Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
153rd out of 662
All times
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (39)
Overall performance in matches
51% Win rate
Win 20
Draw 0
Lose 19
+ 48
- 50
+/- -2
Tournament statistics (8)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 3
Top 16 1
Top 32 4
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 2x vs TD Bolt
Most lost 3x vs CF | Kevin Maples
Most played 3x vs CF | Kevin Maples
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs CF | Kevin Maples
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs CF | Kevin Maples
Matches history (39)
Result Score Date
Flip/Side #12
Win vs Beans 2-0 2024-04-17
Lose vs Maxi 0-3 2024-04-17
Win vs TD Bolt 2-1 2024-04-17
Lose vs CF | Kevin Maples 1-3 2024-04-17
Flip/Side #11
Lose vs Cigtar 1-2 2024-04-03
Win vs DoublesConches | double 2-1 2024-04-03
Lose vs Quote 0-2 2024-04-03
Win vs BamV9 2-0 2024-04-03
Win vs IVG | frames 2-1 2024-04-03
Lose vs CF | Kevin Maples 0-2 2024-04-03
Win vs Cigtar 2-1 2024-04-03
The Cave - Melee Mondays - Melee Singles (04/01/24)
Lose vs Mo $ 0-2 2024-04-02
Lose vs Baker 0-2 2024-04-02
Flip/Side: Bonus Round
Lose vs 8va 1-3 2024-03-27
Win vs Cheesepuff 2-1 2024-03-27
Lose vs Kush Messiah 0-2 2024-03-27
Win vs Quote 2-0 2024-03-27
Win vs TGZSS | Stutter Step Steven 2-0 2024-03-27
The Cave - Melee Meetups - Melee Singles (03/25/24)
Lose vs stats 0-2 2024-03-25
Win vs Cookout 2-0 2024-03-25
Win vs Ewok 2-1 2024-03-25
Lose vs Mvlvchi 0-2 2024-03-25
Win vs dd 2-0 2024-03-25
Lose vs Louise 0-2 2024-03-25
Win vs TD Bolt 2-0 2024-03-25
M Series #16 @Creative Alliance ($350 pot!) Feat. Khryke, Egg, Kevin, mvlvchi
Lose vs DIP 2-3 2024-03-24
Lose vs iowndisgam 0-2 2024-03-23
Lose vs 8va 0-2 2024-03-23
Win vs Johnny Lawrence 2-0 2024-03-23
Win vs Eat Out | Ivan Ouze 2-0 2024-03-23
Win vs n8ful 2-0 2024-03-23
Flip/Side #10
Lose vs Strayhousepet 2-3 2024-03-20
Win vs Fresh Prince 2-1 2024-03-20
Lose vs CF | Kevin Maples 0-2 2024-03-20
Win vs Strayhousepet 2-0 2024-03-20
Win vs BamV9 2-0 2024-03-20
The Cave - Melee Meetups - Melee Singles (03/18/24)
Lose vs sampy 0-2 2024-03-18
Win vs Fyzzl 2-0 2024-03-18
Lose vs Symphony 1-2 2024-03-18
Tournaments history (8)