Duck Game Tournaments

United States
1 101
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


42nd out of 1101
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played within last year
Ranking history

Matches statistics (35)
Overall performance in matches
43% Win rate
Win 15
Draw 0
Lose 20
+ 370
- 426
+/- -56
Tournament statistics (13)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 5
Top 16 6
Top 32 1
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Meksegg
Most lost 4x vs aladinthx
Most played 5x vs aladinthx
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Meksegg
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 20% vs aladinthx
Matches history (35)
Result Score Date
[HD] Недельный турнир 34
Lose vs jkause 12-15 2021-07-03
Lose vs _IceSword_ 6-15 2021-07-03
Win vs Ростик 16-11 2021-07-03
[HD] Недельный турнир 33
Lose vs Ростик 3-16 2021-06-26
Lose vs aladinthx 0-1 2021-06-26
[HD] Недельный турнир 32
Lose vs Hufflе 11-16 2021-06-18
Win vs Meksegg 11-8 2021-06-18
Win vs krabovaypolochka 15-5 2021-06-18
Lose vs aladinthx 13-16 2021-06-18
[HD] Недельный турнир 27
Lose vs Foxyfire 0-1 2021-05-14
Win vs Lidgqqq 1-0 2021-05-14
Win vs jkause 15-13 2021-05-14
Win vs Hufflе 18-11 2021-05-14
Lose vs I_can't_breathe 12-15 2021-05-14
Win vs Meksegg 15-13 2021-05-14
[HD] Недельный турнир 26
Lose vs jkause 16-18 2021-05-07
Lose vs Pancake 3-15 2021-05-07
Win vs aladinthx 16-15 2021-05-07
[HD] Недельный турнир 25
Lose vs aladinthx 13-17 2021-04-30
Win vs Denchikly 1-0 2021-04-30
Win vs Jepek132 15-13 2021-04-30
Win vs Anevory 15-12 2021-04-30
Lose vs bonya47 11-16 2021-04-30
[HD] Недельный турнир 24
Lose vs thatoldmagic 0-1 2021-04-24
Lose vs Pancake 12-15 2021-04-24
Win vs Meksegg 20-16 2021-04-24
QC 1v1 Weekly #73
Lose vs MerSpritePucko 4-15 2021-04-24
[HD] Недельный турнир 23
Lose vs aladinthx 5-15 2021-04-16
Win vs YourPalGavin 16-10 2021-04-16
Win vs IIIap 21-14 2021-04-16
Lose vs jkause 13-15 2021-04-16
QC 1v1 Weekly #72
Lose vs AGUANTEBOKITA 9-18 2021-04-10
Quarantined 3 - Duck Game
Lose vs ManRexonaMotionSense 4-15 2021-02-20
Win vs RaelKen 15-14 2021-02-20
Lose vs Apio_G 13-16 2021-02-20