Individual vanilla amiibo

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

4 607
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

JoeyFaphone - Duck Hunt 

As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
1201st out of 4607
01 June 2020 - Today
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played within last 6 months
Based on the match score
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (42)
Overall performance in matches
29% Win rate
Win 12
Draw 0
Lose 30
+ 33
- 69
+/- -36
Tournament statistics (11)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 1
Top 16 2
Top 32 1
Worst 6
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs Staples - Olimar ⋆
Most lost 2x vs Staples - Olimar ⋆
Most played 3x vs Staples - Olimar ⋆
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs Staples - Olimar ⋆
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs Staples - Olimar ⋆
Matches history (42)
Result Score Date
Data Kraken
Win vs Fammy - Mr. Game & Watch ★★☆ 2-1 2020-12-12
Win vs gold_dxj - Fox 2-1 2020-12-08
Lose vs Glitched_Artist - Mr. Game & Watch 0-2 2020-12-08
Lose vs LML123 - Dark Pit ★ 0-2 2020-11-28
Lose vs Carbon Show - Mario 0-2 2020-11-23
Win vs Lucina - Ice Climbers ★ 2-0 2020-11-21
Lose vs nonSenseTaco - Link 0-2 2020-11-18
Lose vs Mono - Lucas 1-2 2020-11-16
Win vs Noah - Luigi 2-0 2020-11-15
Foren Magra Points Series
Lose vs Murbert - Ike ✶ 0-2 2020-12-24
Lose vs Fammy - Captain Falcon ✶★☆ 0-2 2020-11-18
Win vs MiDe - Luigi 2-1 2020-11-18
Homies Gotta Host. - A Fresh Beginning
Lose vs jozz - Lucario ★★☆☆ 0-2 2020-10-06
Lose vs Dreamy Jay - Palutena ☆⋆ 0-2 2020-10-06
C(a)denLisa Championship Series
Lose vs jozz - Bayonetta 0-2 2020-08-30
Lose vs Pi$$edOFFMom - Kirby ✯☆☆ 0-2 2020-08-30
Lose vs miim - Mii Gunner 0-2 2020-08-30
Lose vs SinSei - Link 1-2 2020-08-30
Lose vs Improv - Link ★ 0-2 2020-08-29
Lose vs TraumatizedBaconbits - King Dedede ✯★★☆ 0-2 2020-08-29
Lose vs LML123 - Pikachu ★★☆☆ 0-2 2020-08-29
Lose vs Scuttler - Wii Fit Trainer ☆ 0-2 2020-09-25
Lose vs Fammy - Pit 0-2 2020-09-25
Win vs jozz - Little Mac ✯★★✬ 2-0 2020-09-25
Lose vs Murbert - Daisy 0-2 2020-10-06
Win vs Scuttler - Jigglypuff 2-1 2020-10-06
Lose vs Dreamy Jay - Palutena ☆⋆ 0-2 2020-10-01
Win vs Logan - Samus 2-1 2020-10-01
Lose vs Spike - Zelda ✪✶☆ 0-2 2020-09-18
Lose vs Murbert - Lucario 1-2 2020-09-13
Lose vs Staples - Olimar ⋆ 0-3 2020-09-13
Lose vs Staples - Olimar ⋆ 2-3 2020-09-13
Win vs Staples - Olimar ⋆ 3-0 2020-09-13
Win vs Staples - Greninja 2-1 2020-09-13
Win vs Obsessed - Jigglypuff 2-1 2020-09-13
Lose vs Dreamy Jay - Sheik 1-2 2020-09-13
Lose vs Zornch - Mr. Game & Watch ★✬⋆ 0-2 2020-09-13
Lose vs forenmagra - Chrom ✪★☆☆ 1-2 2020-07-19
Lose vs Luckman - Link ★⁑ 0-2 2020-07-17
Lose vs gamer - Lucas ✪✪✪✯✯✷✶☆⁂⋆ 1-2 2020-07-12
Win vs Mega-Variable25 - Snake 2-0 2020-07-12
Lose vs penguhr - Mii Gunner ✯✶☆ 0-2 2020-07-12
Show more
Tournaments history (11)
Name Rank Date
Data Kraken 96 / 134 2020-11-14
Foren Magra Points Series 65 / 115 2020-11-07
Homies Gotta Host. - A Fresh Beginning 13 / 16 2020-10-06
Prove Me Wrong Escapade 3 13 / 32 2020-09-28
Obsessed Quarantine Major 106 / 106 2020-09-28
C(a)denLisa Championship Series 128 / 128 2020-09-28
Everybody Fucking Dies Season 2: Episode 1 33 / 46 2020-09-19
Lightweight Gang Weekly #6 2 / 16 2020-09-13
Why the Actual Fuck is this stage legal 7 / 8 2020-09-13
Showdown in Japan 97 / 113 2020-07-24
SUAL - The Smash Ultimate Amiibo League: Vanilla Editon #37 17 / 34 2020-07-12