Chicago Smash Ultimate (2020-2023)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
4 167
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


31st out of 4167
14 July 2021 - 01 October 2021
Ranking history

Matches statistics (73)
Overall performance in matches
64% Win rate
Win 47
Draw 0
Lose 26
+ 114
- 72
+/- 42
Tournament statistics (15)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 3
Top 8 1
Top 16 4
Top 32 3
Worst 3
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Wefflez
Most lost 2x vs Lehran
Most played 3x vs Lehran
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Wefflez
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs Lehran
Matches history (73)
Result Score Date
Combat Cafe Ultimate #6
Lose vs Lehran 1-2 2021-09-29
Lose vs Toad 1-2 2021-09-29
Win vs Koumba | shrimpmax 2-0 2021-09-29
Win vs SAHS | Arct2c_F0x 2-0 2021-09-29
Ignition #236
Lose vs UR | SNooFL 1-2 2021-09-23
Win vs Thomas446 2-0 2021-09-23
Win vs Omser 2-0 2021-09-23
Lose vs RIN 1-2 2021-09-23
Win vs PPA | jk 2-0 2021-09-23
Ignition #234
Lose vs Bluestar 1-2 2021-09-09
Lose vs Mordred 0-2 2021-09-09
Win vs Coman 2-0 2021-09-09
Stock Confirm 5
Lose vs Lehran 1-2 2021-09-03
Lose vs Arctice 1-2 2021-09-03
Win vs Wefflez 2-0 2021-09-03
Win vs Candice 2-0 2021-09-03
Combat Cafe Ultimate #5
Win vs Skull Kid 3-1 2021-09-01
Win vs UR | PAC DIESEL 3-0 2021-09-01
Win vs SANTI 2-1 2021-09-01
Win vs Legacy 2-0 2021-09-01
Win vs Hida 2-0 2021-09-01
Ignition #232
Lose vs TOO | PAFACLUTCH3R 0-2 2021-08-26
Lose vs Ikan 0-2 2021-08-26
Win vs Stigma 2-0 2021-08-26
Ignition #231
Lose vs Pikz 0-2 2021-08-19
Lose vs Ravenking 1-2 2021-08-19
Win vs Wefflez 2-1 2021-08-19
Win vs Claws 2-0 2021-08-19
Ignition #230
Lose vs Burst 0-2 2021-08-12
Win vs Zain 2-1 2021-08-12
Lose vs Revolver 0-2 2021-08-12
Win vs Eclipz 2-0 2021-08-12
Win vs RZI 2-1 2021-08-12
Win vs Nk 2-0 2021-08-12
Ignition #229
Lose vs Eclipz 0-2 2021-08-05
Win vs Lemmay 2-0 2021-08-05
Lose vs UGS | Super Dan 0-2 2021-08-05
Win vs Matt Beach 2-1 2021-08-05
Win vs Sneako 2-0 2021-08-05
Ignition #228
Lose vs UR | SNooFL 0-2 2021-07-29
Win vs Wefflez 2-0 2021-07-29
Lose vs Comet 1-2 2021-07-29
Win vs kirby509 2-0 2021-07-29
Win vs Towelie 2-0 2021-07-29
Win vs Chratom 2-0 2021-07-29
Alulu Smash
Lose vs Vidrocker 2-3 2021-07-28
Lose vs Samtea 2-3 2021-07-28
Win vs YoRHa | Bakin 3-0 2021-07-28
Win vs Doctorpat 2-1 2021-07-28
Win vs Zurheide 2-0 2021-07-28
Win vs dl 2-0 2021-07-28
Tech Chase @ Midlane #6
Lose vs Samtea 0-3 2021-07-23
Lose vs Ikan 0-3 2021-07-23
Win vs isohel 3-1 2021-07-23
Win vs Caleb 2-0 2021-07-23
Win vs Branwen 2-1 2021-07-23
Win vs Lehran 2-0 2021-07-23
Ignition #227
Lose vs Mewmon 0-2 2021-07-22
Win vs NOODLE 2-0 2021-07-22
Win vs DFN | Kream1 2-1 2021-07-22
Lose vs Viri 0-2 2021-07-22
Win vs Troll_Tactics 2-0 2021-07-22
Win vs 2Slaps 2-1 2021-07-22
Win vs Dr. Frungini 2-0 2021-07-22
Tech Chase @ Midlane #5
Lose vs Knuck 1-3 2021-07-16
Win vs SANTI 3-0 2021-07-16
Win vs Frosty 3-2 2021-07-16
Win vs Arctice 2-1 2021-07-16
Win vs Skull Kid 2-0 2021-07-16
Win vs Aeneas 2-0 2021-07-16
Win vs Branwen 2-1 2021-07-16
Lose vs Van5on 0-2 2021-07-16
Win vs Bonzai 2-0 2021-07-16
Tournaments history (15)
Name Rank Date
Combat Cafe Ultimate #6 5 / 21 2021-09-29
Ignition #236 17 / 88 2021-09-23
Ignition #234 33 / 86 2021-09-09
Stock Confirm 5 9 / 35 2021-09-03
Combat Cafe Ultimate #5 1 / 25 2021-09-01
Ignition #232 17 / 95 2021-08-26
Ignition #231 33 / 121 2021-08-19
Ignition #230 13 / 119 2021-08-12
Tripoint Smash 108 Ft. PPA vs Yacht Club Crew Battle! 97 / 126 2021-08-07
Ignition #229 25 / 147 2021-08-05
Ignition #228 13 / 120 2021-07-29
Alulu Smash 3 / 31 2021-07-28
Tech Chase @ Midlane #6 3 / 48 2021-07-23
Ignition #227 9 / 138 2021-07-22
Tech Chase @ Midlane #5 3 / 52 2021-07-16