EoE Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United Kingdom
1 030
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

Mr Gumps 

6th out of 1030
01 August 2019 - Today
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played within last 6 months
Ranking history

Matches statistics (239)
Overall performance in matches
65% Win rate
Win 155
Draw 0
Lose 84
+ 423
- 295
+/- 128
Tournament statistics (44)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 4
Top 3 16
Top 8 12
Top 16 3
Top 32 4
Worst 5
Overall performance against other players
Most won 8x vs Allman
Most lost 12x vs TSS RNS | Imzon
Most played 17x vs TSS RNS | Imzon
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Fanata
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 10% vs Coolkingz
Matches history (239)
Result Score Date
One Stock Left #28 @ Albion Games Cafe
Win vs G-P 3-2 2025-01-04
Win vs TSS RNS | Imzon 3-1 2025-01-04
Win vs TSS RNS | Imzon 3-2 2025-01-04
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 0-3 2025-01-04
Win vs Gwenanata 3-2 2025-01-04
Win vs Fanata 2-0 2025-01-04
Win vs cSKent | BigMac 2-0 2025-01-04
One Stock Left #27 including Rivals of Aether 2 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 0-3 2024-12-14
Win vs Allman 3-1 2024-12-14
Win vs TSS | Raihan 2-0 2024-12-14
Win vs Delteros 2-1 2024-12-14
Lose vs Coolkingz 0-2 2024-12-14
Win vs Gwenanata 2-0 2024-12-14
Win vs JordanGard 2-0 2024-12-14
One Stock Left #26 @ Albion Games Cafe
Win vs G-P 3-1 2024-11-30
Win vs Peggle | Aryl 3-1 2024-11-30
Win vs G-P 3-1 2024-11-30
Win vs EmolgaxD 3-0 2024-11-30
Win vs munch 3-0 2024-11-30
Win vs Delteros 3-1 2024-11-30
SPOOKY One Stock Left #24 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs Coolkingz 1-3 2024-11-02
Lose vs Coolkingz 1-3 2024-11-02
Win vs G-P 3-1 2024-11-02
Win vs Peggle | Aryl 3-1 2024-11-02
Win vs Stephanie 2-0 2024-11-02
Win vs converse53 2-0 2024-11-02
Lose vs Joj 0-2 2024-11-02
Win vs Fanata 2-0 2024-11-02
Win vs Coolkingz 2-1 2024-11-02
One Stock Left #22 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs Gwenanata 1-2 2024-10-05
Win vs Contact 2-0 2024-10-05
Lose vs Allman 0-2 2024-10-05
Win vs Fanata 2-0 2024-10-05
Win vs Scoundrel 2-0 2024-10-05
One Stock Left #21 @ Albion Games Cafe
Win vs Gwenanata 2-0 2024-09-22
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 2-3 2024-09-22
Win vs Oli220 2-1 2024-09-21
Lose vs Spooky 0-2 2024-09-21
Win vs bruhtha32 2-0 2024-09-21
One Stock Left #19: Cirla's Last Day!
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 0-3 2024-08-30
Win vs Cirla 3-0 2024-08-30
Win vs Peggle | Aryl 2-0 2024-08-30
Win vs Gwenanata 2-0 2024-08-30
Win vs Pingas 2-0 2024-08-30
Win vs Manuel 2-0 2024-08-30
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 1-2 2024-08-30
Win vs Joj 2-0 2024-08-30
One Stock Left #18 @ Albion Games Cafe
Win vs G-P 2-0 2024-08-05
Lose vs G-P 0-2 2024-08-05
Lose vs Koopa 1-3 2024-08-05
Win vs SquidDude 2-0 2024-08-03
Win vs converse53 2-0 2024-08-03
Win vs gerg 2-0 2024-08-03
Win vs Gemuby 2-0 2024-08-03
Lose vs Spooky 1-2 2024-08-03
Suffolk Smash #2: The Revival
Win vs Little N 2-0 2024-07-06
Lose vs Kendrick Olimar 0-3 2024-06-29
Lose vs Mashu 2-3 2024-06-29
Win vs TSS | Raihan 2-0 2024-06-29
One Stock Left 16 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs Cirla 1-3 2024-06-15
Win vs TSS RNS | Imzon 3-2 2024-06-15
Win vs Allman 2-1 2024-06-15
Win vs TSS | Raihan 2-0 2024-06-15
Win vs gerg 2-1 2024-06-15
Win vs munch 2-0 2024-06-15
Lose vs Gwenanata 0-2 2024-06-15
Win vs Judy 2-0 2024-06-15
One Stock Left #15 - Part of Norwich Games Festival!
Lose vs Cirla 0-3 2024-06-02
Win vs Spooky 3-2 2024-06-02
Win vs Koopa 3-2 2024-06-01
Win vs Joj 3-2 2024-06-01
Win vs Chewin' 3-0 2024-06-01
Lose vs Spooky 2-3 2024-06-01
Win vs Peggle | Aryl 3-0 2024-06-01
Brentwood Brawl III
Lose vs Skibidi Rizzfist 2-3 2024-05-25
Win vs omyn 3-2 2024-05-25
Lose vs lolahmed 0-3 2024-05-25
BIG One Stock Left!
Lose vs LDN | AggresiveDuck 1-2 2024-04-20
Win vs Goaty15 2-0 2024-04-20
Win vs DrunkenHyena 2-0 2024-04-20
Win vs Peggle | Aryl 2-0 2024-04-20
Win vs Tetsu 2-0 2024-04-20
Lose vs WAR | Skaws 0-2 2024-04-20
One Stock Left 13 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs TSS | Raihan 1-3 2024-03-30
Lose vs Koopa 1-3 2024-03-30
Win vs Contact 2-0 2024-03-30
Win vs Rphoenix 2-0 2024-03-30
One Stock Left #12 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 1-3 2024-03-17
Lose vs Coolkingz 1-3 2024-03-16
Win vs Contact 2-1 2024-03-16
Win vs Morningstar 2-0 2024-03-16
One Stock Left 11 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs Reecepect 2-3 2024-03-02
Win vs Allman 3-2 2024-03-02
Win vs TEDD 3-0 2024-03-02
Lose vs G-P 2-3 2024-03-02
Win vs Joj 3-0 2024-03-02
Win vs TEDD 3-0 2024-03-02
One Stock Left #8 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs S.D. 1-2 2024-01-20
Lose vs TSS | Raihan 0-2 2024-01-20
Win vs Peggle | NamesAce_ 2-0 2024-01-20
Win vs Peggle | PunkBelza 2-0 2024-01-20
One Stock Left #7 / One Round Left #2 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs Koopa 0-3 2024-01-10
Win vs Gwenanata 3-1 2024-01-10
Win vs Gemuby 3-1 2024-01-10
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 0-3 2024-01-06
Win vs powergo 2-0 2024-01-06
Win vs King Benedict 2-0 2024-01-06
One Stock Left #5 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs Contact 1-3 2023-12-02
Win vs Lake 3-0 2023-12-02
Win vs TSS | Ghost of Sparta 3-2 2023-12-02
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 0-3 2023-12-02
Win vs FluffySomnolence 3-0 2023-12-02
One Stock Left #3 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs Spooky 0-2 2023-11-04
Win vs powergo 2-0 2023-11-04
Lose vs Allman 0-2 2023-11-04
Win vs Mantra 2-1 2023-11-04
Win vs #1hboxfan 2-0 2023-11-04
One Stock Left 1 @ Albion Games Cafe
Lose vs Lake 1-2 2023-10-07
Lose vs Coolkingz 1-2 2023-10-07
Win vs powergo 2-0 2023-10-07
Teatime #98
Lose vs Ghidra 1-3 2023-06-28
Win vs Swistak 3-2 2023-06-28
Win vs Relix 3-2 2023-06-28
Win vs Gemuby 3-0 2023-06-28
Lose vs Ghidra 0-3 2023-06-28
Win vs Relix 2-0 2023-06-28
Win vs NotGagarin 2-0 2023-06-28
Brentwood Brawl II
Lose vs TRINITY 2-3 2023-06-03
Win vs c499 3-1 2023-06-03
Win vs jr919 1--1 2023-06-03
Win vs sheepylamb 3-0 2023-06-03
Lose vs ETE | Mischief 2-3 2023-06-03
OLL '23 Video Games Convention TOURNAMENTS
Lose vs MEAT | MKbov67 1-3 2023-04-15
Lose vs Hykonic 1-2 2023-04-15
Win vs Oli220 2-0 2023-04-15
Win vs Will | meowingcarrot 2-0 2023-04-15
Tea Party 3: Suited & Booted
Lose vs JoJo Baghdaddy 1-2 2023-03-11
Win vs LTB | Wilf 2-1 2023-03-11
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 0-2 2023-03-11
Last Stock Left #76 (EoE Norwich)
Lose vs Coolkingz 2-3 2022-10-23
Win vs Wing 1--1 2022-10-23
Win vs G-P 3-1 2022-10-23
Win vs Gaea 2-1 2022-10-23
Win vs Hykonic 2-1 2022-10-22
Lose vs Wing 1-2 2022-10-22
Win vs Tetsu 2-1 2022-10-22
Win vs Daxzz 2-0 2022-10-22
One Stock Left #75 (EoE Norwich)
Lose vs Coolkingz 0-3 2022-10-15
Win vs Allman 3-0 2022-10-15
Win vs Gwenanata 2-0 2022-10-15
Win vs Hayss 2-0 2022-10-15
Lose vs Coolkingz 0-2 2022-10-15
Win vs Fanata 2-0 2022-10-15
One Stock Left #72 (EoE Norwich)
Lose vs Coolkingz 2-3 2022-09-24
Lose vs Wing 1-3 2022-09-24
Win vs Allman 3-0 2022-09-24
Win vs Spooky 2-0 2022-09-24
Win vs Spark 2-0 2022-09-24
Tea Party 2: Mayoral Madness
Lose vs DegenGary 0-2 2022-09-10
Win vs Sma 2-0 2022-09-10
Lose vs WAR | Skaws 0-2 2022-09-10
Win vs Zangrix 2-0 2022-09-10
One Stock Left #69 (EoE Norwich)
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 2-3 2022-08-27
Lose vs G-P 2-3 2022-08-27
Win vs TSS RNS | Imzon 3-2 2022-08-27
Win vs Rphoenix 2-0 2022-08-27
One Stock Left #68 (EoE Norwich)
Win vs Hykonic 3-1 2022-08-20
Win vs Hykonic 3-2 2022-08-20
Win vs Joj 3-0 2022-08-20
Win vs Oli220 2-0 2022-08-20
One Stock Left #65 (EoE Norwich)
Lose vs Koopa 0-3 2022-07-30
Lose vs Allman 0-3 2022-07-30
Win vs Yuji 3-0 2022-07-30
Win vs Fanata 2-0 2022-07-30
Win vs CJ 2-0 2022-07-30
One Stock Left! #56 (EoE Norwich)
Lose vs Contact 0-3 2022-05-28
Win vs Koopa 3-2 2022-05-28
Win vs S.D. 3-2 2022-05-28
Lose vs Contact 1-3 2022-05-28
Win vs Legacy of Storm 2-1 2022-05-28
Win vs munch 2-0 2022-05-28
OLL '22 - Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament @ OLL '22 Video Games Convention
Lose vs munch -1-1 2022-04-09
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon -1-1 2022-04-09
Win vs Kars 1--1 2022-04-09
Tea Party 1: The Grand Introduction
Lose vs DAT LAB ST | Dark~ 0-2 2022-03-05
Lose vs Osk 0-2 2022-03-05
Win vs LTB | Faith 2-1 2022-03-05
Win vs DAT | Chili 2-1 2022-03-05
One Stock Left! #45 (EoE Norwich)
Lose vs Wing 0-3 2022-01-22
Lose vs Logue 0-3 2022-01-22
Win vs Contact 3-2 2022-01-22
Win vs Koopa 2-1 2022-01-22
Win vs TSS | Raihan 2-0 2022-01-22
One Stock Left! #43 (EoE Norwich)
Win vs Contact 3-0 2021-12-11
Win vs Contact 3-2 2021-12-11
Win vs Gaea 3-1 2021-12-11
Lose vs Contact 2-3 2021-12-11
Win vs Gaea 3-1 2021-12-11
Win vs Denarii 2-0 2021-12-11
Win vs wdbkoolkool 2-0 2021-12-11
One Stock Left #38
Lose vs Allman 1-3 2021-10-30
Lose vs Allman 1-3 2021-10-30
Win vs Allman 3-2 2021-10-30
Win vs Hykonic 3-0 2021-10-30
Win vs Juno 2-0 2021-10-30
One Stock Left! #37
Lose vs TSS RNS | Imzon 0-2 2021-10-16
Win vs Koopa 2-0 2021-10-16
Win vs Juno 2-1 2021-10-16
Lose vs Allman 1-2 2021-10-16
Win vs Gaea 2-0 2021-10-16
Win vs Tax Man 2-0 2021-10-16
One Stock Left! #36
Lose vs Hykonic 0-3 2021-10-02
Lose vs Hohsis 0-3 2021-10-02
Win vs Allman 2-0 2021-10-02
Win vs Bermuda 2-0 2021-10-02
One Stock Left! Road to OLL '22 #2
Lose vs Allman 1-3 2021-08-07
Win vs Wing 3-1 2021-08-07
Win vs TSS RNS | Imzon 3-2 2021-08-07
Win vs Chewin' 3-2 2021-08-07
Lose vs Allman 2-3 2021-08-07
Win vs Sygnus 2-0 2021-08-07
One Stock Left! Road To OLL '22 #1
Lose vs Reecepect 0-3 2021-07-23
Win vs Wing 3-1 2021-07-23
Win vs Hykonic 3-1 2021-07-23
Win vs Tetsu 3-0 2021-07-23
Lose vs Wing 1-3 2021-07-23
Win vs Gigaflair 2-1 2021-07-23
Win vs Fanata 2-0 2021-07-23
One Stock Left! #18
Lose vs White 0-2 2020-03-07
Lose vs Gaea 1-2 2020-03-07
Win vs Wonderboy 2-0 2020-03-07
Win vs Jaysef 2-0 2020-03-07
One Stock Left #17
Lose vs Gaea 2-3 2020-02-22
Win vs Wonderboy 3-1 2020-02-22
Win vs Bermuda 2-1 2020-02-22
Lose vs C4rrot 0-3 2020-02-22
Win vs Chris Packet 2-1 2020-02-22
Win vs Juno 2-0 2020-02-22
Win vs Allman 2-0 2020-02-22
Tournaments history (44)
Name Rank Date
One Stock Left #28 @ Albion Games Cafe 1 / 20 2025-01-04
One Stock Left #27 including Rivals of Aether 2 @ Albion Games Cafe 4 / 32 2024-12-14
One Stock Left #26 @ Albion Games Cafe 1 / 17 2024-11-30
SPOOKY One Stock Left #24 @ Albion Games Cafe 2 / 12 2024-11-02
One Stock Left #22 @ Albion Games Cafe 7 / 30 2024-10-05
One Stock Left #21 @ Albion Games Cafe 5 / 18 2024-09-21
One Stock Left #19: Cirla's Last Day! 2 / 23 2024-08-30
One Stock Left #18 @ Albion Games Cafe 5 / 14 2024-08-03
Suffolk Smash #2: The Revival 17 / 54 2024-06-30
One Stock Left 16 @ Albion Games Cafe 4 / 31 2024-06-15
One Stock Left #15 - Part of Norwich Games Festival! 3 / 18 2024-06-01
Brentwood Brawl III 33 / 71 2024-05-25
BIG One Stock Left! 17 / 48 2024-04-20
One Stock Left 13 @ Albion Games Cafe 5 / 22 2024-03-30
One Stock Left #12 @ Albion Games Cafe 5 / 26 2024-03-16
One Stock Left 11 @ Albion Games Cafe 3 / 19 2024-03-02
One Stock Left #8 @ Albion Games Cafe 9 / 32 2024-01-20
One Stock Left #7 / One Round Left #2 @ Albion Games Cafe 3 / 24 2024-01-06
One Stock Left #5 @ Albion Games Cafe 5 / 20 2023-12-02
One Stock Left #3 @ Albion Games Cafe 7 / 29 2023-11-04
One Stock Left 1 @ Albion Games Cafe 17 / 41 2023-10-07
Teatime #98 2 / 16 2023-06-28
Brentwood Brawl II 25 / 77 2023-06-03
OLL '23 Video Games Convention TOURNAMENTS 9 / 39 2023-04-16
Tea Party 3: Suited & Booted 97 / 159 2023-03-12
Last Stock Left #76 (EoE Norwich) 3 / 39 2022-10-22
One Stock Left #75 (EoE Norwich) 4 / 20 2022-10-15
One Stock Left #72 (EoE Norwich) 3 / 18 2022-09-24
Tea Party 2: Mayoral Madness 49 / 156 2022-09-11
One Stock Left #69 (EoE Norwich) 3 / 11 2022-08-27
One Stock Left #68 (EoE Norwich) 1 / 13 2022-08-20
One Stock Left #65 (EoE Norwich) 3 / 16 2022-07-30
One Stock Left! #56 (EoE Norwich) 3 / 23 2022-05-28
OLL '22 - Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament @ OLL '22 Video Games Convention 33 / 75 2022-04-09
Tea Party 1: The Grand Introduction 33 / 128 2022-03-06
One Stock Left! #45 (EoE Norwich) 3 / 23 2022-01-22
One Stock Left! #43 (EoE Norwich) 1 / 16 2021-12-11
One Stock Left #38 2 / 13 2021-10-30
One Stock Left! #37 5 / 28 2021-10-16
One Stock Left! #36 5 / 25 2021-10-02
One Stock Left! Road to OLL '22 #2 2 / 14 2021-08-07
One Stock Left! Road To OLL '22 #1 2 / 24 2021-07-23
One Stock Left! #18 9 / 34 2020-03-07
One Stock Left #17 3 / 33 2020-02-22