Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

Seto Kaiba 

17th out of 432
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (33)
Overall performance in matches
58% Win rate
Win 19
Draw 0
Lose 14
+ 19
- 14
+/- 5
Tournament statistics (14)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 2
Top 8 4
Top 16 2
Top 32 4
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Papa Hopps
Most lost 1x vs Rose Duelist
Most played 2x vs Papa Hopps
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (33)
Result Score Date
Party at KaibaCorp
Lose vs Shark Kastle 0-1 2024-10-22
Lose vs Rose Duelist 0-1 2024-10-22
Win vs Rio Kastle 1-0 2024-10-22
Win vs Papa Hopps 1-0 2024-10-22
Main Stage
Lose vs Dumon 0-1 2024-10-10
Fallen Idols
Win vs Yugi Muto 1-0 2024-10-09
Win vs Rose Duelist 1-0 2024-10-09
Win vs Rex Goodwin 1-0 2024-10-09
Win vs Papa Hopps 1-0 2024-10-09
Win vs Dragan 1-0 2024-10-09
The Lunar War
Lose vs Yusei Fudo 0-1 2024-10-05
Win vs Dumon 1-0 2024-10-05
Win vs Gil Randsborg 1-0 2024-10-05
School Festival
Lose vs Kami 0-1 2024-10-02
God Stalkers
Win vs Kirk Dixon 1-0 2024-09-30
Lose vs Akiza Izinski 0-1 2024-09-30
Win vs Marik Ishtar 1-0 2024-09-30
Win vs Odion Ishtar 1-0 2024-09-30
Win vs Tilla Mook 1-0 2024-09-30
Battle City
Lose vs Mako Tsunami 0-1 2024-10-01
Win vs Weevil Underwood 1-0 2024-10-01
Win vs Bandit Keith 1-0 2024-10-01
Win vs Aster Phoenix 1-0 2024-10-01
Win vs Arkana 1-0 2024-10-01
Virtual League
Lose vs Nataly 0-1 2024-09-29
Fortune V
Lose vs Crow Hogan 0-1 2024-09-29
Win vs Old Man Junk 1-0 2024-09-29
Illusion Park
Lose vs The D 0-1 2024-09-22
GX War
Lose vs Midori Hibiki 0-1 2024-09-16
Win vs Lumis and Umbra 1-0 2024-09-16
Interschool Tournament
Lose vs Blair Flannigan 0-1 2024-09-12
Duelist Kingdom
Lose vs ParaDox Bros. 0-1 2024-09-12
Champion's Carnival
Lose vs Damien Draco 0-1 2024-09-11
Tournaments history (14)
Name Rank Date
Party at KaibaCorp 4 / 24 2024-10-22
Main Stage 17 / 32 2024-10-09
Fallen Idols 1 / 24 2024-10-09
The Lunar War 5 / 32 2024-10-05
School Festival 17 / 32 2024-10-01
God Stalkers 3 / 32 2024-09-30
Battle City 2 / 32 2024-09-29
Virtual League 9 / 25 2024-09-29
Fortune V 5 / 25 2024-09-29
Illusion Park 17 / 32 2024-09-22
GX War 5 / 28 2024-09-16
Interschool Tournament 33 / 64 2024-09-12
Duelist Kingdom 9 / 24 2024-09-12
Champion's Carnival 17 / 43 2024-09-11