Duck Game Tournaments

United States
1 101
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


62nd out of 1101
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played within last year
Ranking history

Matches statistics (23)
Overall performance in matches
22% Win rate
Win 5
Draw 0
Lose 18
+ 176
- 300
+/- -124
Tournament statistics (9)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 2
Top 16 3
Top 32 4
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs dog_with_a_tail
Most lost 2x vs Nando101
Most played 2x vs Nando101
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (23)
Result Score Date
QC Arcadian 1v1 #6
Lose vs iPablol 3-15 2020-10-04
Win vs dog_with_a_tail 1-0 2020-10-04
Lose vs UncleSpoon 10-15 2020-10-04
Win vs NiK0 15-13 2020-10-04
Fowl Play 3: Drakes on a Plane
Lose vs buttergives 6-21 2020-08-22
Lose vs TheBurger 3-15 2020-08-22
Win vs Vorst 16-3 2020-08-22
QC 1v1 Weekly #55
Lose vs dog_with_a_tail 13-15 2020-08-02
Lose vs Nando101 3-16 2020-08-02
QC 1v1 Weekly #52
Lose vs the_cum_goblin 0-2 2020-07-12
Lose vs Lemon Juice 13-16 2020-07-12
QC Arcadian 1v1 #2
Lose vs Triz 9-17 2020-06-03
Lose vs ynjo 11-16 2020-06-03
QC Arcadian 1v1 #1
Lose vs StonerShade 12-17 2020-05-06
Win vs VirtualMe64 15-4 2020-05-06
Lose vs Lemon Juice 10-16 2020-05-06
QC Quacked Out Monthly #2
Lose vs Nando101 10-19 2020-03-21
Lose vs Crunchdude5 8-31 2020-03-21
QC 1v1 Weekly #42
Lose vs DamaldTrump 10-17 2020-02-29
Lose vs Plattepus 4-16 2020-02-29
QC 1v1 Weekly #6
Lose vs Palmaris 0-1 2018-11-18
Lose vs Maniaac 3-15 2018-11-17
Win vs Gamma 1-0 2018-11-17
Tournaments history (9)
Name Rank Date
QC Arcadian 1v1 #6 7 / 15 2020-10-04
Fowl Play 3: Drakes on a Plane 7 / 11 2020-08-22
QC 1v1 Weekly #55 17 / 28 2020-08-02
QC 1v1 Weekly #52 25 / 40 2020-07-12
QC Arcadian 1v1 #2 17 / 25 2020-06-03
QC Arcadian 1v1 #1 17 / 37 2020-05-06
QC Quacked Out Monthly #2 13 / 32 2020-03-21
QC 1v1 Weekly #42 13 / 17 2020-03-02
QC 1v1 Weekly #6 9 / 13 2018-11-18