London, ON Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


55th out of 708
01 January 2019 - 31 December 2028
Activity requirement
Requires 4 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (62)
Overall performance in matches
45% Win rate
Win 28
Draw 0
Lose 34
+ 63
- 75
+/- -12
Tournament statistics (16)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 1
Top 16 9
Top 32 5
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs 666 | DSBM
Most lost 3x vs Burst
Most played 3x vs Sleepy
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Burst
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Sleepy
Matches history (62)
Result Score Date
The Illusion Series - Episode 3
Lose vs Puddingmaster 1-2 2024-02-02
Lose vs Burst 0-2 2024-02-02
Win vs jumboSHRIMPS 2-1 2024-02-02
The Illusion Series - Episode 2
Lose vs Freyja 0-2 2024-01-26
Win vs CS2 | Jung 2-1 2024-01-26
Lose vs Snap 0-2 2024-01-26
The Illusion Series - Episode 1
Lose vs Shmegula 0-2 2023-12-08
Win vs 666 | DSBM 2-0 2023-12-08
Lose vs Burst 0-2 2023-12-08
Win vs DiddyDank 2-1 2023-12-08
FUEL - Super Smash Bros | November 27th, 2023
Lose vs dvck 0-3 2023-11-28
Win vs Ropsy 2-1 2023-11-28
Lose vs Space 1-2 2023-11-28
Win vs Ctrldchaos 2-0 2023-11-28
FUEL - Super Smash Bros | November 13th, 2023
Lose vs Peachfuzz 0-2 2023-11-14
Win vs Dragoleon 2-0 2023-11-14
Lose vs Azel 1-2 2023-11-14
Win vs wingers 2-0 2023-11-14
FUEL - Super Smash Bros. - sept 11
Lose vs Space 0-2 2023-09-12
Win vs 666 | DSBM 2-0 2023-09-12
Win vs EOM | FAKE 2-0 2023-09-12
Lose vs Up_N_Down 0-2 2023-09-12
Win vs Leones 2-0 2023-09-12
WCGL "The Kingdom" Monthly #2 | $400 POT BONUS
Win vs Pneuma 2-1 2023-03-25
Lose vs WastaKen 0-2 2023-03-25
Lose vs Sauce 0-2 2023-03-25
Lose vs Burst 0-2 2023-03-25
WCGL "Returning Crown" Weekly #18
Lose vs SammyG 1-2 2023-03-24
Lose vs Postcard 0-2 2023-03-24
WCGL "Returning Crown" Weekly #14
Lose vs Marcules 0-2 2023-02-17
Lose vs Peachfuzz 0-2 2023-02-17
Win vs Spiral 2-1 2023-02-17
Win vs styrofoam 2-0 2023-02-17
WCGL "The Kingdom" Monthly #1
Win vs gOOpey guy 2-1 2022-12-03
Lose vs Mr. Black 1-2 2022-12-03
Lose vs KnucklesUp 0-2 2022-12-03
Win vs Castaway__ 1--1 2022-12-03
Lose vs Saleem Shady 0-2 2022-12-03
WCGL "Returning Crown" Weekly #8
Lose vs Sleepy 0-2 2022-11-25
Win vs Clementine 2-0 2022-11-25
Win vs SamB 2-0 2022-11-25
Lose vs Vargoose 0-2 2022-11-25
Win vs Coldramen 2-0 2022-11-25
WCGL "Returning Crown" Weekly #6
Lose vs Sleepy 0-2 2022-11-11
Win vs Khatru 2-0 2022-11-11
Win vs BLAST 2-0 2022-11-11
Lose vs Slime 1-2 2022-11-11
Win vs Sponge 2-0 2022-11-11
WCGL "Returning Crown" Weekly #2
Lose vs Sleepy 0-2 2022-10-07
Win vs PressQ 2-0 2022-10-07
Win vs Steven 2-0 2022-10-07
Lose vs Lunice 0-2 2022-10-07
Win vs PessimisticNinja 2-0 2022-10-07
WCGL "Returning Crown" Weekly #1
Lose vs Mekko 0-2 2022-09-30
Win vs BLAST 2-0 2022-09-30
Lose vs SammyG 0-2 2022-09-30
Win vs Motel 2-0 2022-09-30
Pre Patch "The Download" Weeklies - #8
Lose vs Dtagz 0-2 2021-10-08
Win vs Mus 2-0 2021-10-08
Lose vs Saleem Shady 0-2 2021-10-08
Pre Patch "The Download" Weeklies - #6
Lose vs guac 1-2 2021-09-24
Lose vs Lunice 1-2 2021-09-24