217 Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


51st out of 321
01 September 2019 - 31 December 2024
Activity requirement
Requires 6 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (31)
Overall performance in matches
35% Win rate
Win 11
Draw 0
Lose 20
+ 26
- 47
+/- -21
Tournament statistics (7)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 2
Top 8 3
Top 16 2
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs SPS | InkNova
Most lost 4x vs Booker
Most played 4x vs Booker
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 67% vs SPS | InkNova
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Booker
Matches history (31)
Result Score Date
217SB RR Pool 2 Week 20
Win vs Pixiy 2-1 2020-02-01
Lose vs JTWild 0-2 2020-02-01
Lose vs Goth 1-2 2020-02-01
Lose vs Booker 0-2 2020-02-01
Win vs Tzim14 2-1 2020-02-01
217SB Week 18 Singles
Lose vs Shrug 0-2 2020-01-15
Win vs SPS | InkNova 2-1 2020-01-15
Lose vs Walbats 0-2 2020-01-15
217SB RR pool 5 Week 18
Lose vs SPS | InkNova 1-2 2020-01-16
Win vs SPS | Pyrocat 2-1 2020-01-16
Win vs Johnny0 2-1 2020-01-16
Win vs Element 2-0 2020-01-16
Lose vs Booker 0-2 2020-01-16
217 Week 12 Singles
Lose vs Booker 0-2 2019-11-20
Win vs SPS | Saturn 2-1 2019-11-20
Lose vs Bokchoyyy! 0-2 2019-11-20
217 Week 12 RR pool 3
Lose vs Blacksmith 0-2 2019-11-26
Win vs Oak 2-0 2019-11-26
Win vs Autotomize 2-0 2019-11-26
Win vs SPS | InkNova 2-1 2019-11-26
Lose vs Booker 0-2 2019-11-26
217 Week 11 RR pool 2
Lose vs Kuro 0-2 2019-11-14
Win vs SPS | Saturn 2-0 2019-11-14
Lose vs jdawgin13 0-2 2019-11-14
Lose vs Gage 0-2 2019-11-14
Lose vs Goth 0-2 2019-11-14
217 Week 10 RR pool 2
Lose vs Matter 1-2 2019-11-08
Lose vs Tzim14 0-2 2019-11-08
Lose vs Blacksmith 0-2 2019-11-08
Lose vs HC 1-2 2019-11-08
Lose vs Walbats 0-2 2019-11-08
Tournaments history (7)
Name Rank Date
217SB RR Pool 2 Week 20 4 / 6 2020-01-31
217SB Week 18 Singles 9 / 16 2020-01-16
217SB RR pool 5 Week 18 3 / 6 2020-01-15
217 Week 12 Singles 9 / 16 2019-11-22
217 Week 12 RR pool 3 3 / 6 2019-11-20
217 Week 11 RR pool 2 5 / 6 2019-11-13
217 Week 10 RR pool 2 6 / 6 2019-11-06