Nexus Wi-Fi Weeklies Season 2

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United Kingdom
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


10th out of 81
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (49)
Overall performance in matches
65% Win rate
Win 32
Draw 0
Lose 17
+ 91
- 66
+/- 25
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 2
Top 3 4
Top 8 2
Top 16 2
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 5x vs Chazbabs
Most lost 4x vs Baybae
Most played 7x vs Baybae
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Chazbabs
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs NintenDan43
Matches history (49)
Result Score Date
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #43
Lose vs Weebly101 2-3 2021-03-09
Lose vs banjojo 0-3 2021-03-09
Win vs Bigbossareuok 2-1 2021-03-09
Win vs Sygnus 2-1 2021-03-09
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #35
Lose vs NintenDan43 1-2 2021-01-12
Win vs Iftafam 2-0 2021-01-12
Win vs Corvus3214 2-1 2021-01-12
Lose vs toby1234321 0-2 2021-01-12
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #34
Lose vs toby1234321 2-3 2021-01-05
Win vs Iftafam 2-1 2021-01-05
Lose vs Baybae 0-2 2021-01-05
Win vs NintenDan43 2-1 2021-01-05
Win vs bensolo12 2-0 2021-01-05
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #32
Win vs Weebly101 3-1 2020-12-15
Win vs Weebly101 3-0 2020-12-15
Win vs Loaf 3-1 2020-12-15
Win vs Octave 2-1 2020-12-15
Win vs Metr0s 2-0 2020-12-15
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #31
Lose vs Octave 1-3 2020-12-08
Win vs Baybae 3-2 2020-12-08
Win vs Acid_Ja22 3-2 2020-12-08
Win vs Corvus3214 3-0 2020-12-08
Lose vs Baybae 1-3 2020-12-08
Win vs Chazbabs 2-0 2020-12-08
Win vs brainlet03 2-0 2020-12-08
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #28
Lose vs NintenDan43 0-2 2020-11-17
Lose vs Derpayoshi 0-2 2020-11-17
Win vs SupaSolja 2-1 2020-11-17
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #27
Lose vs Octave 0-3 2020-11-10
Win vs Shayminister 3-2 2020-11-10
Win vs Chazbabs 3-1 2020-11-10
Win vs NXCraig 3-0 2020-11-10
Lose vs Shayminister 2-3 2020-11-10
Win vs Chazbabs 2-0 2020-11-10
Win vs brainlet03 2-0 2020-11-10
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #26
Lose vs DKDyl 1-3 2020-11-03
Win vs Shayminister 2-1 2020-11-03
Lose vs CobaltLion 0-2 2020-11-03
Win vs Chazbabs 2-0 2020-11-03
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #25
Lose vs Baybae 1-3 2020-10-28
Lose vs Baybae 1-3 2020-10-28
Win vs Baybae 3-1 2020-10-28
Win vs Derpayoshi 3-2 2020-10-28
Win vs Chazbabs 3-1 2020-10-28
Nexus Smash 2.0 Wi-Fi Weeklies #24
Win vs Cchris 3-0 2020-10-20
Win vs Cchris 3-0 2020-10-20
Win vs Baybae 2-1 2020-10-20
Win vs regendegen314 2-0 2020-10-20
Lose vs Buizel46 1-2 2020-10-20
Tournaments history (10)