North Carolina Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
2 469
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
183rd out of 2469
Point - Defined Manually
01 January 2012 - 01 March 2023
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (87)
Overall performance in matches
63% Win rate
Win 55
Draw 0
Lose 32
+ 120
- 78
+/- 42
Tournament statistics (20)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 2
Top 3 1
Top 8 6
Top 16 6
Top 32 3
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 2x vs Vorosh
Most lost 2x vs Vorosh
Most played 4x vs Vorosh
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 50% vs Vorosh
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 50% vs Vorosh
Matches history (92)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Mountandrew -1-1 2018-03-18
Lose vs Ooze -1-1 2018-03-18
Super FamiCon 2017
Lose vs Goak -1-1 2017-11-19
Lose vs Nit -1-1 2017-11-18
No Contest 10 - Melee Singles
Lose vs Espada 1-2 2017-02-04
Win vs Negative 2-0 2017-02-04
Lose vs blue53 1-2 2017-02-04
Win vs Yoda 2-1 2017-02-04
Mute City: Final Destination
Lose vs PES | Eric 0-2 2016-10-29
Win vs Shieldz 2-0 2016-10-29
Win vs Desi 2-0 2016-10-29
Lose vs KnK | SmashBob SquarePants 0-2 2016-10-29
Win vs SRL | chaoslink 2-0 2016-10-29
No Contest 7 - Melee Singles
Lose vs Nice Drink!! 1-2 2016-10-15
Win vs BilboSwagginz 2-1 2016-10-15
Win vs Deku 2-0 2016-10-15
Lose vs Marthmaster420 1-2 2016-10-15
Win vs Silent Skyler 2-0 2016-10-15
No Contest 3-Melee Singles
Lose vs BilboSwagginz 0-1 2016-06-25
Lose vs Pelipper 0-2 2016-06-25
Win vs Riblett 2-0 2016-06-25
Madd City GSO Pool 3
Win vs Redman 2-0 2016-06-19
Lose vs Slipnslide 0-2 2016-06-19
Win vs Safety Man 2-0 2016-06-19
No Contest 2-Melee Singles
Lose vs Tiger 0-2 2016-05-28
Win vs Street Fight 2-0 2016-05-28
Win vs Babich 2-1 2016-05-28
Win vs Tor 2-0 2016-05-28
Win vs Timebones 2-0 2016-05-28
Lose vs Tiger 0-2 2016-05-28
Win vs FZG Rylet 2-1 2016-05-28
Gate City Melee Singles 2/28
Lose vs Brett3 1-2 2016-02-29
Win vs TWEEZY (VA) 2-0 2016-02-29
Win vs BAM! 2-0 2016-02-29
Lose vs Kackame 0-2 2016-02-29
MSM6 Top 32
Lose vs Jwilli 1-2 2016-02-20
Win vs Smith 2-1 2016-02-20
Lose vs Kaeon 0-2 2016-02-20
Win vs Count Fraudula 2-1 2016-02-20
msm6 pool 9
Win vs Regi 1-0 2018-04-12
Win vs MasterSpork 1-0 2018-04-12
Win vs SRL | chaoslink 1-0 2018-04-12
Win vs Purple 1-0 2018-04-12
Win vs BigBadBaba 1-0 2018-04-12
Mulligan Singles 10/25
Lose vs Saef 1-2 2015-10-25
Win vs Vista 2-1 2015-10-25
Win vs MasterSpork 2-0 2015-10-25
Lose vs Bl@ckchris 1-2 2015-10-25
Win vs CTEA 2-0 2015-10-25
Melee @ Mulligans
Lose vs Sneak 1-2 2015-09-27
Win vs Katharsis 2-0 2015-09-27
Win vs Nubin 2-0 2015-09-27
Lose vs Barracuda 0-2 2015-09-27
Win vs Hollywood 2-0 2015-09-27
Mute City Evo Melee Singles
Lose vs Potato 0-2 2015-07-20
Win vs Sway 2-1 2015-07-19
Lose vs Jwilli 1-2 2015-07-19
Win vs Dash 2-0 2015-07-19
Win vs Banjo 2-0 2015-07-19
Win vs Narc 2-0 2015-07-19
Melee Singles 6/27
Lose vs Sneak 1-2 2015-06-27
Win vs EMB 2-1 2015-06-27
Win vs Farm 2-0 2015-06-27
Lose vs Slipnslide 0-2 2015-06-27
Win vs Mystery 2-0 2015-06-27
Melee Singles Summer 1
Lose vs Ilove 2-3 2015-05-30
Win vs Mute City 2-0 2015-05-30
Win vs Skywalker 2-0 2015-05-30
Win vs Brett3 2-0 2015-05-30
Win vs Roof 2-0 2015-05-30
Lose vs Ilove 0-2 2015-05-30
Win vs SR | Burn 2-0 2015-05-30
Mute City III Melee Singles
Lose vs Street Fight 2-3 2015-03-22
Lose vs Vorosh 1-3 2015-03-22
Win vs JBas 2-0 2015-03-22
Win vs Dr Payne 2-1 2015-03-22
MCPFR Melee Singles
Win vs Vorosh 3-1 2015-02-15
Win vs Vorosh 3-2 2015-02-15
Win vs Sprankles 3-2 2015-02-15
Lose vs Vorosh 1-3 2015-02-15
Win vs Captain Planet 3-2 2015-02-15
Win vs Saef 2-0 2015-02-15
Win vs Torn 2-0 2015-02-15
Win vs Frozone 2-0 2015-02-15
UNC Sort-of-Monthly #2 - Melee Singles
Lose vs Bl@ckchris 0-1 2014-11-09
Win vs Paul 1-0 2014-11-09
Lose vs FSBR | $mike 0-1 2014-11-09
Win vs Blue Steel 1-0 2014-11-09
UNC Gamefest 2014
Lose vs Kaeon 0-2 2014-04-19
Lose vs NA | Papes 0-2 2014-04-19
Win vs Bassguy 2-0 2014-04-19
Win vs Evan 2-0 2014-04-19
Tournaments history (20)
Name Rank Date
Hornet 65 / 96 2018-03-19
Super FamiCon 2017 193 / 272 2017-11-19
No Contest 10 - Melee Singles 7 / 18 2017-02-04
Mute City: Final Destination 17 / 55 2016-10-30
No Contest 7 - Melee Singles 5 / 19 2016-10-15
No Contest 3-Melee Singles 17 / 44 2016-06-25
Madd City GSO Pool 3 12 / 12 2016-06-19
No Contest 2-Melee Singles 5 / 33 2016-05-28
Gate City Melee Singles 2/28 17 / 46 2016-03-01
MSM6 Top 32 13 / 32 2016-02-27
msm6 pool 9 1 / 6 2016-02-20
Mulligan Singles 10/25 9 / 27 2015-10-26
Melee @ Mulligans 9 / 38 2015-09-27
Mute City Evo Melee Singles 4 / 30 2015-07-20
Melee Singles 6/27 5 / 16 2015-06-28
Melee Singles Summer 1 3 / 23 2015-05-30
Mute City III Melee Singles 5 / 23 2015-03-22
MCPFR Melee Singles 1 / 36 2015-02-15
UNC Sort-of-Monthly #2 - Melee Singles 13 / 24 2014-11-09
UNC Gamefest 2014 9 / 32 2014-04-20