Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

MC David 

As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
44th out of 662
All times
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (37)
Overall performance in matches
65% Win rate
Win 24
Draw 0
Lose 13
+ 70
- 43
+/- 27
Tournament statistics (6)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 4
Top 16 1
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 2x vs BS
Most lost 2x vs THS | Mr. Sun
Most played 3x vs BS
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 67% vs BS
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 67% vs BS
Matches history (37)
Result Score Date
Melee Mondays @ The Cave #413
Lose vs Anakin 0-2 2024-07-30
Win vs sampy 2-1 2024-07-30
Lose vs RapM 1-2 2024-07-30
Win vs CG | LAVITZ-01 (box) 2-1 2024-07-30
Win vs TGZSS | Stutter Step Steven 2-0 2024-07-30
Melee @ Xanadu 569
Lose vs RFDP | squizzage 1-2 2024-07-25
Win vs Johnny 2-1 2024-07-25
Lose vs Kush Messiah 1-2 2024-07-25
Win vs scariest video of a dog 2-0 2024-07-25
MD/DC Circuit Finale!
Lose vs Kush Messiah 0-3 2024-07-15
Lose vs MMG | Seven 0-3 2024-07-15
Win vs Treeaye 3-0 2024-07-14
Win vs Mo $ 3-1 2024-07-14
Win vs 410 | FLiP_ 3-0 2024-07-14
Win vs Louise 3-1 2024-07-13
Lose vs BS 2-3 2024-07-13
Win vs TGZSS | Stutter Step Steven 3-0 2024-07-13
Melee @ Xanadu 564
Lose vs THS | Mr. Sun 1-3 2024-06-20
Win vs Louise 3-1 2024-06-20
Lose vs THS | Mr. Sun 1-3 2024-06-20
Win vs iowndisgam 3-0 2024-06-20
Win vs DIP 2-0 2024-06-20
Win vs lizzy 2-0 2024-06-20
The 2024 Spring Melee Arcadian hosted at GMU
Lose vs Melen 2-3 2024-03-10
Win vs BS 3-1 2024-03-10
Lose vs Daniel 1-3 2024-03-10
Win vs LLUY | John Llawless 3-0 2024-03-10
Win vs BS 3-1 2024-03-10
Win vs Symphony 2-0 2024-03-09
Win vs Joak 2-0 2024-03-09
Win vs indie_dev 2-0 2024-03-09
College Park Mutiny: Blossom (feat eve, Kevin Maples, mvlvchi + $200 pot)
Lose vs JHU | PM | Ryan 1-3 2024-03-03
Win vs stats 3-0 2024-03-03
Win vs Treeaye 2-0 2024-03-03
Lose vs CF | Kevin Maples 0-2 2024-03-03
Win vs Mo $ 2-1 2024-03-03
Win vs UMD | Ishan 2-0 2024-03-03
Tournaments history (6)