Jorge el curioso

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

1 966
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

BSH | Bass 

194th out of 1966
01 January 2024 - 31 December 2024
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (30)
Overall performance in matches
53% Win rate
Win 16
Draw 0
Lose 14
+ 51
- 45
+/- 6
Tournament statistics (7)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 1
Top 16 4
Top 32 2
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Dabi
Most lost 2x vs LC | Anriot
Most played 3x vs Dabi
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Dabi
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Dabi
Matches history (30)
Result Score Date
Nitro Fighting League
Lose vs LC | Anriot 2-3 2024-11-16
Win vs Havoc | Janrok 3-0 2024-11-16
Win vs Mojan city | El Cappy 2-0 2024-11-16
Lose vs SUCOL | Hiro 1-2 2024-11-16
Win vs SCL | Nagi 2-0 2024-11-16
Gates to Tartarus
Lose vs Lelm 2-3 2024-10-06
Win vs LC | Valgarite 3-0 2024-10-06
Lose vs MVT | Angelini 2-3 2024-10-06
Win vs DeityZ 3-1 2024-10-06
Forest Mixup
Lose vs LC | Chucuclir 2-3 2024-07-13
Win vs LC | Hidan 3-1 2024-07-13
Win vs LC | Valgarite 2-0 2024-07-13
Lose vs LC | Jerich 0-2 2024-07-13
Win vs Dabi 2-0 2024-07-13
Koopa Keep
Lose vs LC | LuichoX 0-2 2024-06-02
Lose vs BAGRE | Kylar 0-2 2024-06-02
Win vs LC | Rin$ 2-1 2024-06-02
Lose vs LC | Anriot 0-3 2024-05-18
Win vs Dabi 3-1 2024-05-18
Lose vs RNE | Pancakes 0-3 2024-05-18
Win vs LC | Hidan 2-1 2024-05-18
Win vs Blake 2-0 2024-05-18
Steal This Stock! #1
Lose vs AOF | Virgolini LA MÁQUINA 0-2 2024-01-28
Lose vs Havoc | X-Pelox 0-2 2024-01-28
Win vs AOF | Queen 2-1 2024-01-28
Star Valley #1
Lose vs LC | Zeliox SwordCloud 1-3 2024-01-20
Win vs LC | KirbyCheddar 3-2 2024-01-20
Win vs Dabi 3-1 2024-01-20
Lose vs CCG | X Ken Kaneki 1-3 2024-01-20
Win vs Miguel hojara 3-0 2024-01-20
Tournaments history (7)
Name Rank Date
Nitro Fighting League 9 / 32 2024-11-16
Gates to Tartarus 13 / 40 2024-10-07
Forest Mixup 9 / 42 2024-07-13
Koopa Keep 17 / 56 2024-06-02
TORNEO PRO GAMING CENTER #2 7 / 25 2024-05-19
Steal This Stock! #1 17 / 31 2024-01-28
Star Valley #1 9 / 34 2024-01-21