Smash KC

Super Smash Bros. N64

United States
2 725
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


348th out of 2725
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played within last 5 years
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (52)
Overall performance in matches
40% Win rate
Win 21
Draw 0
Lose 31
+ 49
- 69
+/- -20
Tournament statistics (15)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 2
Top 8 4
Top 16 7
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Gib
Most lost 6x vs SuperMinority4000
Most played 7x vs k00laid
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs CVSTLE
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs E
Matches history (62)
Result Score Date
Kirbstompd 6: A Super Smash Bros. 64 Tournament - Copy
Lose vs Three Beers 0-2 2020-03-08
Win vs k00laid 2-0 2020-03-08
Lose vs neonate 0-2 2020-03-08
Lose vs Studstill 1-2 2020-03-08
Lose vs SuperMinority4000 0-2 2020-03-08
Lose vs B33F 0-2 2020-03-08
Thundershock II: No One Expects the Double
Lose vs Bagels 1-2 2019-12-15
Lose vs SuperMinority4000 0-2 2019-12-15
Win vs Dela 2-0 2019-12-15
Win vs RedNinja4444 2-0 2019-12-15
Win vs PJAMS 2-0 2019-12-15
Thundershock LR2
Draw vs Spo 0-0 2019-10-15
Draw vs CG | Firebolt 0-0 2019-10-15
Win vs thetaiter 2-1 2019-10-15
Thundershock Top 10
Lose vs k00laid 0-2 2019-10-15
Win vs CG | Firebolt 2-0 2019-10-15
Lose vs SuperMinority4000 0-2 2019-10-15
ThunderShock Pools
Win vs R4NDO 2-0 2019-10-15
Win vs Chavo 2-0 2019-10-15
Lose vs Big Red 0-2 2019-10-15
SmashKC 5
Lose vs thetaiter 0-2 2019-08-31
Win vs CVSTLE 2-0 2019-08-31
Lose vs Gib 0-2 2019-08-31
Lose vs Spo 1-2 2019-08-31
Lose vs Dmize 1-2 2019-08-31
Win vs CVSTLE 2-0 2019-08-31
Lose vs Dr. D 0-2 2019-08-31
Lose vs SuperMinority4000 0-2 2019-08-31
Smash KC 4 (feat Roman and Dr. D)
Lose vs wormdigger 0-2 2019-03-10
Lose vs k00laid 0-2 2019-03-10
Win vs CVSTLE 2-0 2019-03-10
Lose vs Gib 1-2 2019-03-10
Lose vs SuperMinority4000 1-2 2019-03-10
Lose vs Roman 0-2 2019-03-10
SKC4 T-9th
Win vs k00laid 2-0 2019-04-04
Win vs Gib 2-0 2019-04-04
SKC4 LR1 and T-7th
Win vs Spo 2-1 2019-04-04
1-9-19 Seriouslies
Win vs Spo 2-0 2019-01-10
Win vs thetaiter 2-1 2019-01-10
Lose vs SuperMinority4000 0-2 2019-01-10
Lose vs Big Red 0-2 2019-01-10
Win vs Gib 2-1 2019-01-10
11/14 Srsly
Win vs Spo 2-1 2018-11-15
Lose vs E 0-2 2018-11-15
Win vs Gib 2-1 2018-11-15
Win vs thetaiter 2-0 2018-11-15
Lose vs k00laid 0-2 2018-11-15
Lose vs Big Red 0-2 2018-11-15
Draw vs PairBair 0-0 2018-11-15
Smash KC 1
Lose vs k00laid 0-2 2018-11-09
Lose vs Gib 0-2 2018-11-09
Yaron Townhouse 4 Actual
Lose vs E 0-2 2018-11-09
Win vs PC Buffalo 2-0 2018-11-09
Lose vs DJ 0-2 2018-11-09
Try'na Smash
Lose vs RCopp 0-2 2018-11-10
Lose vs Drux 0-2 2018-11-10
Win vs JD 2-1 2018-11-10
Lose vs k00laid 1-2 2018-11-10
Win vs J Geezy 2-0 2018-11-10
Lose vs Roman 0-2 2018-11-10
KCGameOn #74
Lose vs thomasadams 1-2 2018-11-10
Lose vs iluvmybuns 0-2 2018-11-10
Tournaments history (15)
Name Rank Date
Kirbstompd 6: A Super Smash Bros. 64 Tournament - Copy Not set / 25 2020-03-08
Thundershock II: No One Expects the Double 7 / 17 2019-12-15
Thundershock LR2 2 / 4 2019-10-15
Thundershock Top 10 5 / 10 2019-10-13
ThunderShock Pools 16 / 16 2019-10-12
SmashKC 5 9 / 12 2019-08-31
SKC4 LR1 and T-7th 5 / 10 2019-03-09
SKC4 T-9th 1 / 4 2019-03-09
Smash KC 4 (feat Roman and Dr. D) 9 / 29 2019-03-09
1-9-19 Seriouslies 3 / 6 2019-01-10
11/14 Srsly 4 / 8 2018-11-14
Smash KC 1 9 / 12 2018-06-06
Yaron Townhouse 4 Actual 9 / 16 2017-12-02
Try'na Smash 9 / 24 2017-11-04
KCGameOn #74 9 / 12 2017-04-16