ATX Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
2 452
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


41st out of 2452
01 January 2024 - 31 December 2024
Activity requirement
Requires 4 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (73)
Overall performance in matches
59% Win rate
Win 43
Draw 0
Lose 30
+ 123
- 99
+/- 24
Tournament statistics (15)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 5
Top 8 4
Top 16 4
Top 32 0
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
Most won 4x vs Word Wizard
Most lost 5x vs Tempo
Most played 6x vs Tempo
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Word Wizard
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Ray
Matches history (73)
Result Score Date
Crater Clash #21
Lose vs Vash 1-3 2024-11-24
Lose vs Vash 2-3 2024-11-24
Win vs Mudkip 3-1 2024-11-23
Win vs kiko 3-2 2024-11-23
Win vs Sol 2-0 2024-11-23
Springtown Slam #123
Lose vs Ray 2-3 2024-10-25
Win vs Word Wizard 3-1 2024-10-25
Lose vs Ray 0-3 2024-10-25
Win vs Word Wizard 3-1 2024-10-25
Win vs Seeg 2-0 2024-10-25
Springtown Slam #122
Lose vs Ray 1-3 2024-10-18
Win vs Word Wizard 3-2 2024-10-18
Win vs Seeg 3-0 2024-10-18
Win vs Sotomon 3-0 2024-10-18
Lose vs Ray 0-3 2024-10-18
Win vs kiko 2-1 2024-10-18
Win vs Kaptain K. Rapp 2-0 2024-10-18
SD Sundays #83! TXST Showdown!
Lose vs Fern 1-2 2024-10-13
Win vs UT | Galva 2-1 2024-10-13
Win vs GOCK IN MY RARI 2-0 2024-10-13
Lose vs UT | Broico 1-2 2024-10-13
Springtown Slam #119
Lose vs Ray 1-3 2024-09-27
Win vs Tempo 3-1 2024-09-27
Win vs Dorcas 2-1 2024-09-27
Win vs Seeg 3-1 2024-09-27
Win vs Vash 3-0 2024-09-27
Lose vs Tempo 0-3 2024-09-27
Crater Clash #10
Lose vs DF8 1-2 2024-08-25
Win vs UT | Galva 2-0 2024-08-25
Win vs TastyCakes 2-0 2024-08-24
Win vs DiChiDu 2-0 2024-08-24
Lose vs Indigo 1-2 2024-08-24
Win vs Vash 2-1 2024-08-24
Springtown Slam #114
Lose vs UT | Deltabolt 1-3 2024-08-23
Win vs Sotomon 2-0 2024-08-23
Win vs Bunion L 2-0 2024-08-23
Lose vs UT | Tybotexas 1-2 2024-08-23
Win vs TastyCakes 2-1 2024-08-23
Crater Clash #9
Lose vs Tempo 2-3 2024-08-17
Win vs Caucasian Sensation 3-1 2024-08-17
Win vs Mudkip 2-1 2024-08-17
Win vs kiko 2-1 2024-08-17
Lose vs Seeg 0-2 2024-08-17
Win vs TeaMooWalrus 2-0 2024-08-17
Crater Clash #6
Lose vs kiko 0-2 2024-07-27
Lose vs Tempo 1-2 2024-07-27
Win vs Aeryn 2-0 2024-07-27
Nightlife 93
Lose vs UT | kenneth 0-2 2024-06-29
Lose vs UT | umop ap!sdn 0-2 2024-06-29
Win vs TN | mosss 2-0 2024-06-29
Crater Clash #2
Lose vs zIP 0-3 2024-06-22
Win vs Blooangel 3-0 2024-06-22
Win vs Sotomon 2-0 2024-06-22
Lose vs CMR | The_GMeister 1-2 2024-06-22
Win vs ViaCher 2-0 2024-06-22
Springtown Slam #104
Lose vs Tempo 2-3 2024-06-07
Win vs Caucasian Sensation 3-0 2024-06-07
Win vs Word Wizard 3-2 2024-06-07
Lose vs Tempo 1-3 2024-06-07
Win vs Caucasian Sensation 2-0 2024-06-07
Win vs TeaMooWalrus 2-1 2024-06-07
Nightlife 84: Happy Birthday Waltz Edition
Lose vs Cat 1-3 2024-04-20
Win vs UT | Galva 3-0 2024-04-20
Lose vs fredo 0-3 2024-04-20
Win vs UT | Trace 3-1 2024-04-20
Route 512
Lose vs Li’l BRO 0-3 2024-01-13
Lose vs UT | Galva 0-3 2024-01-13
Nightlife 73: Official Pre-Local for the Road to Reverie Qualifier, Route 512
Lose vs Puffles 0-2 2024-01-13
Win vs LzR | UT | Imperator 2-1 2024-01-13
Win vs Blooangel 2-0 2024-01-13
Win vs Suga 2-0 2024-01-13
Lose vs J$mash 0-2 2024-01-13
Win vs C4 | DIV3 | Special 2-0 2024-01-13
Tournaments history (15)
Name Rank Date
Crater Clash #21 2 / 15 2024-11-24
Springtown Slam #123 2 / 13 2024-10-25
Springtown Slam #122 2 / 15 2024-10-18
SD Sundays #83! TXST Showdown! 13 / 30 2024-10-14
Springtown Slam #119 2 / 16 2024-09-27
Crater Clash #10 7 / 30 2024-08-25
Springtown Slam #114 5 / 16 2024-08-23
Crater Clash #9 4 / 15 2024-08-18
Crater Clash #6 9 / 16 2024-07-28
Nightlife 93 33 / 50 2024-06-29
Crater Clash #2 5 / 19 2024-06-23
Springtown Slam #104 3 / 17 2024-06-07
Nightlife 84: Happy Birthday Waltz Edition 13 / 34 2024-04-20
Route 512 65 / 98 2024-01-14
Nightlife 73: Official Pre-Local for the Road to Reverie Qualifier, Route 512 13 / 43 2024-01-13