Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


40th out of 248
All times
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (33)
Overall performance in matches
58% Win rate
Win 19
Draw 0
Lose 14
+ 61
- 51
+/- 10
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 3
Top 16 2
Top 32 1
Worst 3
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Hero Time
Most lost 2x vs Shaggy
Most played 4x vs Hero Time
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 75% vs Hero Time
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 75% vs Hero Time
Matches history (34)
Result Score Date
The End
Not set vs Opposite Young Link Not set
Season 9 Tourney 5
Lose vs Shaggy 0-2 2019-09-08
Lose vs Pyra 0-2 2019-09-07
Win vs Empire MM Proto Man 2-0 2019-09-06
Season 9 Tourney One
Lose vs Empire RN Bowser 0-3 2019-08-11
Lose vs EVL IG Thanos Gun 0-3 2019-08-07
Win vs W.T Donkey Kong 2-1 2019-08-07
Win vs Peach 2-0 2019-08-07
Ultimate Tourey 4.0 Casual Ruleset
Lose vs EVL | Dark Vince 1-3 2019-08-06
Lose vs Shaggy 2-3 2019-08-06
Win vs W.T Donkey Kong 3-1 2019-08-06
Win vs Resistance AS Eight 2-0 2019-08-06
Win vs Yoshi 2-0 2019-08-05
Win vs Simon 2-1 2019-08-04
Win vs Zero suit samus 2-0 2019-08-03
Season Eight Tournament Two
Lose vs Narukami 2-3 2019-07-29
Win vs Hero Time 3-2 2019-07-29
Lose vs Narukami 2-3 2019-07-29
Win vs Alliance C.B Piranha plant 2-0 2019-07-29
Win vs Yang 2-0 2019-07-29
Win vs Hero Time 2-0 2019-07-29
Season Eight Tournament One
Lose vs BigChungus 2-3 2019-07-27
Win vs Wii fit trainer 3-1 2019-07-27
Season 7 tourney 1 The miis ultimate tourney (the miis return)
Lose vs Kingdom AZ Decidueye 2-3 2019-07-21
Ultimate Tourey 3.0 With All Stages
Lose vs EVL | Dark Vince 2-3 2019-07-19
Win vs Hero Time 3-1 2019-07-19
Win vs Lucario 3-1 2019-07-19
Win vs GL Toon link 3-2 2019-07-17
Lose vs Empire Corrin 0-3 2019-07-08
Special Season Tourney Two Who is Best Mii
Lose vs Champion 1-3 2019-06-22
Win vs MatPat 3-2 2019-06-22
Win vs Thanos 3-0 2019-06-22
Season 5 Tourney 2 The Miis 2.0
Lose vs Hero Time 1-2 2019-06-11
Win vs Kingdom Black Knight 2-0 2019-06-09
Tournaments history (10)
Name Rank Date
The End Not set / 247 2020-01-26
Season 9 Tourney 5 17 / 32 2019-09-06
Season 9 Tourney One 5 / 16 2019-08-07
Ultimate Tourey 4.0 Casual Ruleset 5 / 141 2019-08-01
Season Eight Tournament Two 2 / 16 2019-07-28
Season Eight Tournament One 5 / 16 2019-07-27
Season 7 tourney 1 The miis ultimate tourney (the miis return) 33 / 47 2019-07-21
Ultimate Tourey 3.0 With All Stages 33 / 128 2019-07-08
Special Season Tourney Two Who is Best Mii 9 / 45 2019-06-22
Season 5 Tourney 2 The Miis 2.0 9 / 25 2019-06-08