Chicago Smash Ultimate (2020-2023)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
4 167
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


16th out of 4167
01 September 2022 - 01 January 2023
Ranking history

Matches statistics (68)
Overall performance in matches
68% Win rate
Win 46
Draw 0
Lose 22
+ 111
- 74
+/- 37
Tournament statistics (11)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 6
Top 16 3
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Wefflez
Most lost 3x vs IceKnight
Most played 3x vs Wefflez
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Wefflez
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs IceKnight
Matches history (68)
Result Score Date
Ignition #299
Lose vs Viri 0-2 2022-12-29
Win vs LFA 2-0 2022-12-29
Lose vs IceKnight 0-2 2022-12-29
Win vs Crash101 2-1 2022-12-29
Win vs JRavioli 2-0 2022-12-29
Ignition #298
Lose vs big_mak 1-2 2022-12-22
Win vs kirby509 2-1 2022-12-22
Win vs Syphir 2-0 2022-12-22
Win vs Skull Kid 2-1 2022-12-22
Lose vs IceKnight 0-2 2022-12-22
Win vs isohel 2-1 2022-12-22
Win vs Swaissey 2-0 2022-12-22
Ignition #297
Lose vs Burst 0-2 2022-12-15
Win vs Hareta 2-1 2022-12-15
Win vs Jabes 2-1 2022-12-15
Win vs Wefflez 2-0 2022-12-15
Lose vs kirby509 1-2 2022-12-15
Win vs Icaro 2-0 2022-12-15
Win vs Wendozla 2-0 2022-12-15
Ultimate Regional Rumble 3
Win vs Mewmon 3-2 2022-12-04
Lose vs Meowscarada 0-3 2022-12-04
Win vs Wefflez 3-0 2022-12-04
Win vs Ikana 3-1 2022-12-04
Win vs Edboy (WI) 3-2 2022-12-04
Win vs SANTI 3-0 2022-12-04
Lose vs Doctorpat 2-3 2022-12-04
Win vs Mando 2-0 2022-12-03
Win vs Kling 2-0 2022-12-03
Win vs HeartOfOak 2-0 2022-12-03
Ignition #295
Lose vs Hareta 1-2 2022-12-01
Win vs UR | PAC DIESEL 2-0 2022-12-01
Lose vs Revolver 1-2 2022-12-01
Win vs Edboy (WI) 2-1 2022-12-01
Win vs AJ3Spritez 2-1 2022-12-01
Tripoint Stadium
Lose vs S.N.E.S.s 2-3 2022-11-27
Win vs JoJo 2-0 2022-11-26
Lose vs IceKnight 0-2 2022-11-26
Win vs Mivics 2-0 2022-11-26
Win vs DrMichaelBay 2-0 2022-11-26
Ignition #294
Lose vs kirby509 2-3 2022-11-24
Lose vs Toad 1-3 2022-11-24
Win vs UR | EarlOfM 2-1 2022-11-24
Win vs Redacious 2-1 2022-11-24
Win vs Ikana 2-1 2022-11-24
Win vs EPTS | DuckDuckPony 2-0 2022-11-24
Ignition #293
Lose vs Arctice 0-2 2022-11-17
Win vs OnePower 2-1 2022-11-17
Win vs Eclipz 2-1 2022-11-17
Win vs Goldhatcat 2-0 2022-11-17
Lose vs Ravenking 1-2 2022-11-17
Win vs Links 2-0 2022-11-17
Ignition #291
Lose vs Ravenking 0-2 2022-11-03
Win vs Wefflez 2-1 2022-11-03
Lose vs Samtea 1-2 2022-11-03
Win vs okS 2-1 2022-11-03
Win vs Reedo 2-0 2022-11-03
Tripoint Smash 165
Lose vs S.N.E.S.s 0-3 2022-10-29
Win vs Aster 3-2 2022-10-29
Win vs Prompto 2-1 2022-10-29
Win vs Ever 2-0 2022-10-29
Lose vs S.N.E.S.s 0-2 2022-10-29
Win vs IBEX 2-1 2022-10-29
Win vs Aurora 2-0 2022-10-29
Tripoint Smash 163
Lose vs CoolKid85 0-2 2022-10-15
Win vs GammaStar 2-0 2022-10-15
Win vs UGSG | Man Li Gi 2-0 2022-10-15
Lose vs Twig 0-2 2022-10-15
Win vs UGS | Tempest 2-0 2022-10-15
Tournaments history (11)
Name Rank Date
Ignition #299 13 / 80 2022-12-29
Ignition #298 7 / 86 2022-12-22
Ignition #297 7 / 61 2022-12-15
Ultimate Regional Rumble 3 2 / 69 2022-12-04
Ignition #295 7 / 40 2022-12-01
Tripoint Stadium 25 / 117 2022-11-27
Ignition #294 5 / 95 2022-11-24
Ignition #293 7 / 41 2022-11-17
Ignition #291 13 / 66 2022-11-03
Tripoint Smash 165 4 / 42 2022-10-29
Tripoint Smash 163 9 / 45 2022-10-15