-14
Win vs Kate 3-1 2023-05-14
Win vs nUwUb 3-0 2023-05-14
Win vs Stoph 3-2 2023-05-14
Contender Foco Smash Mid-Weekly #10
Lose vs Kate 1-2 2023-05-11
Lose vs rYN 1-2 2023-05-11
Win vs Lab Rats | Memecraft 2-0 2023-05-11
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #280
Lose vs Hina 0-2 2023-05-05
Win vs LuigiLord 2-0 2023-05-05
Lose vs Zeal 0-2 2023-05-05
Rooftop Returns
Lose vs Tempest 1-2 2023-04-30
Win vs Stoph 2-0 2023-04-30
Lose vs Smirk 1-2 2023-04-30
Win vs Grid Grinders | Weebtrash 2-1 2023-04-30
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #28
Lose vs Mom? 0-2 2023-04-23
Lose vs xenu 0-2 2023-04-23
Win vs LuigiLord 2-0 2023-04-23
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #278
Lose vs VXM | Era 1-2 2023-04-21
Lose vs WYO | Solax 1-2 2023-04-21
Win vs Zeal 2-0 2023-04-21
Win vs ElfmanShaggy 2-0 2023-04-21
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #27
Lose vs Hina 0-2 2023-04-16
Lose vs legab 1-2 2023-04-16
Tournaments history (18)
Name Rank Date
Contender Foco Smash Mid-Weekly #14 5 / 9 2023-06-29
Rooftop Returns 3 13 / 27 2023-06-24
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #34 13 / 21 2023-06-18
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #286 25 / 31 2023-06-16
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #33 9 / 13 2023-06-11
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #285 13 / 30 2023-06-09
Contender Foco Smash Mid-Weekly #12 9 / 15 2023-06-01
Rooftop Returns 2 25 / 46 2023-05-27
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #31 7 / 9 2023-05-21
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #282 7 / 26 2023-05-19
Greeley Weekly #136 MOM 5 / 12 2023-05-16
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #30 1 / 6 2023-05-14
Contender Foco Smash Mid-Weekly #10 9 / 11 2023-05-11
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #280 17 / 30 2023-05-05
Rooftop Returns 25 / 48 2023-04-29
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #28 13 / 21 2023-04-23
FoCo Weekly Wednesday #278 9 / 28 2023-04-21
Contender Foco Smash Weekly #27 17 / 28 2023-04-16