Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

Yami Kuroda 

54th out of 443
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (25)
Overall performance in matches
56% Win rate
Win 14
Draw 0
Lose 11
+ 14
- 11
+/- 3
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 5
Top 16 2
Top 32 2
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Mickey Hopps
Most lost 2x vs Shoma Yusa
Most played 2x vs Shoma Yusa
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (25)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Sylvio Sawatari 0-1 2024-10-15
Win vs Midori Hibiki 1-0 2024-10-15
Generation NeXt
Lose vs Shoma Yusa 0-1 2024-10-15
Win vs Mokuba Kaiba 1-0 2024-10-15
Win vs Sunny Snips 1-0 2024-10-15
Win vs Julia Krystal 1-0 2024-10-15
Scholastic Championship
Lose vs Strong Jukyu 0-1 2024-10-14
Win vs Yu Akoboshi 1-0 2024-10-14
Win vs Shark Kastle 1-0 2024-10-14
Graduation Ceremony
Lose vs Syrus Truesdale 0-1 2024-10-10
Academy of Fear
Lose vs Anca D. 0-1 2024-10-05
School Festival
Lose vs Shoma Yusa 0-1 2024-10-02
Win vs Chumley Huffington 1-0 2024-10-02
Win vs Mickey Hopps 1-0 2024-10-02
D. A. Opening Ceremony
Lose vs Serenity Wheeler 0-1 2024-09-29
Dynamo Tournament
Lose vs Bonz 0-1 2024-09-28
Win vs Tilla Mook 1-0 2024-09-28
Win vs Christine 1-0 2024-09-28
Youth Cup
Lose vs Alda Vstormer 0-1 2024-09-26
Win vs Mickey Hopps 1-0 2024-09-26
Minor League
Lose vs Maci Hopps 0-1 2024-09-17
Lose vs Joey Wheeler 0-1 2024-09-17
Win vs Alda Vstormer 1-0 2024-09-17
Win vs Goro 1-0 2024-09-17
Win vs Ms. Chono 1-0 2024-09-17
Tournaments history (10)
Name Rank Date
Lockdown 9 / 24 2024-10-15
Generation NeXt 2 / 24 2024-10-15
Scholastic Championship 5 / 26 2024-10-13
Graduation Ceremony 9 / 24 2024-10-10
Academy of Fear 17 / 32 2024-10-05
School Festival 5 / 32 2024-10-01
D. A. Opening Ceremony 17 / 32 2024-09-29
Dynamo Tournament 5 / 25 2024-09-28
Youth Cup 5 / 25 2024-09-26
Minor League 4 / 28 2024-09-17