Duck Game Tournaments

United States
1 101
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


29th out of 1101
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played within last year
Ranking history

Matches statistics (51)
Overall performance in matches
49% Win rate
Win 25
Draw 0
Lose 26
+ 379
- 396
+/- -17
Tournament statistics (9)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 2
Top 8 4
Top 16 3
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Bush Did 9/11
Most lost 3x vs Slinker
Most played 4x vs Slinker
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs Repiteo
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 25% vs Slinker
Matches history (51)
Result Score Date
The Nova Cup - 1v1 Double Elimination Tournament
Lose vs VirtualFishbowl 0-1 2017-04-08
Win vs HerroHerro911 1-0 2017-04-08
Win vs Anthony2Lem 1-0 2017-04-08
Win vs SaltanityCookieeh 1-0 2017-04-08
Win vs QC | MOP 1-0 2017-04-08
Win vs LazerKill 1-0 2017-04-08
Win vs Horrid 1-0 2017-04-08
Lose vs Phosphofructokinase 0-1 2017-04-08
1 v. 1 All-Skill Non-Elimination Tournament - 07
Lose vs Antonio 9-10 2017-03-08
Win vs jackirons 11-7 2017-03-08
Lose vs CaptainQuack 6-12 2017-03-08
Lose vs KlockworkCanary 4-15 2017-03-08
Lose vs Repiteo 5-12 2017-03-08
1 v. 1 All-Skill Non-Elimination Tournament - 06
Win vs Slinker 10-8 2017-03-01
Lose vs RandySavageTulpa 10-14 2017-03-01
Lose vs maf! 6-11 2017-03-01
Win vs WaffleAss 14-6 2017-03-01
Win vs A_Sitting_Duck 11-8 2017-03-01
Lose vs Seldaphar 10-11 2017-02-25
Lose vs HerroHerro911 4-13 2017-02-25
Win vs Repiteo 10-9 2017-02-25
Lose vs Slinker 8-12 2017-02-25
Win vs Banana_Head 12-6 2017-02-25
Win vs QC | Faw 14-5 2017-02-25
Win vs Pelican 13-6 2017-02-15
Lose vs Giampiero 13-14 2017-02-15
Lose vs Killentity 10-11 2017-02-15
Win vs Nekrosis 14-3 2017-02-15
Lose vs Tanagram 9-10 2017-02-15
Lose vs jdood2000 13-14 2017-02-08
Lose vs LilArnie 7-12 2017-02-08
Lose vs CipherQC 8-12 2017-02-08
Win vs Killentity 14-10 2017-02-08
Lose vs IncredibleToast 5-12 2017-02-08
Lose vs WhiteInk 7-12 2017-02-08
Win vs Bush Did 9/11 11-7 2017-02-01
Lose vs Slinker 8-11 2017-02-01
Lose vs Repiteo 6-11 2017-02-01
Lose vs This Guy 2-15 2017-02-01
Win vs Korbzdewut 11-8 2017-02-01
Win vs Bill 16-11 2017-02-01
Win vs Bush Did 9/11 11-8 2017-01-15
Lose vs Duck Jesus 9-10 2017-01-15
Lose vs rudix 9-10 2017-01-15
Lose vs Slinker 10-11 2017-01-15
Win vs Seldaphar 10-9 2017-01-15
Win vs maf! 10-7 2017-01-15
Win vs Collin 1-0 2017-01-03
Lose vs VirtualFishbowl 0-1 2017-01-03
Win vs Brdwthacgr 1-0 2017-01-03
Win vs pepehimself 1-0 2017-01-03
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