North Carolina Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
2 469
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
1082nd out of 2469
20 April 2014 - 15 March 2020
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (35)
Overall performance in matches
9% Win rate
Win 3
Draw 0
Lose 32
+ 6
- 60
+/- -54
Tournament statistics (14)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 1
Top 16 1
Top 32 3
Worst 9
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs KoiGang | Sensei!
Most lost 2x vs HAM
Most played 2x vs HAM
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (37)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Rads 0-2 2018-03-18
Lose vs HiFi 0-2 2018-03-18
Win vs KoiGang | Sensei! 1--1 2018-03-18
NCSU Epoch
Lose vs Dez 1-2 2018-03-03
Lose vs Kee 0-2 2018-03-03
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament III
Lose vs Flight 0-2 2018-01-22
Win vs Fronkey Kong 2-1 2018-01-22
Lose vs Rey 0-2 2018-01-21
Lose vs Snowy 0-1 2018-01-21
Win vs DA | Espada 1--1 2018-01-21
Lose vs FSBR | $mike 0-2 2018-01-21
Lose vs Syched 0-2 2017-12-21
Lose vs Zeph 0-2 2017-12-21
Lose vs IHOP Dan 0-2 2017-12-16
Lose vs blue53 0-2 2017-12-16
Lose vs Dolaire 0-2 2017-12-02
Lose vs Twisty 0-2 2017-12-02
Lose vs Jekyll 0-2 2017-11-19
Lose vs Poppa Squat 0-2 2017-11-18
Win vs Brickman 1--1 2017-11-18
Lose vs Don Ross 0-2 2017-10-28
Lose vs Excalibur 0-2 2017-10-28
Lose vs Redman 0-2 2017-10-22
Lose vs Timebones 0-2 2017-10-22
Lose vs OmegaBC 1-2 2017-10-22
Lose vs Nivy 0-2 2017-10-22
Lose vs HAM 0-2 2017-10-15
Win vs NewJericho 1--1 2017-10-15
Lose vs Duk 1-2 2017-10-15
Lose vs Velli 0-2 2017-10-07
Lose vs Kackame 0-2 2017-10-07
Lose vs Prometheus 0-2 2017-09-30
Lose vs Coconut Man 0-2 2017-09-30
Lose vs THKyle 0-2 2017-08-27
Lose vs HAM 0-2 2017-08-27
Lose vs Choi 0-2 2017-08-26
Lose vs Nimbus 0-2 2017-08-26
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Tournaments history (14)
Name Rank Date
Hornet 65 / 96 2018-03-19
NCSU Epoch 65 / 78 2018-03-04
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament III 65 / 151 2018-01-22
THURS-DAY MAY-LAY #57 25 / 30 2017-12-21
Tizzle 33 / 46 2017-12-17
Collin Ben Wa Dingles 33 / 37 2017-12-02
Super FamiCon 2017 129 / 272 2017-11-19
UNC Chapel HIll Gamefest Melee Singles 33 / 40 2017-10-28
Pool 9 Hornets Nest 2 5 / 5 2017-10-22
North Carolina Melee Arcadian 4: The Road to Super Famicon 97 / 138 2017-10-15
Tizzle's Prizzled Tour: 2 Jacks 25 / 27 2017-10-08
Buff Bird Boy Singles 13 / 16 2017-09-30
Hornet's Nest #1 49 / 61 2017-08-28
Tizzle's Privileged Tour 17 / 24 2017-08-27