North Carolina Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
2 469
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
222nd out of 2469
20 April 2014 - 15 March 2020
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (38)
Overall performance in matches
45% Win rate
Win 17
Draw 0
Lose 21
+ 37
- 43
+/- -6
Tournament statistics (11)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 1
Top 16 3
Top 32 6
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs Sad Jesus
Most lost 2x vs Zasa
Most played 2x vs Zasa
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (40)
Result Score Date
Madd CITY GSO Pool 2
Lose vs JMH 0-2 2016-06-19
Win vs M@ 2-0 2016-06-19
Lose vs FSBR | $mike 0-2 2016-06-19
Win vs Tyro 2-1 2016-06-19
Win vs Sad Jesus 2-0 2016-06-19
No Contest 2-Melee Singles
Lose vs Nice Drink!! 0-2 2016-05-28
Lose vs Zasa 0-2 2016-05-28
Win vs Vheri 2-0 2016-05-28
Mute City Unlimited
Lose vs Brandon W. 1-2 2016-04-10
Lose vs Zasa 0-2 2016-04-10
Win vs Tenbutts 2-0 2016-04-10
MSM6 Top 32
Lose vs Purple 0-2 2016-02-20
Lose vs Twitch 0-2 2016-02-20
MSM6 Pool 2
Win vs Clogmarr 2-0 2018-04-11
Win vs MrBeenReady 2-0 2018-04-11
Lose vs Ronzell 0-2 2018-04-11
Win vs Lobsters 2-0 2018-04-11
Win vs Chatbot 2-0 2018-04-11
MaddCity:Charlotte | Pool B
Lose vs Deku 0-2 2015-11-21
Lose vs Jwilli 0-2 2015-11-21
Win vs EMB 2-0 2015-11-21
Mute City Evo Melee Singles
Lose vs BLMB 0-2 2015-07-19
Win vs Narc 2-0 2015-07-19
Lose vs Banjo 0-2 2015-07-19
Melee Singles Summer 1
Lose vs UNCC | Libner 0-2 2015-05-30
Win vs SR | Burn 2-0 2015-05-30
Win vs Fabulous Penguin 2-0 2015-05-30
Lose vs Ilove 0-2 2015-05-30
Win vs Doritos 2-0 2015-05-30
Mute City III Melee Singles
Lose vs Fireball Roberts III 1-2 2015-03-22
Win vs Lias 2-0 2015-03-22
Lose vs Street Fight 0-2 2015-03-22
Win vs Firestar 2-0 2015-03-22
Lose vs v4extreme 1-2 2015-02-22
Win vs Eastnutz 2-0 2015-02-22
Lose vs Redman 0-2 2015-02-22
Win vs Goatsby 2-0 2015-02-22
MCPFR Melee Singles
Lose vs Deku 0-2 2015-02-15
Win vs Danger Zone 2-0 2015-02-15
Lose vs Swolebizness 0-2 2015-02-15
Tournaments history (11)
Name Rank Date
Madd CITY GSO Pool 2 12 / 12 2016-06-19
No Contest 2-Melee Singles 17 / 33 2016-05-28
Mute City Unlimited 25 / 77 2016-04-11
MSM6 Top 32 25 / 32 2016-02-27
MSM6 Pool 2 2 / 6 2016-02-20
MaddCity:Charlotte | Pool B 18 / 18 2015-11-21
Mute City Evo Melee Singles 17 / 30 2015-07-20
Melee Singles Summer 1 9 / 23 2015-05-30
Mute City III Melee Singles 13 / 23 2015-03-22
MC1MeleeSingles 7 / 21 2015-02-22
MCPFR Melee Singles 17 / 36 2015-02-15