Mi Smash Ultimate Database

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
4 246
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
41st out of 4246
01 July 2022 - 30 September 2022
Activity requirement
Requires 4 tournaments played
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (35)
Overall performance in matches
60% Win rate
Win 21
Draw 0
Lose 14
+ 46
- 38
+/- 8
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 3
Top 16 4
Top 32 1
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 4x vs Spectre
Most lost 3x vs boku
Most played 4x vs Spectre
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Spectre
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs boku
Matches history (35)
Result Score Date
Movement Smash # 85
Lose vs boku 0-2 2022-09-06
Win vs Solstice | Gomakenpi 2-0 2022-09-06
Win vs Pikmanz 2-1 2022-09-06
Win vs Spectre 2-1 2022-09-06
Lose vs Rob. 1-2 2022-09-06
Movement Smash # 84 @ Movement United
Lose vs Broly 0-2 2022-08-30
Win vs Rob. 2-1 2022-08-30
Win vs Sliggins 2-1 2022-08-30
Win vs Spectre 2-0 2022-08-30
Lose vs boku 0-2 2022-08-30
Win vs brADyHD 2-0 2022-08-30
Movement Smash # 83 @ Movement United
Lose vs Broly 0-2 2022-08-23
Win vs self_service 2-0 2022-08-23
Win vs Spectre 2-0 2022-08-23
Lose vs SoGoodPop 1-2 2022-08-23
Win vs SHG | Lyrical 2-1 2022-08-23
Movement Smash # 81 @ Movement United
Lose vs Ramiz 0-2 2022-08-09
Win vs PT | triscuit 2-1 2022-08-09
Win vs IV 2-0 2022-08-09
Win vs Spectre 2-0 2022-08-09
Lose vs Forte 0-2 2022-08-09
Movement Smash # 80 @ Movement United
Lose vs Brandon Gordon 1-2 2022-08-02
Win vs thicc nicc 2-1 2022-08-02
Win vs E-serpent 2-0 2022-08-02
Lose vs MSU | CITADEL | Dice 0-2 2022-08-02
Win vs Sliggins 2-1 2022-08-02
Movement Smash # 79 @ Movement United
Lose vs Camel 0-2 2022-07-26
Lose vs Daybreak 0-2 2022-07-26
Win vs OU | Spectral 2-1 2022-07-26
Win vs G_man 2-1 2022-07-26
DI Downriver #59
Lose vs JADO 0-2 2022-07-07
Win vs Move | EXO 2-0 2022-07-07
Lose vs boku 1-2 2022-07-07
Win vs KoNflict 2-0 2022-07-07
Win vs Trine | Bert 2-0 2022-07-07
Tournaments history (10)