ATX Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
2 452
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


9th out of 2452
15 November 2024 - 10 February 2025
Activity requirement
Requires 7 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (86)
Overall performance in matches
64% Win rate
Win 55
Draw 0
Lose 31
+ 143
- 107
+/- 36
Tournament statistics (17)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 6
Top 8 8
Top 16 1
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs UT | Galva
Most lost 10x vs Ray
Most played 12x vs Ray
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs UT | Galva
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Waltz
Matches history (86)
Result Score Date
Smashcamp #29
Lose vs Waltz 0-3 2025-02-08
Win vs UT | Tybotexas 3-2 2025-02-08
Win vs UT | Gallon 2-1 2025-02-08
Win vs yea h 2-0 2025-02-08
Lose vs Waltz 0-2 2025-02-08
Win vs LB | c$ 2-0 2025-02-08
Springtown Slam #135
Lose vs Ray 0-3 2025-02-07
Win vs Ray 3-0 2025-02-07
Win vs BroKen 3-2 2025-02-07
Lose vs Ray 1-3 2025-02-07
Win vs BroKen 3-1 2025-02-07
Win vs Mudkip 2-1 2025-02-07
Win vs $tack$ 2-0 2025-02-07
Crater Clash #27
Lose vs anaco! 2-3 2025-02-01
Lose vs Renegade 1-3 2025-02-01
Win vs Kazero 3-0 2025-02-01
Win vs Dorcas 2-1 2025-02-01
Win vs MA | Maiko 2-0 2025-02-01
Springtown Slam #134
Lose vs Ray 1-3 2025-01-31
Lose vs Ray 2-3 2025-01-31
Win vs Ray 3-2 2025-01-31
Win vs Haku 3-1 2025-01-31
Win vs ViaCher 3-0 2025-01-31
Smashvania #175
Lose vs UT | Tybotexas 0-3 2025-01-30
Win vs UT | Voki 3-0 2025-01-30
Lose vs StudZ 0-3 2025-01-30
Win vs Dominus 2-1 2025-01-30
Win vs Edgar 2-0 2025-01-30
Win vs Shuichi 2-0 2025-01-30
Smashvania #174
Win vs haleytheguy 2-0 2025-01-23
Lose vs Savage 1-2 2025-01-23
Lose vs MG | z3 0-2 2025-01-23
Win vs UT | Galva 2-0 2025-01-23
Springtown Slam #132
Lose vs Ray 0-3 2025-01-17
Win vs Seeg 2-0 2025-01-17
Win vs GUMP2 | Jojo 2-0 2025-01-17
Lose vs Ray 0-2 2025-01-17
Win vs GUMP2 | Jojo 2-0 2025-01-17
Win vs Bunion L 2-1 2025-01-17
Smashvania #173
Lose vs UT | Tybotexas 2-3 2025-01-16
Win vs mutespittah 2-0 2025-01-16
Win vs Lord_Jesus 2-0 2025-01-16
Lose vs UT | Gallon 1-2 2025-01-16
Win vs UT | Broico 2-1 2025-01-16
Win vs RTilted 2-0 2025-01-16
Springtown Slam #131
Win vs Mudkip 3-2 2025-01-10
Lose vs Ray 0-3 2025-01-10
Win vs kiko 3-1 2025-01-10
Win vs Seeg 3-1 2025-01-10
Lose vs Ray 1-3 2025-01-10
Smashvania #172
Lose vs Zaxys 0-2 2025-01-09
Win vs UT | Galva 2-0 2025-01-09
Lose vs UT | Tybotexas 0-2 2025-01-09
Win vs Katsu 2-0 2025-01-09
Win vs the pink hope 2-0 2025-01-09
Smashcamp #24
Lose vs zIP 0-3 2025-01-04
Lose vs Waltz 0-3 2025-01-04
Win vs LB | c$ 2-0 2025-01-04
Win vs Alice Ex 2-0 2025-01-04
Gaymer Night - Special Holiday Bracket!
Win vs Gallery 2-1 2025-01-01
Win vs Gallery 3-2 2025-01-01
Lose vs Gallery 0-3 2025-01-01
Win vs BryanGarcia 2-0 2024-12-27
Win vs Thrillager 2-0 2024-12-27
Smashcamp #23
Lose vs UT | Gallon 0-3 2024-12-21
Win vs GUMP2 | Jojo 2-0 2024-12-21
Win vs Blas 2-0 2024-12-21
Lose vs MRRRRRR 0-2 2024-12-21
Win vs PixelKage 2-0 2024-12-21
Smashcamp #19
Lose vs Bell's | Cisco 1-2 2024-11-23
Lose vs Bell's | Cisco 0-2 2024-11-23
Win vs UT | Tybotexas 2-1 2024-11-23
Win vs UT | Galva 2-0 2024-11-23
Win vs Exodus 2-0 2024-11-23
Springtown Slam #126
Lose vs Ray 2-3 2024-11-22
Win vs Blooangel 3-2 2024-11-22
Lose vs Ray 2-3 2024-11-22
Win vs Sotomon 3-0 2024-11-22
Win vs ViaCher 2-0 2024-11-22
Smashvania #166
Lose vs MG | z3 1-3 2024-11-21
Win vs Bueno 2-0 2024-11-21
Win vs 8HR | Cliff 2-1 2024-11-21
Win vs Phantasm 2-0 2024-11-21
Win vs C9 | R1 | Coach Drago 2-0 2024-11-21
Lose vs 7980121 | TrueBlade 0-2 2024-11-21
Win vs UT | Voki 2-0 2024-11-21
Tournaments history (17)
Name Rank Date
Smashcamp #29 4 / 22 2025-02-08
Springtown Slam #135 2 / 15 2025-02-07
Crater Clash #27 3 / 15 2025-02-02
Smashcamp #28 17 / 18 2025-02-01
Springtown Slam #134 2 / 11 2025-01-31
Smashvania #175 4 / 31 2025-01-30
Smashvania #174 9 / 35 2025-01-23
Springtown Slam #132 3 / 17 2025-01-17
Smashvania #173 5 / 31 2025-01-16
Springtown Slam #131 2 / 8 2025-01-10
Smashvania #172 7 / 32 2025-01-09
Smashcamp #24 5 / 17 2025-01-04
Gaymer Night - Special Holiday Bracket! 1 / 14 2024-12-27
Smashcamp #23 5 / 16 2024-12-21
Smashcamp #19 4 / 20 2024-11-23
Springtown Slam #126 2 / 14 2024-11-22
Smashvania #166 5 / 40 2024-11-21