North Carolina Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
2 469
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
136th out of 2469
Point - Defined Manually
01 January 2012 - 01 March 2023
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (125)
Overall performance in matches
55% Win rate
Win 69
Draw 0
Lose 56
+ 146
- 122
+/- 24
Tournament statistics (30)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 5
Top 16 12
Top 32 8
Worst 5
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 3x vs MasterSpork
Most lost 4x vs Karn
Most played 5x vs Karn
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 75% vs MasterSpork
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Bl@ckchris
Matches history (129)
Result Score Date
NCSU Epoch
Lose vs Karn 0-2 2018-03-04
Win vs Don 2-0 2018-03-04
Win vs Jason 2-1 2018-03-04
Lose vs Kee 0-2 2018-03-03
Win vs Dulnet 2-0 2018-03-03
NChiSU2 Singles
Lose vs Karn 0-2 2018-02-10
Win vs Ender 2-0 2018-02-10
Win vs Bodega 2-0 2018-02-10
Lose vs Timebones 0-2 2018-02-10
Win vs Fish$ 2-0 2018-02-10
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament III
Lose vs Bl@ckchris 0-2 2018-01-21
Win vs Sewer Rat 2-0 2018-01-21
Win vs Twisty 2-1 2018-01-21
Lose vs Sprankles 0-1 2018-01-21
Win vs Gailardia 2-0 2018-01-21
Lose vs Sprankles 0-2 2017-08-10
Win vs Slipnslide 2-0 2017-08-10
Win vs $teelo 2-0 2017-08-10
Lose vs Siddward 0-2 2017-08-10
Win vs Eeyore 2-0 2017-08-10
Tylenol P-M Singles
Lose vs Duk 0-2 2017-06-03
Lose vs HiFi 1-2 2017-06-03
Melee Singles At ECG 5/22
Lose vs Karn 0-2 2017-05-22
Win vs porridge 2-1 2017-05-22
Win vs Pete 2-0 2017-05-22
Lose vs Siddward 1-2 2017-05-22
Win vs Blasda 2-0 2017-05-22
Jimster Singles
Lose vs Chi 1-2 2017-03-25
Win vs Captain Planet 2-1 2017-03-25
Win vs RU 2-0 2017-03-25
Win vs Chris 2-0 2017-03-25
Lose vs Tyro 1-2 2017-03-25
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament II
Lose vs Barracuda 0-2 2017-01-30
Win vs Future 2-1 2017-01-30
Lose vs lloD 0-2 2017-01-29
Win vs Regi 2-0 2017-01-29
Win vs bubbles 2-0 2017-01-29
ECG Singles 1/16/17
Lose vs Jwilli 0-2 2017-01-16
Lose vs CMac 1-2 2017-01-16
Lose vs Weilin 0-2 2016-12-29
Win vs Beeftip 2-0 2016-12-29
Win vs Future 2-0 2016-12-29
Win vs Qween 2-1 2016-12-29
Lose vs Chi 1-2 2016-12-29
Win vs Murdock 2-0 2016-12-29
Win vs Kanji 2-0 2016-12-29
Super Famicon 2016
Lose vs Bl@ckchris 0-2 2016-11-20
Win vs Silent Skyler 2-1 2016-11-20
Win vs Weis 2-0 2016-11-20
Lose vs Sharkz 0-2 2016-11-20
Win vs Silent Skyler 2-0 2016-11-20
Win vs AAAYYY_LMAO 2-0 2016-11-20
NChiSU Singles
Lose vs Stingers 0-2 2016-10-22
Win vs Karn 2-0 2016-10-22
Win vs Timebones 2-0 2016-10-22
Lose vs Babich 0-2 2016-10-22
GateKeeper Singles
Lose vs Beeftip 1-2 2016-08-28
Win vs Espada 2-0 2016-08-28
Win vs Simon 2-0 2016-08-28
Lose vs Ronzell 0-2 2016-08-28
Win vs BLMB 2-0 2016-08-28
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament
Lose vs Jwilli 0-2 2016-02-01
Win vs Co0l 2-0 2016-02-01
Lose vs MasterSpork 1-2 2016-02-01
Win vs smit 2-0 2016-02-01
Win vs Zarafa 2-0 2016-02-01
Lose vs Karn 0-2 2016-02-01
Lose vs Kun$ 0-2 2016-01-03
Lose vs Bl@ckchris 0-2 2016-01-03
Win vs Quasar 2-0 2016-01-03
MaddCity:Raleigh | Pool D
Lose vs v4extreme 1-2 2015-10-31
Win vs MasterSpork 2-1 2015-10-31
Win vs Magnus 2-1 2015-10-31
Win vs Atlas 2-0 2015-10-31
Lose vs Rob Rowe 0-2 2015-10-31
chapel thrillz 23
Lose vs Jwilli 0-2 2015-10-09
Win vs MasterSpork 2-0 2015-10-09
Lose vs Kaeon 0-2 2015-10-09
Win vs Connor 2-0 2015-10-09
Chapel Thrillz 21 Singles
Lose vs Weilin 1-2 2015-08-21
Win vs Gato 2-1 2015-08-21
Win vs Gavazzi 2-0 2015-08-21
Win vs Blink 2-1 2015-08-21
Win vs Chic 2-0 2015-08-21
Win vs Melonchollllly 2-0 2015-08-21
Lose vs Dash 0-2 2015-08-21
Chapel Thrillz 20
Lose vs Pants 0-2 2015-08-08
Win vs EMBLEM 2-0 2015-08-08
Lose vs Boots 0-2 2015-08-08
Win vs ZeroRoom 2-0 2015-08-08
Chapel Thrillz 15 Singles
Lose vs Smith 0-2 2015-06-11
Win vs MasterSpork 2-1 2015-06-11
Lose vs TAH. 0-2 2015-06-11
Win vs Takumi 2-1 2015-06-11
NC Arcadian Pool C
Lose vs BLMB 0-2 2015-06-06
Win vs KSI 2-0 2015-06-06
Win vs R&T Gramps 2-0 2015-06-06
Lose vs NEG| Karma (CHA) 1-2 2015-06-06
Win vs Lord Narwhol 2-0 2015-06-06
Chapel Thrillz 14 Singles
Lose vs Jager 0-2 2015-06-02
Win vs WAVE | Clementine 2-0 2015-06-02
Win vs Willy P 2-0 2015-06-02
Lose vs Moonpanda 0-2 2015-06-02
Chapel Thrillz 13
Lose vs Unexplained Bacon 1-2 2015-05-20
Win vs Brett3 2-0 2015-05-20
Lose vs Mark 0-2 2015-05-20
Chapel Thrillz Biweekly 10
Lose vs DBZ 0-2 2015-04-08
Win vs EMB 2-0 2015-04-08
Win vs Brett3 2-1 2015-04-08
Lose vs Jwilli 1-2 2015-04-08
UNC Smash #3 Pool 4
Lose vs Boogieman 0-1 2015-02-28
Win vs MarcR 1-0 2015-02-28
Lose vs Purple 0-1 2015-02-28
Win vs Sam 1-0 2015-02-28
Chapel Thrillz Biweekly 7
Lose vs TM33 0-2 2015-02-25
Lose vs Unexplained Bacon 0-2 2015-02-25
Win vs Poppa Squat 2-0 2015-02-25
Chapel Thrillz Biweekly 4
Lose vs Eddie 0-2 2015-01-14
Lose vs FSBR | $mike 0-2 2015-01-14
Win vs Withmere 2-0 2015-01-14
Chapel Thrillz Biweekly 3
Lose vs Dr. Prof Patrick 0-2 2014-12-31
Win vs GT 2-0 2014-12-31
Lose vs Dark Hart 0-2 2014-12-31
Win vs Dark Knight 2-0 2014-12-31
Fall Gamefest 2014 - Melee Singles
Lose vs Sway 0-1 2014-09-13
Win vs KoozyK 1-0 2014-09-13
Win vs Nevermind (CHA) 1-0 2014-09-13
Lose vs PPMD 0-1 2014-09-13
Win vs Phi!ip 1-0 2014-09-13
Tournaments history (30)
Name Rank Date
NCSU Epoch 17 / 78 2018-03-04
NChiSU2 Singles 9 / 32 2018-02-10
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament III 33 / 151 2018-01-22
THURS-DAY MAY-LAY 40 TOP 16 9 / 16 2017-08-10
THURS-DAY MAY-LAY 40 Pool A 12 / 12 2017-08-10
Tylenol P-M Singles 13 / 18 2017-06-03
Melee Singles At ECG 5/22 17 / 50 2017-05-23
Jimster Singles 13 / 38 2017-03-25
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament II 25 / 126 2017-01-30
ECG Singles 1/16/17 17 / 29 2017-01-17
THURS-DAY MAY-LAY 10 7 / 55 2016-12-29
Super Famicon 2016 33 / 192 2016-11-20
NChiSU Singles 13 / 38 2016-10-22
GateKeeper Singles 25 / 72 2016-09-01
Moses Kang Memorial Tournament 65 / 117 2016-02-01
MADDCITY ASHEVILLE 33 / 73 2016-01-03
MaddCity:Raleigh | Pool D 4 / 12 2015-10-31
chapel thrillz 23 47 / 47 2015-10-10
Chapel Thrillz 21 Singles 7 / 48 2015-08-21
Chapel Thrillz 20 13 / 30 2015-08-09
Chapel Thrillz 15 Singles 13 / 34 2015-06-11
NC Arcadian Pool C 14 / 14 2015-06-06
Chapel Thrillz 14 Singles 9 / 18 2015-06-02
Chapel Thrillz 13 17 / 17 2015-05-20
Chapel Thrillz Biweekly 10 9 / 22 2015-04-08
UNC Smash #3 Pool 4 14 / 14 2015-02-28
Chapel Thrillz Biweekly 7 5 / 12 2015-02-25
Chapel Thrillz Biweekly 4 17 / 29 2015-01-15
Chapel Thrillz Biweekly 3 7 / 16 2014-12-31
Fall Gamefest 2014 - Melee Singles 25 / 67 2014-09-13