Florida Man Blading: X Tournaments

United States
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


1st out of 75
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (43)
Overall performance in matches
77% Win rate
Win 33
Draw 0
Lose 10
+ 69
- 32
+/- 37
Tournament statistics (6)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 2
Top 3 1
Top 8 0
Top 16 1
Top 32 2
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Rirokashi
Most lost 1x vs Rirokashi
Most played 4x vs Rirokashi
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 75% vs Rirokashi
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 75% vs Rirokashi
Matches history (44)
Result Score Date
Not Like UX
Lose vs CosmoDragon 3-7 2024-07-27
Win vs ShadowKing13 7-2 2024-07-27
Win vs Mrgfuel7 7-2 2024-07-27
Lose vs Rirokashi 4-5 2024-07-27
Win vs Mana Potion 6-4 2024-07-27
Win vs ShadowKing13 5-3 2024-07-27
Win vs Slord 5-1 2024-07-27
Win vs LilacBee 5-0 2024-07-27
Chemical X
Win vs Enjo_Otaku 1-0 2024-07-21
Win vs Rirokashi 1-0 2024-07-21
Win vs GalaxywingCam 1-0 2024-07-21
Win vs Rirokashi 1-0 2024-07-21
Win vs Donnell gates 1-0 2024-07-21
Win vs EnVy 1-0 2024-07-21
Win vs Cameron1114 1-0 2024-07-21
Win vs GalaxywingCam 1-0 2024-07-21
Unique eXponent
Win vs Enjō Shadōw 1-0 2024-05-25
Lose vs Donnell gates 0-1 2024-05-25
Lose vs Krôsrōdz 0-1 2024-05-25
Win vs Zaelane0608 1-0 2024-05-25
Win vs Veggieblader 1-0 2024-05-25
The Battle For Yggdrasil
Win vs Enjo_Otaku 1-0 2024-04-07
Win vs Samspriggan 1-0 2024-04-07
Win vs Trsal 1-0 2024-04-07
Win vs Deka_X_Blader 1-0 2024-04-07
Lose vs Slord 0-1 2024-04-07
Lose vs BlackStar_Bonai 0-1 2024-04-06
Lose vs Kalator 0-1 2024-04-06
Persona FL Scramble
Lose vs ThrowTheCheese 0-1 2024-03-24
Win vs Enjo Vert 1-0 2024-03-24
Win vs CosmoDragon 1-0 2024-03-24
Win vs CitrusNinja3 1-0 2024-03-24
Win vs ThrowTheCheese 1-0 2024-03-24
Win vs Trsal 1-0 2024-03-24
Win vs CosmoDragon 1-0 2024-03-24
Win vs BlackStar_Bonai 1-0 2024-03-24
Gale Thrust
Win vs kingmonkey0143 1-0 2024-01-28
Win vs RCracer 1-0 2024-01-28
Win vs Rirokashi 1-0 2024-01-28
Win vs CocoaNutt 1-0 2024-01-28
Win vs Kaden S 1-0 2024-01-28
Lose vs CitrusNinja3 0-1 2024-01-28
Lose vs kingmonkey0143 0-1 2024-01-28
Win vs Wyattwhip 1-0 2024-01-28
Tournaments history (6)
Name Rank Date
Not Like UX 2 / 28 2024-07-27
Chemical X 1 / 21 2024-07-21
Unique eXponent 27 / 27 2024-05-28
The Battle For Yggdrasil 16 / 16 2024-04-07
Persona FL Scramble 17 / 17 2024-03-24
Gale Thrust 1 / 19 2024-01-28