North Carolina Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
2 469
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

Macho Squacho 

As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
227th out of 2469
Point - Defined Manually
01 January 2012 - 01 March 2023
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (40)
Overall performance in matches
28% Win rate
Win 11
Draw 0
Lose 29
+ 31
- 61
+/- -30
Tournament statistics (16)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 3
Top 32 3
Worst 10
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs CornChild
Most lost 2x vs Debby
Most played 2x vs Debby
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (44)
Result Score Date
Wilmington Wet & Wild 2/21/2020
Lose vs Dahv 0-2 2020-02-22
Win vs PEPIS | JackL64 2-0 2020-02-22
Lose vs Spooked Ya! 0-2 2020-02-22
Fella Fridays 22: Finale Singles
Lose vs Debby 1-2 2019-04-26
Lose vs AMP 0-2 2019-04-26
Super Smash Brews Finale Singles
Lose vs Ender 1-2 2019-01-19
Win vs Badwolf 2-0 2019-01-19
Lose vs IHOP Dan 0-2 2019-01-19
Revival Of Melee 1 : The Dumpster Fire
Lose vs Debby 0-2 2018-06-04
Win vs Hoffy 2-0 2018-06-04
Lose vs Chi 0-2 2018-06-04
Win vs Camdoodle 2-1 2018-06-04
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament III
Lose vs What. 1-2 2018-01-22
Lose vs Fatal 1-2 2018-01-22
Win vs Rey 2-0 2018-01-22
Win vs Flight 2-0 2018-01-21
Win vs XXX 2-1 2018-01-21
Lose vs Coconut Man 0-2 2018-01-21
Win vs snoopy 2-0 2018-01-21
Win vs Taste 2-0 2018-01-21
Lose vs Captain Planet 1-2 2018-01-21
Final Resolution Singles
Lose vs Ooze 1-2 2018-01-01
Lose vs Ender 1-2 2018-01-01
Lose vs Bodega 0-2 2017-12-16
Lose vs Safety Man 0-2 2017-12-16
Super FamiCon 2017
Lose vs BSBDB | Wills 0-2 2017-11-18
Win vs KoiGang | Sensei! 2-0 2017-11-18
Lose vs dizzkidboogie 0-2 2017-11-18
Win vs CornChild 2-0 2017-11-18
North Carolina Melee Arcadian 4: The Road to Super Famicon
Lose vs b0ggle 1-2 2017-10-14
Lose vs Cold 0-2 2017-10-14
Lose vs Melon 0-2 2017-07-27
Lose vs Flare 1-2 2017-07-27
ECG Singles 5/8/17
Lose vs Dad 0-2 2017-05-09
Lose vs Slipnslide 0-2 2017-05-09
Lose vs porridge 0-2 2017-05-04
Lose vs Blasda 0-2 2017-05-04
FnS Melee 4/28
Lose vs MilkMuffinMan 1-2 2017-04-28
Lose vs Nimbus 0-2 2017-04-28
FnS Melee Singles (Shoreside 26) 3/17
Lose vs Orchard 0-2 2017-03-17
Win vs FF | Pineapple 2-1 2017-03-17
Lose vs Boggle 0-2 2017-03-17
Lose vs Ben Frick 0-2 2016-05-14
Lose vs Jwilli 0-2 2016-05-14
Tournaments history (16)
Name Rank Date
Wilmington Wet & Wild 2/21/2020 9 / 17 2020-02-22
Fella Fridays 22: Finale Singles 33 / 50 2019-04-26
Super Smash Brews Finale Singles 17 / 29 2019-01-19
Revival Of Melee 1 : The Dumpster Fire 25 / 48 2018-06-04
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament III 65 / 151 2018-01-22
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament III 144 / 151 2018-01-22
Final Resolution Singles 49 / 61 2018-01-06
Tizzle 33 / 46 2017-12-17
Super FamiCon 2017 97 / 272 2017-11-19
North Carolina Melee Arcadian 4: The Road to Super Famicon 129 / 138 2017-10-15
THURS-DAY MAY-LAY 38 49 / 62 2017-07-27
ECG Singles 5/8/17 25 / 30 2017-05-09
THURS-DAY MAY-LAY 27 33 / 41 2017-05-04
FnS Melee 4/28 13 / 17 2017-04-28
FnS Melee Singles (Shoreside 26) 3/17 9 / 14 2017-03-17
MADD CITY CARY 70 / 70 2016-05-14