SoulCalibur VI Custom Char Bots

SoulCalibur VI

Ranking list
Select a ranking to display the corresponding statistics
All times
Yearly Rebalancing
Based on the match score
Point - Defined By Algorithm
All times
Monthly Rebalancing
Based on the match score
Algorithm (No Reb)
Point - Defined By Algorithm
All times
Based on the match score
Algorithm Point 2019
Point - Defined By Algorithm
Beginning - 31 December 2019
Monthly Rebalancing
Based on the match score
Algorithm Point 2020
Point - Defined By Algorithm
01 January 2020 - 31 December 2020
Monthly Rebalancing
Based on the match score
Algorithm Point 2021
Point - Defined By Algorithm
01 January 2021 - 31 December 2021
Monthly Rebalancing
Based on the match score
Elo 2019-2022
Beginning - 01 June 2022
Based on the match score
Elo Minus Rebalancing
All times
Based on the match score
Point 2023
Point - Defined By Algorithm
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023
Top 10 history
History of the players having integrated the top 10 (at least 3 times)