ATX Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
2 452
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


4th out of 2452
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023
Activity requirement
Requires 4 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (45)
Overall performance in matches
71% Win rate
Win 32
Draw 0
Lose 13
+ 87
- 48
+/- 39
Tournament statistics (7)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 3
Top 8 4
Top 16 0
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Ray
Most lost 5x vs MG | z3
Most played 6x vs MG | z3
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 67% vs Ray
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 17% vs MG | z3
Matches history (45)
Result Score Date
Cityscape 176
Lose vs Li’l BRO 1-3 2023-12-19
Lose vs MG | z3 0-1 2023-12-19
Win vs Li’l BRO 3-2 2023-12-19
Win vs fredo 2-0 2023-12-19
Win vs BT 2-0 2023-12-19
Win vs WALES | AURUMN | Conykn 2-0 2023-12-19
Nightlife 71
Lose vs Tenni 2-3 2023-12-16
Lose vs MG | z3 1-3 2023-12-16
Win vs zIP 3-1 2023-12-16
Win vs anaco! 2-0 2023-12-16
Win vs Lol | Jard 2-0 2023-12-16
Smashvania #100 [$400 Prize Pool]
Lose vs Si | Gidy 2-3 2023-08-03
Win vs DBQ | Snore 2-0 2023-08-03
Win vs Ray 2-0 2023-08-03
Win vs Dorcas 2-0 2023-08-03
Win vs Word Wizard 2-0 2023-08-03
Win vs RighteousRook 2-0 2023-08-03
Win vs fredo 2-0 2023-08-03
Win vs JoWiikly 3-0 2023-08-03
Battle Tower
Lose vs Ray 2-3 2023-07-22
Win vs AK | DarkAngel 3-2 2023-07-22
Win vs TAMU | Pink 2-1 2023-07-22
Lose vs Xerzal 0-2 2023-07-22
Win vs ZAMN | xX_Some Shmuck_Xx 2-0 2023-07-22
Win vs bhen 2-0 2023-07-22
Shatterpoint 1.0
Lose vs SKE | ToasT 1-3 2023-06-18
Win vs GAS | rat 3-1 2023-06-18
Lose vs MG | z3 2-3 2023-06-18
Win vs UG | Buandon 3-0 2023-06-17
Win vs Meek 2-0 2023-06-17
Win vs LB | yeenspeaks 2-0 2023-06-17
Set Count 2-1
Lose vs MuteAce 0-3 2023-01-08
Win vs Ray 3-1 2023-01-08
Lose vs KS | BullHall 0-3 2023-01-08
Win vs DIV3 | Rocke 3-0 2023-01-08
Win vs TAMU | IDSW 2-0 2023-01-08
Win vs Winds 2-1 2023-01-07
Win vs UT | spooncats 2-0 2023-01-07
SmashHaven #27
Lose vs MG | z3 0-3 2023-01-04
Win vs MG | z3 3-2 2023-01-04
Win vs UT | Trace 3-0 2023-01-04
Lose vs MG | z3 1-3 2023-01-04
Win vs ABY 3-1 2023-01-04
Win vs ZAMN | xX_Some Shmuck_Xx 2-0 2023-01-04
Win vs SSJ 2-0 2023-01-04
Tournaments history (7)
Name Rank Date
Cityscape 176 3 / 44 2023-12-19
Nightlife 71 3 / 28 2023-12-16
Smashvania #100 [$400 Prize Pool] 5 / 64 2023-08-03
Battle Tower 5 / 45 2023-07-23
Shatterpoint 1.0 7 / 95 2023-06-18
Set Count 2-1 7 / 192 2023-01-08
SmashHaven #27 2 / 22 2023-01-04