North Carolina Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
2 469
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
31st out of 2469
20 April 2014 - 15 March 2020
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (182)
Overall performance in matches
73% Win rate
Win 132
Draw 0
Lose 50
+ 327
- 165
+/- 162
Tournament statistics (34)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 6
Top 3 8
Top 8 9
Top 16 5
Top 32 3
Worst 3
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 10x vs Kackame
Most lost 7x vs Twisty
Most played 14x vs Kackame
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Hodor
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Vianny
Matches history (195)
Result Score Date
Melee Singles July
Lose vs Twisty 1-3 2019-07-14
Win vs blue53 3-0 2019-07-14
Win vs Alex 3-0 2019-07-14
Lose vs Twisty 1-3 2019-07-14
Win vs MP3 2-0 2019-07-14
North Carolina Melee Arcadian 6
Lose vs Pelipper 0-3 2019-07-07
Win vs Simon 3-2 2019-07-07
Win vs Adonis 3-2 2019-07-07
Lose vs Pelipper 2-3 2019-07-07
Win vs IHOP Dan 3-1 2019-07-07
Win vs MEAT 2-0 2019-07-07
Win vs Rob Rowe 2-0 2019-07-06
Win vs Doji 2-0 2019-07-06
Melee at Your Local Game Store #21 Singles!
Lose vs Tiger 0-3 2019-06-04
Win vs Kackame 3-1 2019-06-04
Lose vs Tiger 0-3 2019-06-04
Win vs Kackame 2-1 2019-06-04
Win vs Pants 2-0 2019-06-04
Win vs Cheerios 2-0 2019-06-04
MMATE #1 Singles
Win vs Pelipper 3-0 2019-05-27
Lose vs Pelipper 1-3 2019-05-27
Win vs Adonis 3-1 2019-05-27
Win vs Pelipper 3-1 2019-05-27
Win vs Duk 3-0 2019-05-27
Win vs Grav 2-0 2019-05-27
Melee at Your Local Game Store #20! Singles
Lose vs Tiger 1-3 2019-05-20
Win vs Kackame 2-1 2019-05-20
Win vs Tor 2-1 2019-05-20
Lose vs Tiger 0-2 2019-05-20
Win vs Jonathan Cotto 2-0 2019-05-20
Win vs Hood 2-0 2019-05-20
Fella Fridays 22: Finale Singles
Lose vs Ryuta 1-2 2019-04-26
Lose vs Zasa 0-2 2019-04-26
Win vs Saef 2-0 2019-04-26
Win vs Tiger 2-0 2019-04-26
Win vs Leoh 2-0 2019-04-26
Y.L.G.S. 15 Singles
Lose vs Twisty 2-3 2019-03-11
Lose vs Adonis 2-3 2019-03-11
Win vs Kackame 2-1 2019-03-11
Win vs blue53 2-0 2019-03-11
Win vs Leoh 2-0 2019-03-11
Return of Munkaid
Lose vs Pelipper 1-3 2019-03-04
Win vs Supersponge 3-0 2019-03-04
Win vs Kackame 3-0 2019-03-04
Win vs Adonis 3-1 2019-03-04
Lose vs Supersponge 2-3 2019-03-04
Win vs LoZR 2-1 2019-03-04
Win vs Adonis 2-0 2019-03-04
Win vs Marco Zimbabwe 2-0 2019-03-04
Melee at Your Local Game Store #13 Singles!
Win vs Kackame 3-2 2019-02-11
Win vs Kackame 3-2 2019-02-11
Win vs Twisty 2-1 2019-02-11
Win vs Maynard 2-0 2019-02-11
Win vs Oceanman 2-0 2019-02-11
Jungle Japes III: Big Banana (Win a ticket to Dreamhack ATL!)
Lose vs Twisty 1-3 2018-10-29
Win vs Twisty 3-1 2018-10-28
Win vs Adonis 3-0 2018-10-28
Win vs Kackame 3-2 2018-10-28
Win vs Yep | Im Cumming 3-0 2018-10-28
Lose vs Twisty 0-3 2018-10-28
Win vs Ryuta 2-0 2018-10-28
Win vs Top Cat 2-0 2018-10-28
Win vs Cheerios 2-0 2018-10-28
NChiSU 1.2
Lose vs Den 0-2 2018-10-21
Win vs Regi 2-0 2018-10-21
Win vs Kee 2-1 2018-10-20
Lose vs Babich 1-2 2018-10-20
Win vs Siddward 2-0 2018-10-20
Win vs Corolla 2-0 2018-10-20
Clash of the Carolinas II
Lose vs OeS | NIX 1-2 2018-08-19
Win vs Kackame 2-0 2018-08-18
Win vs Savestate 2-1 2018-08-18
Lose vs OG| Moist 1-2 2018-08-18
Win vs Lotus | White Kevin 2-0 2018-08-18
Lose vs Kackame 2-3 2018-05-08
Win vs Kackame 3-1 2018-05-08
Win vs DKDrew 3-1 2018-05-08
Lose vs Kackame 1-3 2018-05-08
Win vs Sars Pirate 2-0 2018-05-08
Win vs DKDrew 2-0 2018-05-08
Win vs HAM 2-0 2018-05-08
Melee on the Mountain 1
Win vs Regi 3-0 2018-04-30
Lose vs Regi 1-3 2018-04-30
Win vs Regi 3-1 2018-04-30
Win vs blue53 2-1 2018-04-30
Win vs Hudson 2-0 2018-04-30
Win vs Don 2-0 2018-04-30
Lose vs Adonis 0-2 2018-03-19
Lose vs FSBR | $mike 0-2 2018-03-19
Win vs TAH. 2-1 2018-03-19
Win vs Fly Society | | CreeperMcStalk 2-0 2018-03-18
Win vs Crimdala Crim 2-0 2018-03-18
Lose vs Chi 0-2 2018-02-04
Lose vs Smashbob Squarepants 1-2 2018-02-04
Win vs Jwilli 2-0 2018-02-04
Win vs Bodega 2-0 2018-02-04
Final Resolution Singles
Lose vs Weilin 0-3 2018-01-01
Win vs Chi 2-0 2018-01-01
Win vs Brandon W. 2-1 2018-01-01
Win vs Bodega 2-0 2018-01-01
Lose vs Ender 1-2 2018-01-01
Win vs MEAT 2-0 2018-01-01
Win vs Bee Man 2-0 2018-01-01
Geeksboro Melee Weekly 29
Lose vs Bl@ckchris 1-2 2017-12-19
Win vs Timebones 2-1 2017-12-19
Win vs Rob Rowe 2-0 2017-12-19
Win vs Legrats 2-0 2017-12-19
Win vs Jekyll 2-0 2017-12-19
Lose vs Ryuta 0-2 2017-12-19
Win vs Exposed 2-0 2017-12-19
Smash the Dojo #16
Win vs Sway 3-0 2017-12-19
Win vs Sway 3-0 2017-12-18
Win vs Supercell 3-0 2017-12-18
Win vs Olea 2-0 2017-12-18
Win vs Choji 2-0 2017-12-18
Super FamiCon 2017
Lose vs lab | HT 0-2 2017-11-18
Win vs Twisty 2-0 2017-11-18
Win vs vZakat 2-0 2017-11-18
Lose vs dizzkidboogie 0-2 2017-11-18
Win vs BSBDB | Wills 2-1 2017-11-18
Win vs Takai 2-1 2017-11-18
Pool 12 Hornets Nest 2
Win vs Squeeze 2-0 2017-10-22
Win vs Lautrec 2-0 2017-10-22
Win vs Supercell 2-0 2017-10-22
North Carolina Melee Arcadian 4: The Road to Super Famicon
Lose vs Simon 0-2 2017-10-15
Win vs JBas 2-0 2017-10-15
Win vs Hodor 1-0 2017-10-15
Lose vs Timebones 1-2 2017-10-15
Win vs EMB 2-0 2017-10-15
Win vs GoHahn 2-0 2017-10-15
Geeksboro Melee Weekly 20
Lose vs Kackame 1-2 2017-09-26
Win vs Tyro 2-0 2017-09-26
Win vs EMB 2-1 2017-09-26
Win vs AMP 2-0 2017-09-26
Lose vs Kackame 1-2 2017-09-26
Win vs Sarge 2-0 2017-09-26
Hornet's Nest #2 Top 32 Bracket
Lose vs Jwilli 2-3 2017-09-24
Win vs Zeph 2-0 2017-09-24
Lose vs Tiger 0-2 2017-09-24
Win vs Ryuta 2-1 2017-09-24
Win vs Sneak 2-0 2017-09-24
Hornet's Nest #1
Lose vs Twisty 0-3 2017-08-28
Win vs Dash 2-1 2017-08-27
Win vs JBas 2-1 2017-08-27
Win vs Tenbutts 2-0 2017-08-27
Lose vs Sprankles 1-2 2017-08-27
Win vs M@ 2-0 2017-08-27
Win vs Quinn 2-0 2017-08-27
S4C4 Melee Singles
Win vs Hodor 3-2 2017-08-05
Win vs Hodor 3-0 2017-08-05
Win vs blue53 3-1 2017-08-05
Win vs Brandon W. 2-0 2017-08-05
Win vs Random 2-0 2017-08-05
Lose vs blue53 1-2 2017-08-05
Win vs JWM 2-0 2017-08-05
Win vs Ooze 2-0 2017-08-05
Super Smash Saturday at VGW! Melee #2 Singles
Lose vs Vianny 1-3 2017-07-15
Win vs Street Fight 2-1 2017-07-15
Win vs Yoda 2-0 2017-07-15
Win vs Ajj 2-0 2017-07-15
Lose vs Vianny 1-2 2017-07-15
Win vs Harrison 2-0 2017-07-15
Geeksboro Summer Weekly 9
Lose vs Tyro 1-2 2017-07-11
Lose vs Simon 1-2 2017-07-11
Win vs Siddward 2-0 2017-07-11
Win vs Zeph 2-0 2017-07-11
Win vs Cheese Butter 2-0 2017-07-11
Bad Moon Rising 2
Lose vs Stingers 0-2 2017-07-01
Win vs WAVE | Clementine 2-1 2017-07-01
Win vs Tyro 2-0 2017-07-01
Win vs TehPinkEmoBunni 2-0 2017-07-01
Win vs Dev 2-0 2017-07-01
Lose vs RCS | KPAN 0-2 2017-07-01
Win vs Boney 2-1 2017-07-01
Melee at the Icebox 4
Lose vs Street Fight 1-2 2017-06-03
Win vs CharM3D 2-0 2017-06-03
Lose vs Twisty 1-2 2017-06-03
Win vs Sarge 2-1 2017-06-03
Mute City: Legends Melee Singles
Lose vs Tiger 1-2 2017-03-05
Win vs Yoda 2-1 2017-03-05
Win vs Tenma 2-0 2017-03-05
Lose vs Vianny 1-2 2017-03-05
Win vs Deku 2-0 2017-03-04
No Contest 10 - Melee Singles
Lose vs Espada 1-3 2017-02-04
Win vs blue53 2-0 2017-02-04
Win vs EZMac 2-0 2017-02-04
Win vs HAM 2-0 2017-02-04
Lose vs Deku 0-2 2017-02-04
Win vs Twisty 2-0 2017-02-04
No Contest 9 - Melee Singles
Lose vs Kapachi 0-2 2017-01-15
Lose vs Sprankles 0-2 2017-01-15
Win vs Tenma 2-0 2017-01-15
Super Famicon 2016
Win vs Swiftzx 2-0 2016-11-20
Lose vs Slipnslide 0-2 2016-11-20
Win vs Cold 2-0 2016-11-20
Tournaments history (34)
Name Rank Date
Melee Singles July 3 / 13 2019-07-15
North Carolina Melee Arcadian 6 3 / 90 2019-07-07
Melee at Your Local Game Store #21 Singles! 2 / 17 2019-06-04
MMATE #1 Singles 1 / 20 2019-05-27
Melee at Your Local Game Store #20! Singles 3 / 20 2019-05-20
Fella Fridays 22: Finale Singles 5 / 50 2019-04-26
Y.L.G.S. 15 Singles 3 / 16 2019-03-11
Return of Munkaid 2 / 36 2019-03-04
Melee at Your Local Game Store #13 Singles! 1 / 22 2019-02-11
Jungle Japes III: Big Banana (Win a ticket to Dreamhack ATL!) 2 / 29 2018-10-29
NChiSU 1.2 9 / 68 2018-10-21
Clash of the Carolinas II 17 / 90 2018-08-19
GeeksWeekly46 2 / 20 2018-05-08
Melee on the Mountain 1 1 / 27 2018-04-30
Hornet 9 / 96 2018-03-19
Hornet 9 / 45 2018-02-04
Final Resolution Singles 7 / 61 2018-01-06
Geeksboro Melee Weekly 29 5 / 28 2017-12-19
Smash the Dojo #16 1 / 16 2017-12-19
Super FamiCon 2017 33 / 272 2017-11-19
Pool 12 Hornets Nest 2 1 / 4 2017-10-22
North Carolina Melee Arcadian 4: The Road to Super Famicon 17 / 138 2017-10-15
Geeksboro Melee Weekly 20 4 / 20 2017-09-26
Hornet's Nest #2 Top 32 Bracket 7 / 32 2017-09-24
Hornet's Nest #1 7 / 61 2017-08-28
S4C4 Melee Singles 1 / 28 2017-08-05
Super Smash Saturday at VGW! Melee #2 Singles 23 / 23 2017-07-15
Geeksboro Summer Weekly 9 5 / 36 2017-07-11
Bad Moon Rising 2 33 / 369 2017-07-02
Melee at the Icebox 4 7 / 13 2017-06-04
Mute City: Legends Melee Singles 9 / 39 2017-03-05
No Contest 10 - Melee Singles 4 / 18 2017-02-04
No Contest 9 - Melee Singles 13 / 17 2017-01-15
Super Famicon 2016 97 / 192 2016-11-20