ATX Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
2 452
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


195th out of 2452
01 January 2022 - 31 December 2022
Activity requirement
Requires 4 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (27)
Overall performance in matches
26% Win rate
Win 7
Draw 0
Lose 20
+ 18
- 40
+/- -22
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 1
Top 16 2
Top 32 5
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs HTE | spaghetti
Most lost 1x vs Techman
Most played 1x vs Techman
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (27)
Result Score Date
TEC32 Smash Ultimate 08/26. Starts at 7:30pm
Lose vs LB | MNC | BEANS 0-2 2022-08-27
Lose vs Scitlec 0-2 2022-08-27
TEC 16 Smash Ultimate 05/06. Bracket starts at 7:30pm
Lose vs WndrWllz 1-2 2022-05-07
Lose vs zIP 0-2 2022-05-07
TEC 14 (LTC Unofficial Pre-local) Smash Ultimate 04/28. Bracket starts at 7:30pm
Lose vs ds2 | PuffDaddyJ_ 0-2 2022-04-29
Lose vs T8 | Zie 0-2 2022-04-29
TEC 13 Smash Ultimate 04/22. Bracket starts at 7:30pm
Lose vs ChickenSandwich 0-2 2022-04-23
Win vs TeC | SirPugglesworth 2-0 2022-04-23
Lose vs Word Wizard 0-2 2022-04-23
Win vs HTE | spaghetti 2-0 2022-04-23
CrossUp 8 Smash Ultimate 04/10. Bracket starts at 3:30pm
Lose vs G-rugg 0-2 2022-04-10
Win vs TEC | KCWilder 2-0 2022-04-10
Lose vs hamstax 0-2 2022-04-10
Win vs Guy 2-0 2022-04-10
TEC 11 Smash Ultimate 04/08. Bracket starts at 7:30pm
Lose vs UT | Galva 1-2 2022-04-09
Win vs M333 2-0 2022-04-09
Lose vs Blooangel 0-2 2022-04-09
TEC 10 Smash Ultimate 04/01 Bracket starts at 7:30pm
Lose vs UT | Gallon 0-2 2022-04-02
Win vs Stodd 2-0 2022-04-02
Lose vs UT | MadIke 0-2 2022-04-02
TEC 9 Smash Ultimate 03/25. Bracket starts at 7:30 PM
Lose vs LB | c$ 1-2 2022-03-26
Lose vs beatsalad 1-2 2022-03-26
TEC Smash Ultimate 03/11. Bracket starts at 7:30 PM
Lose vs Kanya 0-2 2022-03-12
Lose vs WallyC 0-2 2022-03-12
Super Smash Tournament at The Esports Cave 02/25. Bracket starts at 7:30 PM
Lose vs SAnt 0-2 2022-02-26
Win vs shadowsensui 2-0 2022-02-26
Lose vs Techman 0-2 2022-02-26