Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


1st out of 178
01 May 2021 - 01 August 2021
Activity requirement
Requires 5 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (38)
Overall performance in matches
95% Win rate
Win 36
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 87
- 11
+/- 76
Tournament statistics (11)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 8
Top 3 0
Top 8 1
Top 16 2
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 6x vs T3kn0path1c
Most lost 2x vs T3kn0path1c
Most played 8x vs T3kn0path1c
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Iluz_Twinedfive0
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 75% vs T3kn0path1c
Matches history (38)
Result Score Date
The Palmetto Series #17
Win vs T3kn0path1c 3-1 2021-07-27
Win vs T3kn0path1c 3-0 2021-07-27
Win vs Beamblaster10 3-0 2021-07-27
Win vs IBWoomy 2-0 2021-07-27
Win vs Iluz_Twinedfive0 2-1 2021-07-27
Lose vs T3kn0path1c 0-2 2021-07-27
Win vs IBWoomy 2-0 2021-07-27
Champions of the Era 94
Win vs Serp 3-1 2021-07-18
Win vs Serp 3-0 2021-07-18
Win vs IBWoomy 2-1 2021-07-18
Win vs FleshEater49 2-0 2021-07-18
Central Smackdown 2
Win vs Iluz_Twinedfive0 3-0 2021-06-11
Win vs Iluz_Twinedfive0 3-0 2021-06-11
Win vs SNG 2-0 2021-06-11
The Biweekly Procrastination 71
Win vs T3kn0path1c 3-0 2021-05-27
Win vs atom_brain 3-0 2021-05-25
Win vs T3kn0path1c 2-0 2021-05-22
Win vs ARTMH 2-0 2021-05-21
Champions of the Era 90
Win vs T3kn0path1c 3-1 2021-05-24
Win vs False King 2-0 2021-05-24
Win vs SNG 2-0 2021-05-24
The Biweekly Procrastination 70
Win vs ABC_PiggyBank 3-1 2021-05-17
Win vs IBWoomy 2-0 2021-05-13
Win vs Mystery_Man_Bro 2-0 2021-05-12
Win vs FP | mario_81 2-0 2021-05-10
Champions of the Era 89
Win vs Serp 3-0 2021-05-17
Win vs T3kn0path1c 3-0 2021-05-17
Win vs False King 2-0 2021-05-17
Win vs Frosty 2-0 2021-05-17
Win vs Edik123 2-0 2021-05-17
The Mummy Man Series 24
Win vs Beamblaster10 2-0 2021-05-13
Lose vs T3kn0path1c 0-2 2021-05-13
Win vs SNG 2-0 2021-05-13
Win vs Ferrarikid 2-0 2021-05-13
The Palmetto Series #6
Win vs Iluz_Twinedfive0 3-0 2021-05-11
Win vs Iluz_Twinedfive0 3-0 2021-05-11
Win vs Hunter_24 2-0 2021-05-11
Win vs SNG 2-1 2021-05-11
Tournaments history (11)
Name Rank Date
The Palmetto Series #17 1 / 15 2021-07-27
Champions of the Era 94 1 / 12 2021-07-18
Central Smackdown 2 1 / 6 2021-06-11
The Biweekly Procrastination 71 1 / 13 2021-05-27
Champions of the Era 90 1 / 10 2021-05-24
The Biweekly Procrastination 70 1 / 22 2021-05-17
Champions of the Era 89 1 / 16 2021-05-17
The Mummy Man Series 24 4 / 18 2021-05-13
The Palmetto Series #6 1 / 16 2021-05-11
The Mummy Man Series 23 9 / 16 2021-05-07
The Palmetto Series #5 9 / 12 2021-05-03