North Carolina Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
2 469
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
190th out of 2469
Point - Defined Manually
01 January 2012 - 01 March 2023
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (64)
Overall performance in matches
42% Win rate
Win 27
Draw 0
Lose 37
+ 62
- 178
+/- -116
Tournament statistics (20)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 4
Top 16 4
Top 32 6
Worst 5
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs Flare
Most lost 4x vs Duk
Most played 4x vs Duk
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Duk
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Duk
Matches history (69)
Result Score Date
Wilmington Wet & Wild 2/21/2020
Lose vs Spooked Ya! 1-2 2020-02-22
Win vs Dad 2-0 2020-02-22
Lose vs David 0-2 2020-02-22
Win vs KYS 2-0 2020-02-22
Pier Pressure: The Final Chapter - Melee Singles
Lose vs Spaceman the Pilgrim 0-2 2018-12-16
Lose vs Flare 0-2 2018-12-16
Win vs Dustulator 2-1 2018-12-16
Super FamiCon 2017
Lose vs Brah 1-2 2017-11-18
Lose vs Soap 0-2 2017-11-18
Win vs Spanky Hanky 2-0 2017-11-18
North Carolina Melee Arcadian 4: The Road to Super Famicon
Lose vs Duffy 0-2 2017-10-15
Lose vs Zeph 0-2 2017-10-15
Bad Moon Rising 2
Lose vs Soap 1-2 2017-07-01
Win vs Gravity 2-0 2017-07-01
Win vs ST | Alpacalips 2-0 2017-07-01
Lose vs Fajita 0-2 2017-07-01
ECG Singles 5/8/17
Lose vs Dad 0-2 2017-05-09
Lose vs Sharkz 0-2 2017-05-09
Win vs Safety Man 2-0 2017-05-09
FnS Melee 4/28
Lose vs Boggle 1-2 2017-04-28
Win vs AwesomEmblem 2-0 2017-04-28
Lose vs Nimbus 1-2 2017-04-28
Win vs MilkMuffinMan 2-0 2017-04-28
ECG Singles 4/24/17
Lose vs HASU 0-2 2017-04-24
Lose vs Badwolf 0-2 2017-04-24
FnS Melee Singles (Shoreside 26) 3/17
Lose vs Daft 0-2 2017-03-17
Win vs Dahv 2-0 2017-03-17
Lose vs Nimbus 1-2 2017-03-17
Win vs Daft 2-1 2017-03-17
Win vs TP Jones 2-0 2017-03-17
Chapel Thrillz Bread Singles
Lose vs JBas 1-2 2017-02-25
Win vs SneakyTurtle 2-0 2017-02-25
Lose vs Beeftip 0-2 2017-02-25
PP6 Melee Singles
Lose vs Gato 0-2 2017-02-04
Win vs DLim 2-0 2017-02-04
Win vs astroNova 2-0 2017-02-04
Lose vs Dshi 0-2 2017-02-04
Win vs Yree 2-0 2017-02-04
Zasa's Hentai Singles
Lose vs Dice 0-2 2017-01-21
Win vs Flare 2-0 2017-01-21
Win vs Chris 2-0 2017-01-21
Lose vs JBas 0-2 2017-01-21
FnS Melee 1/20
Lose vs Duk 0-3 2017-01-20
Win vs Ocean 2-1 2017-01-20
Win vs seldom 2-0 2017-01-20
Lose vs Duk 0-2 2017-01-20
Win vs EVH 2-0 2017-01-20
Win vs d0rk 2-0 2017-01-20
PP5 Melee Singles
Lose vs Simon 0-2 2017-01-07
Win vs Orchard 2-1 2017-01-07
Lose vs David 0-2 2017-01-07
Win vs porridge 2-0 2017-01-07
Monday Night Melee: Seeded by YOld
Lose vs Duk 0-2 2016-12-19
Win vs Adonis 2-1 2016-12-19
Lose vs Weilin 0-2 2016-12-19
PP4 Melee Singles
Lose vs Harrison 1-2 2016-12-11
Win vs Big Poppa 2-0 2016-12-11
Lose vs OP 1-2 2016-12-11
Lose vs Duk 0-2 2016-11-08
Win vs Sewer Rat 2-1 2016-11-08
Lose vs Simon 0-2 2016-11-08
Melee Monday 11 @ ECG
Lose vs Siddward 0-2 2016-10-24
Lose vs Gato 0-2 2016-10-24
Win vs Random Forest 2-0 2016-10-24
PP3.5 Melee (6/21)
Lose vs Falcomaster420 0-99 2016-06-22
Lose vs Eastnutz 0-2 2016-06-22
Lose vs Djainke 0-2 2016-05-14
Win vs Threetooth 2-0 2016-05-14
Lose vs Beeftip 0-2 2016-05-14
Tournaments history (20)
Name Rank Date
Wilmington Wet & Wild 2/21/2020 7 / 17 2020-02-22
Pier Pressure: The Final Chapter - Melee Singles 9 / 15 2018-12-17
Super FamiCon 2017 129 / 272 2017-11-19
North Carolina Melee Arcadian 4: The Road to Super Famicon 97 / 138 2017-10-15
Bad Moon Rising 2 129 / 369 2017-07-02
ECG Singles 5/8/17 17 / 30 2017-05-09
FnS Melee 4/28 7 / 17 2017-04-28
ECG Singles 4/24/17 24 / 24 2017-04-24
FnS Melee Singles (Shoreside 26) 3/17 4 / 14 2017-03-17
Chapel Thrillz Bread Singles 25 / 39 2017-02-26
PP6 Melee Singles 9 / 26 2017-02-04
Zasa's Hentai Singles 13 / 32 2017-01-21
FnS Melee 1/20 3 / 14 2017-01-20
PP5 Melee Singles 7 / 17 2017-01-07
Monday Night Melee: Seeded by YOld 17 / 38 2016-12-19
PP4 Melee Singles 33 / 58 2016-12-11
ECG117 17 / 25 2016-11-08
Melee Monday 11 @ ECG 20 / 20 2016-10-24
PP3.5 Melee (6/21) 13 / 16 2016-06-22
MADD CITY CARY 70 / 70 2016-05-14