League Manager

Ranking generator, statistics for each players, history, head 2 head and more.

Major leagues recently updated and most active
14 532
Active last 7 days
Active last 30 days
2 040 262
Countries (top 10)
United States 6872
Canada 1065
France 690
Mexico 602
Spain 356
United Kingdom 295
Chile 231
Brazil 188
Australia 163
Germany 161
Games (top 10)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 7762
Super Smash Bros. Melee 1679
Super Smash Bros. Wii U 587
Super Smash Bros. Project M 361
Rivals of Aether 318
Tekken 7 198
Street Fighter 6 151
Street Fighter V 139
Dragonball FighterZ 117
Super Smash Bros. N64 113