Retos Oficiales

SoulCalibur VI

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


10th out of 15
Point - Defined Manually
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (20)
Overall performance in matches
30% Win rate
Win 6
Draw 0
Lose 14
+ 51
- 76
+/- -25
Tournament statistics (20)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 6
Top 3 14
Top 8 0
Top 16 0
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Alucard
Most lost 4x vs thelastdaniels
Most played 4x vs thelastdaniels
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Alucard
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs CyanST
Matches history (20)
Result Score Date
Axl vs Darthneo
Lose vs Axl 0-5 2021-02-23
CyanST vs Darthneo
Lose vs CyanST 1-5 2021-02-23
thelastdaniels vs Darthneo
Lose vs thelastdaniels 1-5 2021-02-16
Darthneo vs Alucard
Win vs Alucard 5-2 2021-02-16
Darthneo vs TonyMoonman
Win vs TonyMoonman 5-0 2021-02-16
Fuko vs Darthneo
Lose vs Fuko 2-5 2021-02-16
thelastdaniels vs Darthneo
Lose vs thelastdaniels 3-5 2021-02-16
CyanST vs Darthneo
Lose vs CyanST 2-5 2021-02-16
Clouds Lee vs Darthneo
Lose vs Clouds Lee 0-5 2021-02-16
thelastdaniels vs Darthneo
Lose vs thelastdaniels 1-5 2021-02-16
Darthneo vs Alucard
Win vs Alucard 5-0 2021-02-16
MordeKaiser vs Darthneo
Lose vs Mordekaiser 3-5 2021-02-16
CyanST vs Darthneo
Lose vs CyanST 0-5 2021-02-16
Benjamín vs Darthneo
Lose vs Benjamín 3-5 2021-02-16
Doma vs Darthneo
Lose vs Doma 1-5 2021-02-16
Ricardo vs Darthneo
Win vs Ricardo 5-3 2021-02-16
thelastdaniels vs Darthneo
Lose vs thelastdaniels 3-5 2021-02-16
Darthneo vs TonyMoonman
Win vs TonyMoonman 5-0 2021-02-16
Alucard vs Darthneo
Win vs Alucard 5-1 2021-02-16
Fuko vs Darthneo
Lose vs Fuko 1-5 2021-02-16
Tournaments history (20)
Name Rank Date
CyanST vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2021-02-21
Axl vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2021-02-21
thelastdaniels vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2021-02-06
Darthneo vs Alucard 1 / 2 2021-01-31
Darthneo vs TonyMoonman 1 / 2 2021-01-03
Fuko vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2021-01-03
thelastdaniels vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2021-01-03
Clouds Lee vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2020-10-01
CyanST vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2020-10-01
Darthneo vs Alucard 1 / 2 2020-09-26
MordeKaiser vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2020-09-26
thelastdaniels vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2020-09-26
Benjamín vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2020-03-07
CyanST vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2020-03-07
Doma vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2020-03-07
thelastdaniels vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2020-03-07
Ricardo vs Darthneo 1 / 2 2020-03-07
Alucard vs Darthneo 1 / 2 2020-02-29
Darthneo vs TonyMoonman 1 / 2 2020-02-29
Fuko vs Darthneo 2 / 2 2020-02-29