IB Weekly

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

1 121
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

HKM | MemeGunner 

59th out of 1121
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 6 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (77)
Overall performance in matches
53% Win rate
Win 41
Draw 0
Lose 36
+ 93
- 84
+/- 9
Tournament statistics (18)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 2
Top 16 6
Top 32 3
Worst 6
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs DRC | Raidan
Most lost 2x vs VI | PhoenixJourney
Most played 3x vs VI | PhoenixJourney
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs VI | PhoenixJourney
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs VI | PhoenixJourney
Matches history (77)
Result Score Date
EGL x IB GOLD CUP #2 - 125 € Prizepool
Lose vs ]IB[ | TMario 0-2 2022-04-14
Win vs Matimus 2-1 2022-04-14
Win vs DRC | Raidan 2-0 2022-04-14
Lose vs SniperJenko 0-2 2022-04-14
Win vs $lick$loth 2-0 2022-04-14
IB Server Weekly #57 EU ONLY
Lose vs Wombat 1-2 2022-04-07
Lose vs Xenomorph 0-2 2022-04-07
Win vs Keff 2-0 2022-04-07
Win vs Inklink89 2-0 2022-04-07
EGL x IB GOLD CUP #1 - 125 € Prizepool
Lose vs VI | PhoenixJourney 0-2 2022-03-31
Win vs Xenomorph 2-0 2022-03-31
Win vs UmbrellaSpirit 2-0 2022-03-31
Win vs Ginger 2-0 2022-03-31
Lose vs Darkestrah 1-2 2022-03-31
IB Server Weekly #56 EU ONLY
Lose vs VI | PhoenixJourney 0-2 2022-03-17
Win vs NO | DarkLaw7oR 2-0 2022-03-17
Win vs Goomba 2-1 2022-03-17
Win vs Beetlejuz 2-1 2022-03-17
Lose vs berse2212 1-2 2022-03-17
Win vs GameGater 1--1 2022-03-17
IB Server Weekly #55 EU ONLY
Lose vs Raiden's | Yasu 1-2 2022-03-10
Win vs Raidon 2-0 2022-03-10
Win vs VI | PhoenixJourney 2-1 2022-03-10
Win vs BP | Fenikkusu 2-0 2022-03-10
Lose vs Raiden's | Yasu 0-2 2022-03-10
Win vs Leo 2-0 2022-03-10
Win vs Bebo 2-0 2022-03-10
IB Server Weekly #54 EU ONLY
Lose vs ]IB[ | Mid-Light 0-3 2022-03-03
Lose vs TE | Lunary 2-3 2022-03-03
Win vs ]IB[ | TTD | KIRIGIRI 2-1 2022-03-03
Win vs doperman 2-0 2022-03-03
Win vs ]IB[ | Mid-Light 2-1 2022-03-03
Win vs SHZ | CabbageWIN 2-0 2022-03-03
IB Server Weekly #53 EU ONLY
Lose vs Shisuey 1-2 2022-02-24
Lose vs KogaMeijin 1-2 2022-02-24
IB Server Weekly #53 EU ONLY
Lose vs Shisuey 1-2 2022-02-24
Lose vs KogaMeijin 1-2 2022-02-24
IB Server Weekly #52 EU ONLY
Lose vs Slate 0-2 2022-02-17
Win vs SG | Schnacker 2-0 2022-02-17
Lose vs big solid | DeltaNS 1-2 2022-02-17
IB Server Weekly #51 EU ONLY
Lose vs NO | DarkLaw7oR 0-2 2022-02-10
Lose vs Sapphire99 0-2 2022-02-10
Win vs SH | IDJay 2-0 2022-02-10
Win vs 4rne 2-0 2022-02-10
IB Server Weekly #50 EU ONLY
Lose vs Akudama | hydrofx 0-2 2022-02-03
Win vs fly 1--1 2022-02-03
Lose vs 808 | Magerquark 0-2 2022-02-03
Win vs SHB | anima_909 2-0 2022-02-03
IB Server Weekly #49 EU ONLY
Lose vs MaLi_ssbu 0-2 2022-01-20
Lose vs Chiken2020 0-2 2022-01-20
Win vs [SHU] | BHerr 2-1 2022-01-20
IB Server Weekly #48 EU ONLY
Lose vs Fleecy 0-2 2022-01-13
Win vs SHB | Alpha Peasant 2-0 2022-01-13
Lose vs WurstX 1-2 2022-01-13
IB Server Weekly #47 EU ONLY
Lose vs SupLex 0-2 2022-01-06
Win vs NO | jin 2-0 2022-01-06
Win vs ]IB[ | Zenite 2-1 2022-01-06
Win vs c4 | goose 2-1 2022-01-06
Lose vs Slate 1-2 2022-01-06
Win vs IN DA CLUB 1--1 2022-01-06
IB Server Weekly #45 EU ONLY
Lose vs 5lothLIVE 0-2 2021-12-23
Lose vs Lonk 1-2 2021-12-23
IB Server Weekly #44 EU ONLY
Lose vs CSM | Crab_Moto 0-2 2021-12-16
Win vs 03 | max RG 2-0 2021-12-16
Win vs SCG | $ide B 2-1 2021-12-16
Lose vs Frost Tails | Kuracow 0-2 2021-12-16
Win vs Exo 2-0 2021-12-16
IB Server Weekly #43 EU ONLY
Lose vs CSM | Crab_Moto -1-1 2021-12-09
Win vs Age 2-0 2021-12-09
Lose vs Makima! 0-2 2021-12-09
Win vs Miles 2-1 2021-12-09
IB Server Weekly #42 EU ONLY
Lose vs Sapphire99 0-2 2021-12-02
Win vs berse2212 2-1 2021-12-02
Win vs DRC | Raidan 2-0 2021-12-02
Win vs TRXXJEH 2-1 2021-12-02
Lose vs SSP | Sansi 1-2 2021-12-02
Win vs DRC | Marsh 2-1 2021-12-02
Tournaments history (18)
Name Rank Date
EGL x IB GOLD CUP #2 - 125 € Prizepool 9 / 35 2022-04-14
IB Server Weekly #57 EU ONLY 9 / 40 2022-04-08
EGL x IB GOLD CUP #1 - 125 € Prizepool 13 / 48 2022-03-31
IB Server Weekly #56 EU ONLY 7 / 56 2022-03-17
IB Server Weekly #55 EU ONLY 4 / 46 2022-03-11
IB Server Weekly #54 EU ONLY 3 / 43 2022-03-04
IB Server Weekly #53 EU ONLY 33 / 47 2022-02-25
IB Server Weekly #53 EU ONLY 33 / 47 2022-02-25
IB Server Weekly #52 EU ONLY 33 / 81 2022-02-18
IB Server Weekly #51 EU ONLY 9 / 42 2022-02-11
IB Server Weekly #50 EU ONLY 25 / 61 2022-02-04
IB Server Weekly #49 EU ONLY 33 / 71 2022-01-21
IB Server Weekly #48 EU ONLY 33 / 67 2022-01-14
IB Server Weekly #47 EU ONLY 13 / 51 2022-01-07
IB Server Weekly #45 EU ONLY 33 / 58 2021-12-24
IB Server Weekly #44 EU ONLY 17 / 70 2021-12-17
IB Server Weekly #43 EU ONLY 25 / 59 2021-12-10
IB Server Weekly #42 EU ONLY 13 / 59 2021-12-03